Even though Nangong brocade is angry, it can't compete with Ye lost.

She looked anxiously at Lin Xiao, who was becoming more and more dangerous, and her heart hung to her throat.

Ye lost glanced at her secretly, a faint sneer was aroused at the corners of her mouth, and she stood up calmly. "Don't worry, saint. I won't hurt his life. Even if I catch it, I will deal with it properly. After all... The Lord wants living people!"

Nangong Jin trembled and asked in a cold voice, "I ask you! Why did the Lord catch Lin Xiao? He is far away from heaven and earth. How can he know that Lin Xiao exists on the earth?"

"Ha ha..." Ye lost no disease and said slowly, "the Lord has the ability to connect heaven and earth. Naturally, he has not been known for a long time. There is a figure on the earth that can affect the pattern of the universe, that is Lin Xiao!"

"Whoever gets Lin Xiao is the future master of the universe!" The words "Ye lost" are vague and full of some kind of conspiracy.

"Nonsense!" Nangong Jin naturally doesn't believe such words.

"Saint, look!" Ye lost suddenly made a fuss and pointed to the battle scene on the ground, "Lin Xiao seems to be in trouble!"

Knowing Ye lost deliberately, Nangong Jin was helpless. She lay nervously behind the porthole and clenched her little hand tightly.

Lin Xiao is really in trouble at the moment.

His FeiMo was smashed by the puppet supreme, and the whole person was exposed in front of the army.

With unbeaten protection, Lin Xiao was only disheartened and had no danger for the time being.

But as the six puppets rushed to the top, Lin Xiao's heart was sinking rapidly.

Poof poof

After several swords turned over several black evil warriors, Lin Xiao found that he was stared at by two puppets.

The other party's dead eyes and majestic and tall body make Lin Xiao feel great pressure.


The two puppets rushed into the air and pressed down on Lin Xiao.

Unbeaten, trapped and difficult to rescue.

Lin Xiao was surprised and ran away, but he couldn't run as fast as the puppet supreme.


In a hurry, Lin Xiao was rushed forward by a puppet, reluctantly raised his hand to resist, or was knocked over by a fist.

If he hadn't made a breakthrough in strength recently, this real punch would kill him half.

Nangong Jindu was so anxious that he could only watch Lin Xiao in distress.

"Ye lost! You quickly order the withdrawal!" Nangong Jin roared.

Ye lost is still a relaxed and angry look. She said with a smile, "don't worry, saint. Lin Xiao can only suffer at most. His life won't be in danger!"

Nangong Jinqi smiled. "Can you control such a chaotic situation? Those puppets are not human. Do they know how to deal with it?"

Ye lost and shrugged helplessly, "trust me, they won't die!"

"You..." Nangong Jin didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He turned around and rushed out to leave this place.

The military master's crime is light, and he stops Nangong Jin like a ghost.


Nangong Jin punched without hesitation.

She has been transformed by nano robots. Her physical strength and reaction quality have long been extraordinary. Even if she can't fight the crime of military teachers, she also has the power to fight in the face of great masters.

Hoo Hoo!

However, to Nangong Jin's surprise, the crime of military division seems harmless and weak, but the reaction speed is ridiculously fast.

Whether Nangong brocade uses electronic lock or body method speed, it can't do anything about each other.

After several times, Nangong Jin didn't even step out and kept turning around in situ.

"Saint, calm down!" The military division bent slightly and kept close to Nangong brocade.

Nangong Jin retreated decadent and glared at the division's sin.

The other party kept his head down and didn't look at her. Nangong Jin couldn't get angry.

"Saint," Ye lost and shouted in a strange way, "Lin Xiao seems to be dead!"


Lin Xiao was very embarrassed. He rubbed his sore chest and retreated quickly, but the other party was relentless. He was about to be suppressed when he heard a loud noise.


The two puppets were bounced away by some force.

The sound of the bullet almost deafened Lin Xiao's ears and surprised him.

The surrounding black evil army was completely flustered and faintly heard bursts of Shouts.



A silver light rose into the sky.

Gao Haijian's seven star sword burst out an amazing light and swept directly across.

More than a dozen Black Ghost soldiers were cut in half in an instant.

At the same time, Ding Qiu and the madman two puppets flashed to protect Lin Xiao.


Another shot.

The supreme puppet rolling on the ground was hit again, and a ferocious wound appeared on his body at that time.


These two puppets are not stupid. They know that they are locked by anti equipment snipers. They dare not continue to love war and quickly escape into the crowd.

"Sea sword?" Lin Xiao was surprised to see someone coming, "you..."


"Boss, here we are!"

"Shit! Dare to bully our boss and die!"

"Hahaha... Silly Bibs of the Heisha army, grandpa is coming!"

Song Zhaolong, Ling Yu and others came strong. They lined up their shields to protect Lin Xiao.

Boom, boom!

The enemy's artillery bombarded us, all of which were resisted by laser shields.

A thin layer of golden light mask slowly formed, becoming larger and larger, covering an area of tens of meters.


Langyan covered in the distance. The special sniper gun in his hand had great power. Even the puppet supreme didn't dare to resist easily. He had to flee East and West.

With the support of Madman and Ding Qiu, the unbeaten pressure is greatly reduced.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Boss, you are here."

"Brothers have been looking for you for a long time!"

At the same time, Lin Xiao was also worried and immediately ordered, "don't say anything else, everyone follow me to retreat to the base!"


Dozens of people were ordered to launch the formation in an orderly manner to protect Lin Xiao's rapid retreat towards the base.

The retreat formation led by Gao Haijian is assisted by shield and the strange seven star sword in his hand. The enemy can't get close at all.

Even if the puppet supreme comes, he can barely resist one or two.

With the help of unbeaten, madman and Ding Qiu, the whole group is as solid as gold.

Ye lost his eyes when he saw this scene. "Lin Xiao is really lucky. What a pity..."

The six supporting puppets finally arrived, stopped in front of the people, and launched a fierce attack at the first time.

Even if their shields are powerful and can resist artillery fire, their energy is rapidly weakening in the face of the fierce attack of the puppet supreme.

Bang bang!

Other puppet supremacies have also been killed one after another. Twelve puppet supremacies are enough to kill tens of thousands of people. They can't hold off for long.

Unbeaten wanted to rush out to open a break, but he was attacked repeatedly by the other party and couldn't stand back.

"Boss, something's wrong. The enemy's offensive is too fierce, and there are twelve puppets. We can't rush through!"

The party was trapped.

The energy of the shield is less and less. Once the shield is broken, they are bound to be dispersed into individuals and then broken one by one.

Boom, boom!

The puppet supreme spared no effort to attack madly, like an indefatigable war machine.

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