Lin Xiao saw that the brothers' expressions were very strange and couldn't help laughing. "What's the matter? These are bitter faces. Aren't we all good now?"

People are silent. Look at me and I look at you. My heart is very heavy.

"Boss, I want to go out!" Gao Haijian suddenly stood out with his sword in his hand, with an unprecedented firmness in his eyes.

"I want to go out too!" Lao Zhang also stood up.

"And me!"

"I want to go out too!"

Everyone stood up one after another and looked at their eagerness, which made Lin Xiao more surprised and confused.

"What's the matter with you?"

Gao Haijian said in a deep voice, "Langyan is still outside. If we don't save him, he will die!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised. He quickly glanced at the team. As expected, he didn't find Langyan.

Since the successful breakthrough, Lin Xiao had no time to ask Gao Haijian why they were here.

Now I have time to find that there is one less person in the team.

"Rest assured! I'll save people!" Lin Xiao turned and left.


Gao Haijian and others were in a hurry and immediately rushed to stop him, "you can't go out!"

They tried their best to save Lin Xiao. It was impossible for him to take another risk.

Once Lin Xiao appears in the enemy's field of vision, the loss of ye will certainly not be careless.

Now the sword is limitless and cannot fight. The number of puppets is not enough. It is far from being able to fight with the black evil army.

In this case, Lin Xiao had no choice but to go out to save people.

Lin Xiao smiled, "worried about me?"

The people were anxious for fear that Lin Xiao would rush out with a fever.

The reason why they dare not tell Lin Xiao the truth is that they are afraid that he will kill himself.

"Don't worry, I have a way!" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "you should see the flying motorcycle I just rode?"

Everyone looked at each other and remembered that Lin Xiao's flying motorcycle on the battlefield was as fast as lightning and very sensitive. It was more flexible than the control of small shuttle boats.

If Lin Xiao only saves people and doesn't love war, I'm afraid even the Supreme Master will be difficult to catch up with.

"But..." Gao Haijian said in a deep voice, "Ye lost is no better than the puppet supreme. He is a real supreme two-stage master. What if FeiMo is intercepted?"

"And there's another problem," Lao Zhang said with worried eyes. "Just now you saw that there are quite a lot of puppets of the enemy. There are 12 puppets alone. Who knows if there are more? So many puppets unite, FeiMo can't escape at all."

Lin Xiao smiled strangely, "they do have many puppets, but we also have many. I have a plan. You can rest assured and recover until I come back!"

Langyan is in a very difficult situation at the moment.

Ye lost himself ordered to catch him as a sniper.

Tens of thousands of Heisha troops caught a man. It was easy to catch him.

However, the black evil army only sent a team of hundreds of people to encircle, chase and intercept Langyan.

"Shit!" Langyan ran down the mountain and hid the sniper gun in the gap.

This anti equipment sniper is too bulky to carry, which will only slow down his speed.

"These grandchildren come so fast!"

Vaguely, Langyan had heard the noise from the foot of the mountain.

The black evil army didn't hide their actions at all. When they came to the foot of the mountain, they began to shout, just to give Langyan psychological pressure.

The brigade was divided into countless small teams to block the whole mountain.

Although Langyan's mountain has a wide area, there is no vegetation on the mountain, only rocks. When people run on it, the target is obviously exposed.

"There he is!" A soldier of the black evil army put down his telescope and shouted to his companion, "come on! Let's go! General ye said, catch the enemy and reward ten yuan pills!"

The soldiers' emotions were instantly ignited. For yuan Dan, they also had to catch people at all costs.

Several teams of soldiers nearby rushed up like crazy.

Langyan took a laser gun in his hand and shot back from time to time, but there were too many enemies for him to get rid of.


A bomb exploded not far away, and the huge air wave made Langyan somersault.

He rolled a few circles and jumped up. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen black evil army soldiers rushed to his face.

These guys surrounded from a distance, but they were blocked on Langyan's escape route.

"Come on! I'll stop him right away!"

"Catch alive!"

"General Ye wants to live!"

Poof poof

The gunfire was so dense that they couldn't kill people, but they still shot and oppressed Lang Yan, so that he could only hide behind the rocks and didn't dare to show up.

Boom, boom!

The rocks enough to hide were scattered by bullets and soon broke into a pile of ruins.

The exposed Langyan didn't dare to stay. He shot the soldiers who touched the front and jumped at the nearest enemy group.

Blindly escaping will only make the situation more and more dangerous. We can only find a way to break through the enemy formation and escape in disorder.

Lang Yan's plan is still more effective. After all, the strength of these black evil army soldiers is too far behind him.

Lang Yan rushes into the enemy group, just like a beast rushes into a sheep and kills a lot.

In particular, the laser sword, the standard weapon of the black evil army, has great lethality. Even the armor of the black evil soldiers can't resist it.

Coupled with Langyan's swift action and tricky angle, almost every sword can kill several people.

"Come on! Come on, you!"

The siege circle became smaller and smaller. Lang Yan flashed left and right, and he also suffered some minor injuries.

In the face of hundreds of evil looking black evil warriors, Lang Yan was not afraid.

"This boy is very difficult!"

"Everyone, don't fight with him. As long as you use up his strength, you won't let us kill you?"

"Let's gather around and see how long he can hold on!"

The black evil army suddenly stopped its attack. It looked like playing cat and mouse. It could only encircle but not attack, which made Langyan unable to borrow.

Langyan's bullet is finished, leaving only a laser sword. He wants to rush out of the siege, but the soldiers of the black evil army don't fight with him. You go in and I go back, you go back and I go in.

"A bunch of cowards!" Lang Yan shouted and scolded, "I have a kind of fight with Grandpa. Who runs is the grandson!"

No one responded to him. Everyone knows that you can't escape anyway. Just make the last struggle.

Lang Yan was angry and laughing. At this time, he suddenly turned his eyes and saw a strange scene at the foot of the mountain.

I saw about hundreds of motorcycles rushing like lightning, followed by a large number of Heisha legions.

"What happened?" Lang Yan was a little surprised. At the same time, a heart quickly raised to his throat.

"Why did these guys come out to save me? Looking for death?" Langyan was anxious and angry. He rushed down the mountain recklessly.

In addition to FeiMo, several puppets shuttle in the motorcade to resist the puppets from the black evil army.

The mighty team quickly approached the mountain. Lin Xiao rode up the mountain and rushed up the hillside as the leader.


Other flying motorcycles were in order, dispersed different types of teams and began to take intensive action.

FeiMo's action is too neat. It's like computer animation. He's stunned by Langyan.

It is precisely because of the neat action of FeiMo as a textbook and the unpredictable formation that blocked a large number of pursuers.

The black evil army was also very confused. These flying motorcycles were slippery like loaches, and they didn't fight directly with them at all, and the direction of each flying motorcycles seemed to be fixed in advance, neat and terrible.

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