Langyan's eyes were also dull.

"What happened?"

FeiMo formed a neat team, flew forward and scattered the black evil army.

Suddenly, a car drove out of the whole flying motorcycle array and rushed straight towards Langyan.

When he was close, Lang Yan saw that Lin Xiao was driving the flying motorcycle.

"Boss!?" Langyan was immediately excited. When he saw Lin Xiao, he felt a sense of peace of mind. The emotion from the bottom of his heart seemed to be born. "Shit! You're here at last!"

Lin Xiao stopped the flying motorcycle and opened the transparent hood, "less nonsense! Come on!"

"Who are those people?" Langyan got into the car and squeezed with Lin Xiao. He couldn't help asking.

Lin Xiao smiled, "they are not people!"

"Ah?" Lang Yan was confused, "what do you mean?"

"Sit down!" As soon as Lin Xiao raised the front of the car, FeiMo horsepower fully opened and rushed out with a buzzing sound.


Suddenly, a flying motorcycle exploded in the Heisha army, and the blast overturned a large number of Heisha Army soldiers.

The angry waves rolled, one by one, and the black evil army immediately became disorderly.


The continuous explosion shocked the whole black evil army.

At the same time, a lot of black smoke spread out and soon spread to the whole battlefield.

Seen from a distance, the ground is full of smoke and explosions. I can't tell which is which. Let alone chasing FeiMo, it's a problem to see people.

Ye lost, who had returned to the Phoenix warship, and watched Langyan be rescued back to the base. His angry face was blue.

Through artificial intelligence, Xiaoling controls hundreds of flying motorcycles to cover Lin Xiao, so that he can calmly save people.

However, in order to rescue Langyan, dozens of flying motorcycles were lost, which made Xiaoling very painful.

"What should I do now? I can't watch Lin Xiao really control the strong cloud. It wasn't so easy to catch him at that time!"

The military master's crime came slowly, and his face under his cloak was without fluctuation. "It's impossible to forcibly arrest Lin Xiao now. The other party has a sword. The supreme expert is protecting him. He has confidence without fear. I think it's better..."

"What's your opinion?"

The military division said coldly, "you can't start the railgun directly!"

"You..." Ye's lost face twitched fiercely. "Want to destroy the whole earth? Then we've prepared so much, isn't it all in vain?"

"Compared with killing Lin Xiao, the small earth is not worth mentioning!"

"General, once Lin Xiao grows up, it may be a great trouble for the emperor. On that day, the whole black evil star will be buried with him!"

The crime of the military division is not nonsense. His words completely sink Ye's lost heart.

Originally, ye lost came to the earth. In addition to arresting Lin Xiao, he also wanted to enslave the whole earth and become his private power.

But he didn't expect that he would just catch a little guy. It doesn't count to lose the war at the expense of the general. In the end, he was defeated.

Although the black evil army is still strong, Lin Xiao hides in the strong cloud. They have no way but to stick to it.

"Before coming, the star Lord personally told the army head that if you can't catch it, you can kill it!" The crime of military division is attached to Ye lost's ear and whispered, "the head of the army will kill in a short time. If he knows this situation now, he will not hesitate to destroy the earth. Then he will blame you!"

Ye's lost mood is getting worse and worse, "I'm not reconciled! I've been preparing for such a long time. Do I really want to fall short of success? It's said that there are many treasures left by Qiangyun star master in those years on earth. Although Qiangyun star master is called star master, it's because he misses the old man. He himself is an expert at the level of emperor. Can he leave ordinary things? But we haven't found anything. There are eight puppets of the first generation. If you collect them Complete, it can resist the existence of domination. "

"All babies are floating clouds. I'm afraid that in the end, I can't even save my life!" The crime of military division continues to be earnestly induced.

"No!" Ye lost his voice and said, "we still have time. I want to find a way... Let the army block the mountains and start the magnetic barrier for the time being. No one is allowed to come out!"

Military division sin didn't say much, and responded faintly, "yes! I'll arrange it now!"

Soon, the magnetic barrier opened and a huge invisible light shield blocked the whole mountain.

The energy supply of the magnetic barrier comes from the Phoenix warship. This shield needs huge energy. Calculated by the reserve energy of the Phoenix warship, it can't last for many days.

But ye lost didn't have a good way. He stared at the slow formation of the magnetic barrier and thought to himself, "at this time, I can only go out in person, but it's not easy to stop the old man with the sword limitless!"

After a long time, ye lost immediately ordered to assemble all the puppets.

More than 30 puppets, all of them, came under the unified command of Ye lost.

However, ye lost did not order to attack at this time.

At the moment, Lin Xiao and others must be on strict guard, and the strong cloud is also on guard. The loss is too great.

Ye lost in waiting for a suitable opportunity.

He believed that after the magnetic barrier was surrounded for a period of time, Lin Xiao's mind would relax and kill the other party by surprise.

The gun of Qiangyun has been aiming at the underground entrance, and there are all the soldiers of the black evil army outside the range.

Between the two sides, there are countless bodies, and the scene is like Shura hell.

After Xiaoling checked the weapon system, he reported the energy reserve to Lin Xiao.

"That's it. Our energy reserve won't last long. Captain, what else do you need to know?"

"No!" Lin Xiao waved and said wearily.

Xiaoling turned around and walked away.

Lin Xiao and others gathered in the command cabin, and Saint Wanrou and his black and red supreme masters were also there.

"Wan Rou, why did you come to save me?" Lin Xiao was puzzled by Wan Rou's help.

At the beginning, he and WAN Rou had many contradictions, even to the point of life and death. He didn't expect that the other party would lend a helping hand in times of crisis.

Wan Rou sighed lightly, "you should already know about me. In fact, I am also a victim, but I am just a puppet pushed to the stage!"

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "did the great master send you?"

At the beginning, the great master defected from the heaven and earth court and split into a branch of the evil house. When the black evil army arrived, he took the initiative to surrender and became the first member of the destruction of heaven and Earth City.

To tell the truth, Lin Xiao doesn't like the people in the evil house, including Wan rou.

However, Wan Rou helped Lin Xiao to save him from danger, and he could not bite the hand that feeds him.

"The great master still wants to be loyal to the black evil army." Wan roushen said, "but ye lost doesn't recognize his orthodox status in the heaven and earth court at all. In the end, it will still be the fate of slaves, but he doesn't listen to my advice, and I can't help it!"

Lin Xiao eyebrows a pick, "then you this action, is your own idea?"

"Yes," Wan Rou did not hide anything, "I have broken with the great master!"

Lin Xiao always felt that Wan Rou had another purpose to help, but he couldn't understand what the key was.

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