After thinking about it, Lin Xiao felt that he could not trust Wanrou too much, but he had to repay the kindness of saving his life. After pondering for a few minutes, he said, "Wanrou, it's not that I don't believe you. After all, everyone knows the gratitude and resentment before. You give me the supreme red and black puppets! And then talk about it!"

I thought Wan Rou would hesitate and even put forward some conditions, so that Lin Xiao could carry out the next negotiation and at least get a puppet supreme, so as to reduce Wan Rou's threat.


However, Wan Rou didn't hesitate at all, but Lin Xiao was stunned.

Wan Rou resolutely went to the two puppets, whispered the release password, and then pointed to Lin Xiao.

Two puppets came to Lin Xiao and waited for him to receive them.

At the same time, Wan Rou even prepared a guide incense and handed it directly to Lin Xiao. It seems that she had expected this scene long ago.

Although Lin Xiao had doubts, he didn't think much. Then he took over the two puppets.

Wan Rou's expression moved. "Lin Xiao, there's another very important thing to tell you!"

Lin Xiao said slowly, "you say!"

"You should know that ye lost is just the leading force of the Heisha army. Their army head will arrive in a few days, and then there will be the real Heisha army. The enemy will be stronger and stronger one wave after another. We have to prepare in advance!"

"Do you really want to fight against the black evil army? My winning rate is very low..." Lin Xiao had guessed the result for a long time and asked if he had a deep meaning.

"Better than being a slave!" Wan Rou smiled calmly.

"What do you suggest?"

Wan rouxiu frowned. "I heard that eight puppets of the early generation gathered and could be combined into powerful dominant puppets. Maybe this is the key to fighting against the black evil army."

"This matter has been widely spread for a long time. If you don't tell the truth of the matter, even if it is true, it's not easy to gather eight puppets of the early generation?"

Wan Rou swept around. "I observed that you only have one puppet now. Plus my two, there are still five! However, I know where the other five are."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and asked in surprise, "where is it?"

Wan Rou smiled. "When the evil house gathered experts to attack Qiankun City, it took three puppets of the first generation, and the two you left in Qiankun court disappeared together in the war. I know they are trapped in the ruins of a power grid in Qiankun city."

"Heaven and Earth City?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly. "It has always been the forbidden place of the black evil army. Now we can't even get out of the strong cloud. How can we find a puppet there?"

"There's always a chance." Wan Rou youyou said, "I know ye lost won't let us go out easily. Therefore, if you want to find the puppet of the early generation and form a dominant puppet, you must completely defeat Ye lost!"

When they heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

It's not easy to defeat Ye's loss.

Elder jianwuji has been seriously injured and is now cultivating. I'm afraid it's difficult to fight ye lost.

In addition to the sword limitless, others deal with leaf loss, which is like lighting a lamp in the toilet and looking for death.

Wan Rou also knows that this kind of thing is very difficult. She just puts forward a suggestion.

"It is not impossible to defeat Ye lost!"

At this time, Fang Qing on one side spoke.

The audience was quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on her.

"Miss Fang, do you have a good idea?" Gao Haijian's eyes brightened, "if I can use my place, I will go all out!"

"Yes! And me!" Langyan limped out, "kill the lost leaves and count me!"

Others needless to say will join. They hate the loss of leaves to the bone.

During this time, they hid and managed to get together, stole several Heisha army strongholds and robbed some equipment, but they were almost destroyed outside the Qiangyun.

Now the earth is full of wars and countless casualties, all thanks to the Heisha army. They can't sit idly by as Earth people or Lin Xiao's brothers.

Fang Qing looked at Lin Xiao with a smile and said jokingly, "to deal with the loss of leaves, it depends on our Lin Xiao... Mr. Lin!"

Everyone was stunned.

Rely on Lin Xiao?

Lin Xiao is just a warrior of the great master Jiuduan. Compared with the supreme second Duan, he is as bad as clouds and mud. How can he resist Ye lost?

"I see!" Lang Yan patted his head, "do you mean that only the boss can cure the injury of master jianwuji, and then master jianwuji can deal with the loss of Ye, right?"

Everyone agreed one after another.

"Fart!" Fang Qing turned her eyes. "Just now you all saw that the injury of master jianwuji is not an ordinary injury. It's very difficult to recover. I'm afraid it will take a very long time!"

"Well, what does that mean?" Lang Yan asked in surprise, "don't let the boss die!"

Wan Rou looks at Lin Xiao suspiciously. She really doesn't understand why Fang Qing thinks Lin Xiao can deal with leaf loss. Isn't that a joke?

Ye lost is the real supreme second segment warrior, who has transcended the scope of ordinary life and reached the state of sharing with heaven and earth.

It can be said that the supreme is superman in the ordinary sense. If it is on a planet with small gravity, it can even fly in the air.

Even if the great master is strong, he still belongs to mortals. The essence of the energy contained in his body has not changed, but still belongs to internal breathing.

The supreme warrior, whose internal breath becomes extremely pure, can be called vitality. He can communicate with heaven and earth and nourish himself.

Wan Rou doesn't think that even if she believes Lin Xiao again, he can fight ye lost with his current state.

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly, raised his hand to stop the noise, and youyou said, "Fang Qing said right! Maybe... I'm the only chance."

Everyone's surprised eyes fell on Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao took out a small medicine bottle and said in a deep voice, "here is a pill called jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, which can help people break through to the supreme!"


"And this strange medicine?"

Everyone looked unbelievable.

How difficult it is for Earth people to break through the supreme.

Since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone breaking through the supreme.

It's impossible to become supreme with only one pill.

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure!" Lin Xiao youyou said, "my physical condition is not normal, and I have been unable to break through to the tenth section of the great master, and I can't touch what the supreme state is. Therefore, I don't know how long it will take to become the supreme!"

"That's easy!" Fang Qing said with a smile, "haven't we captured so many yuan Dan? You can eat it, and you will always break through the ten sections of the great master. Only when you reach the ten sections can you have the opportunity to touch the Supreme Master!"

"Yes, boss, all those yuan Dan are for you!" Lang Yan said excitedly, "if you become the Supreme Master, your strength... Tut Tut, I can't imagine!"

The scene that was still dead just now suddenly became vivid, and everyone's face showed hope.

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