The shield energy decreased sharply. The shield in Song Zhaolong's hand had almost no color. After a second, it dissipated like a broken bubble.

Dongfang Yanghui holds a shield in both hands and bows from left to right. With his accurate judgment, he will block the flaws of his teammates from time to time, making the whole shield more solid.

However, there was still a gap in the shield. Several puppet supreme masters immediately rushed in and hit people without leaving their hands.

Gao Haijian, who stood in front of him, was knocked down at that time. The others couldn't dodge and collided together. The team was in a mess.

"Shit!" Gao Haijian turned over, the seven star sword waved a strong light, turned into Jingtian pilian and cut back heavily.


The black evil army soldiers who rushed in behind the puppet supreme were cut in two at that time, and their blood was sprayed in the air like money.

Boom, boom!

The shield was broken one after another, and everyone was exposed to the army.

The battle escalated in an instant.

Although invincible is strong, there is no chance of winning against the twelve puppets.

Ding Qiu and the madman protect Lin Xiao from a wave of fierce attacks, and their role is also limited.

"Boss, you go first!"

Now, I'm afraid it's unrealistic for everyone to go out together. Gao Haijian immediately made a decision and ordered the puppet to protect Lin Xiao and kill him.


Gao Haijian suddenly spread out his palm, revealed a crimson pill, and swallowed it without hesitation.

The other brothers also looked like death and swallowed pills one after another.

"You, what are you doing?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

He didn't know the effects of those pills, but he could guess the results after taking them.


Gao Haijian suddenly screamed, and his momentum exploded wildly.

Others cried out in pain. They could clearly see that their flesh, muscles and veins had changed, their bones made the sound of frying golden beans, and their bodies became higher and bigger in the next second.

At the same time, their strength has risen to an incredible level.


Gao Haijian cut out with a sword, and a puppet supreme was intercepted briefly. Although it didn't work, it could also buy Lin Xiao time.

Boom, boom!

The seven star sword in Gao Haijian's hand is also a treasure. It even has a huge increase than the previous magnetic knife. When each sword is cut out, it seems as if the waves beat the shore, and the power of the momentum is extremely frightening.


Lang Yan's sniper gun is extremely accurate and can always repel the puppet supreme at the critical moment.

Unfortunately, the interval between each bullet of the sniper gun is six seconds, which is difficult to form an effective means of attack.

"Boss, go!"

"Go, boss!"

The brothers are desperate.

The red in their eyes became clearer and clearer, and their momentum became more and more irritable.

Lin Xiao didn't know where they got the strange medicine. After taking it, his strength soared, but the result was not optimistic.

This kind of medicine will hurt the enemy a thousand and lose eight hundred. It will definitely have no good results.

"Are you stupid?" Lin Xiao was crazy and said angrily, "go out with me and fight with them!"

Lin Xiao can't escape alone, and he knows very well that there are too many puppets of the other party, so it's difficult to escape. If he takes away the puppets such as unbeaten, the brothers will perish faster.

"Xiao Ling! Find a way!" Lin Xiao could only desperately shout Xiaoling in his mind.

Unfortunately, the Phoenix warship has long cut off the whole field communication, and Xiaoling can't contact Lin Xiao at all.

Moreover, even if Xiao Ling knows that the situation is dangerous, I'm afraid there's nothing he can do.

The strong cloud can't be started, and the slightly more powerful weapon system can't be used. We can only watch it.

In the mountain depression not far away, Wan Rou led the team to stand still and stare at the battlefield all the time.

She came long ago, but she didn't go to the rescue the first time.

In her opinion, it is important to rescue Lin Xiao, but it is not inevitable to let Gao Haijian and his party lose some.

Wan Rou knows that there is a deep misunderstanding between her and Lin Xiao. Even if she makes a rescue, she may not be able to get the other party's favor.

In case of conflict between the two sides, the smaller the resistance, the better.

"Saint, are you still waiting? If you wait any longer, it will be difficult to save people!" With a big axe, Qiang Hu couldn't restrain his excited fighting mood for a long time.

Wan Rou frowned, "these guys are really tenacious. Can they carry it?"

The situation on the battlefield is getting more and more serious, but wan Rou waited for a long time and still didn't find the loss of important people.

Continue to wait. Once the Heisha army completely completes the siege, her rescue will be meaningless.

"Follow my orders!" Wan Rou finally lost her breath and raised her hand. "Make a quick decision. Kill a channel and withdraw. You can't love war!"

"Yes!" The strong tiger roared loudly.

Tens of hundreds of elite, plus five puppets, can definitely affect the battlefield situation.

Boom, boom!

The fire of war ravaged the land.

Lin Xiao and others also fell into a bitter struggle.

Invincible is almost unbearable. No matter how strong it is, its essence cannot be separated from the supreme limit of the first generation of puppets.

With unbeaten strength, you can compete with the master of the supreme second section at best. Now, in the face of more than a dozen puppets at the same time, it is only a matter of time.


Unbeaten was knocked down by six puppets again.

The other six puppets beat Ding Qiu and the madman upside down and suffered a lot of damage.

Seeing that the crowd was going to be overwhelmed, suddenly the battlefield situation changed greatly.

A powerful fighting force appeared out of thin air, especially five huge figures fell from the sky and inserted into the enemy array like sharp knives.

Bang bang!

The supreme puppet of the enemy was instantly repulsed, and the five puppets were in a ring, like a boulder, protecting Lin Xiao in it.

"Red and black supreme?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

He used to fight with the red and black supreme masters. He knew that they were Wanrou puppets, and his heart thumped.

"Lin Xiao! Don't be stunned! Kill out!"

Wan Rou drank softly and rushed to Lin Xiao like a lightning flash.

"Wan Rou?" Lin Xiao looked wary.

"What are you doing standing there? Let's go!" Wan Rou screamed.

Her men and horses have borne most of the pressure for the people. Five puppets have joined the battle group one after another to share the unbeaten pressure, making the battlefield situation complicated and confusing.

Ye, who had been watching the excitement, was stunned and narrowed his eyes, "where are the people and horses coming out?"

The master's sin slowly raised his head. A pair of green eyes stared at the ground and said in a deep voice, "it's Wanrou, the saint of the earth's heaven and earth yard!"

"Asshole!" Ye lost his Yin voice, "the great master, that old bastard, do you want to betray?"

"I don't know!" The military Master said in a deep voice, "do you want to send some more puppets?"

"Hum!" Ye lost his anger and said, "send a fart! Look below!"

In just a few words, Wan Rou, Lin Xiao and others have broken out of the siege under the protection of eight puppets and came to the entrance of the underground base.


The thermal conductivity gun at the entrance was destroyed by Langyan's gun and became a squib.

Gao Haijian shouted, "speed up!"

He knows what Langyan will do next. There is not much time. He must evacuate as soon as possible.

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