To be supreme, nature is the dream of Every warrior.

At least, it is the dream of Every warrior on earth.

Otherwise, a nine turn bear Xidan could not be so popular, and even let rain leaves and desolation struggle to seize it.

Lin Xiao sighed, "I can only say try my best! However, you can't be idle. Each of you should make good use of so many drugs and improve your strength as soon as possible!"

There are dozens of great masters in the field. This is a powerful combat power. If it is used, it will play a good role.

Moreover, these people are Lin Xiao's brothers and confidants. There is no problem in loyalty.

Gao Haijian stepped forward, "don't worry, boss. We remember to defeat the black evil army all the time!"

"Good!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly and looked at Fang Qing. "Count the number of Yuan Dan and see if you can support everyone to improve together!"

"I've already passed!" Fang Qing was a little excited. "There are 4620 yuan pills in total, enough for ten great masters to break through to ten sections. However... Now I want to reserve some for you. I'm not sure how much you need."

"So much?"

Wan Rou was stunned. She thought it was a big bet. Maybe her conscience and sense of belonging as a human on earth made her choose to help Lin Xiao.

Even if she helped Lin Xiao, Wan Rou didn't think they had much chance of winning.

But unexpectedly, Lin Xiao had more than 4000 yuan pills for a hard to find yuan pill.

"Hei hei..." Fang Qing said with a smile, "I guess we got Ye's lost family. He must be angry!"

More than 4000 yuan pills are also a huge resource and wealth for a supreme.

Even if ye lost is the vanguard of the Heisha army, it is impossible to bring too many yuan Dan.

At that time, when they stole resources from the space box, they chose Yuandan, which almost emptied the inventory in the storage room.

Like this hard currency, leaf loss should be preserved in an important place.

He wouldn't think that someone would rob the space box. After all, people on earth don't know that there is a space box.

Everyone laughed excitedly when they heard that ye lost and suffered a great loss.

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "in addition to improving your accomplishments as soon as possible, you have to learn to operate the strong cloud. As long as you drive the strong cloud, we can compete with the Phoenix warship!"

"No!" Lu Yun has been listening silently. At the moment, he stood up and said in a deep voice, "although Qiangyun has a strong predecessor, it has been transformed into a sightseeing ship. There is a big gap in firepower compared with the battleship of Phoenix."

"Rush to face-to-face battle, the energy reserve is not enough!" Lu Yun glanced at everyone and looked a little nervous. "Once the energy reserve is gone, Qiangyun will become a live target and be completely destroyed by the Phoenix warship!"

"What about that?"

Lu Yun hesitated. "I think it's better to bear it for a while. Even if the Qiangyun can start, it can't be exposed. It's best to hide it underground! On the other hand, send someone to look for energy. Only with sufficient energy can we fight the Phoenix warship head-on!"

"How can we have energy on earth? Do we have to rob the Phoenix warship? Isn't that a joke?" Lang Yan turned his eyes.

"No!" Luyun youyou said, "I saw a substance called alpha uranium in your black market network. It is the core material of warship energy. As long as there is enough alpha uranium, I can turn it into an energy block!"

"Alpha uranium!?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

In the back mountain of Wangchao village, there are a large number of alpha uranium reserves.

Although Wangchao village was occupied by the black evil army, it will take at least a few years to complete the mining, and there is no time to rob it.

In addition, there is a large amount of alpha uranium seized from Luocha island in the military reserve.

These should add up to enough.

"Yes! With alpha uranium, I can use the energy generator of Qiangyun to process it into simple energy blocks, which can barely be used! It's just that the waste rate is high."

"In addition," Lu Yun said more and more excitedly, "I can also refit the weapon system of Qiangyun and rearrange the sealed powerful weapons, so that I can confront the Phoenix warship head-on!

Lin Xiao had a plan in mind and immediately said, "great! I'll contact the military and ask them to find a way to send some alpha uranium."

"Xiao Ling!" Lin Xiao shouted.

Xiao Ling soon came out. She was a worm in Lin Xiao's stomach. "Captain, I can send long-frequency signal waves to contact the military. Just tell me which satellite!"

The calculation ability of artificial intelligence is really powerful. Before Lin Xiao said what he thought, Xiao Ling knew he wanted to contact the military satellite.

However, the military has a total of more than 400 satellites, most of which were destroyed by the black evil army, and the rest are closed or hidden.

If there is no accurate data port number, it is difficult for Xiaoling to find an access point.

However, Lin Xiao is a five-star general of China. He holds most of the military secrets.

There is a Beidou chaowei-2 star, which is a dark star left by the military. This satellite will not start at ordinary times. It is disguised and hidden in an sanitation meteorite.

As long as the satellite is activated, it can contact the military hidden in the dark.

Lin Xiao tells Xiao Ling the password and port data.

Within a few minutes, Xiaoling started the satellite and contacted the military headquarters.


There was a boiling sound from the communicator.

Hundreds of thousands of elite members of the Chinese military have long been ready to go, but there has been no news from Lin Xiao, which makes them feel uneasy.

"Are you all right?" Lin Xiao sighed, "you have suffered because of me!"

"General! The invasion of foreign enemies is a disaster for all mankind. We Chinese soldiers will defend our country to the death!"

Dozens of generals received the information and gathered in the command center. They listened to Lin Xiao's orders quietly from the loudspeaker.

Lin Xiao hesitated for a few minutes. "Now there is a task for you to escort a batch of alpha uranium to the western regions. The road is very difficult..."

"Order from the general, we can't wait! Recently, the black evil army has become more and more rampant, and their people are everywhere in Kyoto. If it weren't for the chaos king, I'm afraid Kyoto would have fallen!"

"King of chaos?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "Xiaosu?"

A general said with a bitter smile, "it's your disciple Xiaosu! However, he now calls himself the king of chaos. It's said that his strength has reached the tenth section of the great master. It's outrageous. It's because of his existence that Kyoto can be preserved!"

"It seems that the Runner King has not forgotten his roots!" Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. "In that case, let him help..."

Relying on the soldiers of the military alone, it has been quite difficult to fight against the Heisha army. If there are no experts to lead, they will certainly be killed by the experts of the Heisha army. If Xiaosu can fight, maybe he will have a chance.

"Ask him for help?" The five-star general Dong Jianwu was stunned. "I heard that this chaotic king is domineering. Will he follow the instructions of the military?"

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, "if you can arouse the consciousness of small millet in the head of the chaos king, maybe..."

"Well," Lin Xiao said to Dong Jianwu, "if you do what I want, you may have a chance! As long as Xiaosu can cooperate with his experts, you will have a chance to send things!"

The firm voice of Tung Chee Wu and many generals immediately came, "yes, general!"

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