"Of course!" Fang Qing smiled confidently, "I just talked to Xiaoling. Qiangyun has an electronic pulse attack means that can directly act on electronic equipment. As long as it is launched, all the ships and chariots of the black evil army will be paralyzed. At that time, we will rush in to rob things and withdraw after robbing. How about it?"

Fang Qing didn't want to kill everyone directly.

But the terrain outside is peaceful. Even if we can get away with it, once we get out of the limited range of Qiangyun electronic pulse gun, we still have to face endless spaceships and chariots, but we will fall into a desperate situation again.

At this time, we can only temporarily take the Qiangyun as the base, find ways to establish a temporary base, and then make a strong counterattack when we gather enough manpower and resources.

The plan is such a plan, but it is not easy to implement.

If they don't return in time when they rob things and are surrounded by Heisha army experts, they may fall into the siege.

Lin Xiao's people are short of hands. Relying on him and Fang Qing alone, once they are surrounded, they are afraid of more or less bad luck.

"The way is a good way, but how do we know where the supplies of the black evil army are? Even if we are lucky to find them, if we encounter the puppet supreme of the other party, it will be over?"


A holographic image suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xiao, and Xiaoling played him a video.

In the video, there is a strange motorcycle. There is a special glass cover outside the motorcycle, which looks small and flexible.

"This kind of car can reach extremely fast speed and even fly away from gravity for a short time. Moreover, its defense is strong. The general puppet supreme can't catch up. We can ride it out and try!" Fang Qing had already discussed everything with Xiaoling, so she discussed it with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Hi tech, is this thing reliable?"

"Is it reliable? Just try it? Don't you dare?" Fang Qing deliberately asked in a mocking tone, "if you dare not, I can go with Ye Lao."

"Nonsense, I dare not?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "I'm just thinking about how to bring back such a small motorcycle even if I find supplies?"

Xiao Ling suddenly sighed.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously.

"There is a space technology in our strong Cloud Star, which can put a lot of things in the space box. If there is a space box, you can bring back a lot of things."

"Space box?" Lin Xiao was surprised. This is something that only exists in science fiction movies. I didn't expect to see it one day.

"Well, there are on the strong cloud. Unfortunately, the warship can't start and the space box can't be used."

"Do you mean that the space box can only be used with the warship?"

"Yes," Xiaoling blinked innocently. "The space box technology is actually a short-distance space transmission technology, which can transmit things to the warship through the box, or from the warship warehouse to the box. As long as it is within a certain range, the transmission can be completed."

Lin Xiao's mood inevitably became hot. If he took such a box with him, it would be much easier to store things.

In order to give you an intuitive impression, Xiaoling opens a holographic image for introduction.

There are many kinds of space boxes, the smallest is about the size of a palm, and the storage and transfer is about some coins and small objects.

The larger space box is 10 meters or even 100 meters in size, and there are more things that can be stored and transferred.

"Alas! It's a pity that I can't use it now. It's no use talking so much," Lin Xiao said with a bitter smile. "I'd better find a way to bring back the supplies."

Xiao Ling seemed to be calculating something quickly. After a few seconds, he laughed, "Captain, I intruded into the communication system of the Heisha army through the low-frequency signal and found that they happen to have a supply team coming. The most critical point..."

Lin Xiao guessed Xiao Ling's meaning in an instant, and his eyes brightened. "Do you mean there is a space box in their supply team?"

"Smart!" Xiaoling smiled, "it's a one meter square space box. I can destroy its space signal and steal supplies from their warehouse in a short time!"

"OK, give me the position!" Cried Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao and Fang Qing rushed out on a small combat flying motorcycle.

Under the cover of the strong cloud, they passed through the leading force of the Heisha army very safely.

When the black evil army reacted, Lin Xiao and his men had rushed into the battle.

Due to the close distance between the two sides, the enemy cannot use heavy firepower and can only rely on individual soldiers to intercept.

Unfortunately, this small flying motorcycle has strong defense, and ordinary weapons can't penetrate it at all.

The black evil army could only watch Lin Xiao and Fang Qing rush out of the encirclement and come to the periphery.

All the way, Lin Xiao soon saw the supply team.

A team of dozens of people escorting a small space box is enough to illustrate its importance.

"Hey! It seems that these guys want to fight a protracted war. I think there must be good things in the warehouse connected to this space box!" Lin Xiao was excited and shouted in a loud voice, "let's go! Let's be robbers!"


Two flying motorcycles pressed the land out of an air wave trench close to the ground and rushed frantically to the motorcade.

The escort convoy was lazy. They only received the order to send the space box to the garrison without specifying the time.

I thought it was an easy job, but I was robbed on the way.

They had no idea that there were two robbers in the area surrounded by the heavy army of the Heisha army.

The team leader was stunned. He didn't react until a figure rushed out of the flying motorcycle and killed in front of him. He shouted, "come on! Fight back!"


Lin Xiao cut it with a knife, and the leader was neatly cut in half with his weapons.


Lin Xiao, with a laser sword in his hand, was so fast that he was only a flower in front of people.

Lin Xiao, who has reached the Ninth Section of the great master, has a soaring combat effectiveness. Now he has a feeling that even if the Supreme Master is in front of him, he dares to fight.

At the same time, with a roar in the distance, a fierce figure rushed to the end of the team at a faster speed and crashed into the formation.

"Unbeaten!?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned.

Unbeaten has been meeting Lin Xiao outside the city, but it's a pity that he hasn't had a chance to contact it. At the moment, Lin Xiao finally came out and naturally wants to take it back.

"Invincible! Grab the box!" Lin Xiao killed wildly.

Unbeaten directly knocked over the car, a pair of iron twins tore the bulletproof trunk of the escort box and carried the space box to their shoulders.

The one meter long space box is full of silver, as if a layer of amber luster was painted on it, which looks very exquisite.

"Here we are. Let's go!" As soon as Lin Xiao saw that he was successful, he also loved war. After cutting down several people with a knife, he immediately turned and rushed to FeiMo.

Fang Qing met around and followed up when she got the news. The two quickly converged and drove towards the future.

Unbeaten carries the box and runs behind. In terms of speed, it is no worse than FeiMo.

Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

He never seemed to see how strong he was when he was unbeaten and went all out.

Now it seems that unbeaten has never gone all out.

"The head of the eight supreme masters is really powerful!"

Two cars and a puppet made a circle and killed them again.

When the Heisha army learned that the supplies had been robbed, it immediately sent a large army to encircle and suppress them.

It was dark in front of Lin Xiao's eyes, and he stopped with a crash.

"Shit! There's something wrong with this situation!"

If the electronic pulse had not destroyed the flight equipment of the Heisha army, they would be in a more difficult situation now.

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