Lin Xiao didn't expect that the Black Ghost army reacted a little fast, and the black spots in the battle array acted very quickly, which was absolutely different from ordinary people.

"Sure enough, I met the puppet supreme." Lin Xiao glanced at Fang Qing in FeiMo. "Their goal is me. You take the unbeaten and send the supply box back first!"

"Can you? Don't come back!" Fang Qing didn't worry much. First, their flying speed was so fast that the puppet couldn't catch up. Second, she also believed in Lin Xiao's strength. This sentence was just a joke.

"Less nonsense!" Lin Xiao smiled and scolded, and immediately drove the car to rush to the battle.

Fang Qing twisted the body and walked around the outer circle, unbeaten followed.

Sure enough, the black evil army seemed to have locked the target long ago.

Lin Xiao moved, and the whole battle array moved, chasing and intercepting him.

In this situation, other people are afraid at a glance, let alone run away. Whether they can stand firm is unknown.

Tens of thousands of people and horses galloping on the ground are still the most elite force of the black evil army, wearing advanced armor and holding weapons far beyond Earth Technology.

Being chased and killed by such a force, even the Supreme Master must confess, and even Lin Xiao felt his scalp explode.

He now wondered whether his little car could escape from heaven.

Boom, boom!

When all kinds of artillery fire came near, Lin Xiao swayed left and right. With FeiMo's strong steering and acceleration ability, he avoided the key one by one.

However, the energy of FeiMo's defense cover is limited. If it is occasionally touched by gunfire, the energy bar will be greatly cut.

"Defence shield energy remaining 84%!"

Artificial intelligence reminds Lin Xiao.



Lin Xiao opened the weapon attack system on the panel and clicked the machine gun button.

Dada dada

The sound of heavy machine guns rang through the whole battlefield. At that time, a team of black evil army soldiers were smashed to pieces, and a flesh and blood passage was cleared in front of Lin Xiao.


FeiMo jumped into the crowd, knocked over more than ten people horizontally, then stopped slightly, suddenly raised the front of the car, flew over hundreds of people and landed steadily on the ground.

I thought I could relax for a while, but I didn't expect that there were only a lot of black evil army soldiers around, and those puppets who moved very fast had rushed forward.

Just a rough count, Lin Xiao was frightened.

There are six puppet supreme masters killed from all directions. If they are surrounded, even if they have FeiMo, they will not escape the fate of being surrounded and annihilated.

On the Phoenix warship, ye lost standing on the edge of the chord platform, his hands behind him, staring at the battle on the ground without expression.

For Lin Xiao, Ye's loss actually doesn't care much.

When he came to the earth, in addition to being ordered to catch people, he also had to develop his own power.

There are billions of human beings in such a big place as the earth. If all slaves become slaves, it will play a significant role in promoting his future development.

"If you make Lin Xiao the supreme puppet, maybe it's the core of a second-generation puppet..." Ye lost his lips. "It's a pity to catch alive, hum!"

The battle on the ground is more intense.

Tens of thousands of people catch one person. This scale and action is enough to shock the world, but even so, it can not completely form a siege.

In addition to Lin Xiao's calm judgment and on-the-spot reaction, but also relying on the speed of FeiMo, the six puppets were divided into a circular encirclement, but they still couldn't control him.

Boom, boom!

Several light cannons exploded on the defense cover, and the sound of artificial intelligence increased by decibels.

"Please pay attention! 47% of the shield energy remains!"

Lin Xiao looked back. Fang Qing and unbeaten had disappeared. According to the calculation of time, they should almost rush back to the ground.

As long as it reaches the attack range of the strong cloud, Fang Qing will be safe.

"Fang Qing! Have you gone back?" Lin Xiao asked urgently.


The communication channel was intermittent, but Fang Qing's voice soon came, "I'm safe! Unbeaten has turned back to help you. How's your side?"

"Not very good!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "the enemy seems crazy."

"What should I do..."


Fang Qing's communication was suddenly interrupted.

Lin Xiao quickly looked up. The Phoenix warship obviously launched some kind of electronic attack, and a wave that could be felt quickly spread to the battlefield.

Ye lost and cut off all communication on the battlefield, even if the contact between the ground black ghost army and the Phoenix warship was interrupted.

Anyway, you can clearly see the trend of the ground battle. Ye lost doesn't need to contact the ground. He wants to ensure that Lin Xiao becomes a headless fly and has no way to escape.


The flying rub rubs the ground and produces a lot of dust. Since Fang Qing is safe, Lin Xiao doesn't plan to continue to detour. He adjusts the front pen and rushes straight in the direction of the strong cloud.


After crashing into a channel again, Lin Xiao was about to speed up his breakthrough. Suddenly, he was hit head-on. The body couldn't rotate in balance and went backward.

I saw two extremely tall and strong puppets blocking up with big steps.

At the same time, there were puppets at the back of the car and on both sides, and all directions were blocked.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao stopped flying motorcycle, but the engine was still starting. He would rush out whenever he had a chance.

Unfortunately, this short pause has made the Heisha army form a siege.

Ye lost and stared at the ground. The corners of his mouth finally aroused a faint smile, "this little bug, finally has no way to escape?"


Naturally, Lin Xiao would not be caught without a hand. He drove the flying motorcycle forward and fired the only missile at the same time.

Due to the small size and limited loading capacity of Flying Magic, the only missile is also used as a key breakthrough.

This missile fiercely exploded on the two puppets in front of him.


The two puppets turned upside down and shot out, and their bodies were damaged to varying degrees.


Lin Xiao took the opportunity to drive forward.


The two puppets struggled a few times and slowly stood up again.

The other four puppets were close to the flying motorcycle and didn't give it a chance to speed up completely.

Bang bang!

Boom, boom!

Several puppet supreme masters waved their fists, smashed it on the flying motorcycle like a meteor fire shower, and scattered it everywhere. At the same time, the flying motorcycle's energy defense shield was also rapidly diminishing.

"Warning! Warning! 9% of the shield energy remains!"


Finally, the FeiMo shield was torn open by the puppet supreme.

The electronic system was almost completely chaotic, and the chaotic code flashed quickly on the control panel.


Lingyun drives several times, but the car can't move. It can only spin in place.

Once the shield was completely broken, Lin Xiao would not have a chance to resist the six puppets.

At this time, the black evil army seemed to have some riots, and there was a faint sound of battle coming from the direction of the strong cloud.

Judging from the intensity of the battle, it was unbeaten.

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