The leaves are lost and their eyes are cold.

Just now, my men reported that more than 6000 yuan pills in the storeroom had been stolen.

Originally, ye lost and was stingy. He was not willing to distribute yuan Dan to his subordinates. He wanted to leave it to his true confidants.

Unexpectedly, they all became other people's wedding clothes in the end!


Behind Ye lost, there were thirty puppets.

Originally, I wanted to wait, but now, ye lost, his face full of anger and anger, and he can't wait to kill Qiangyun.

In addition to the thirty puppets, there are several war robots with a height of more than four meters. These machines are controlled by people and have strong firepower.

Night fell.

The Phoenix warship sent out a sob, and the strong sound penetration seemed to make the whole world tremble.

At the same time, a huge pillar of light fell from the sky and shone straight at the underground entrance.

The huge and dignified black evil army was arranged neatly without making any sound.

In such a big battle, there was no sound at all, and the sound of breathing almost disappeared. It was terrible.

When he found something wrong, Lin Xiao quickly came to the command cabin and saw the black evil army outside through the radar imaging system. His heart sank hard.

"What the hell does Ye lost want?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

Gao Haijian, Wan Rou and others came one after another. When they saw the scene in front of them, they made incredible calls one after another.

"Ye lost, do you want to fight to the death?"

"Isn't he really going to attack?"

"Are so many black evil warriors coming to die?"

Xiao Ling quickly typed out the code on the control panel. She was analyzing the data.

"According to Ye lost's current troop arrangement, he wants to use the soldiers of Heisha army as cannon fodder and consume the energy of Qiangyun!"

Lingyun's pupil shrinks gently, "this guy, even his own people?"

"With Ye's lost habit, he is likely to do such a thing. He doesn't care about the life of the black evil warrior. As long as he can achieve his goal, it's not worth sacrificing everyone!" Wan Rou youyou said that she seemed to know a lot about leaf loss.

Lin Xiao looked at her. "You should be the one who knows Ye lost best here. Can he really do such a thing?"

"Hum!" Wan Rou's eyes flashed a fierce color, "the great master sent me to surrender to Ye lost. Unexpectedly, he not only killed more than a dozen of my guards, but also wanted to insult me..."

"If an expert hadn't suddenly appeared and made him panic, I'm afraid I would have been poisoned by him!"

"Master?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "What kind of master can make ye lose and panic?"

Wan Rou thought for a few seconds, "it should be the limitless sword!"

"Master?" As soon as Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, he thought to himself, "it turns out that master has fought with Ye lost for a long time!"

"How did you escape later? It's impossible for ye to let you go in vain?"

"I don't know," Wan Rou said with a wry smile, "Ye lost and closed the door after fighting with the master. His military master 'sin' suddenly appeared to let me go, and asked me to bring a message to the great master, saying that he should find a map of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan!"

"That's how I escaped!" Wan Rou thought of the past and felt a lingering fear.

Wan rouneng is determined to betray the great master and come to help Lin Xiao, which is also related to Ye's lost cruelty.

"I see! So, this leaf is lost, there is no principle at all, and everything is done by unscrupulous means?"

"Yes!" Wan Rou hates nodding.

Lin Xiao frowned and looked at Xiao Ling. "Xiao Ling! If the black evil army launches a suicide attack, how long can it last with the energy of strong cloud?"

Xiao Ling didn't answer. She doesn't seem to be very good at calculating such things.

"If..." Xiaoling blinked, "judging by the law of energy, the physical energy of the black evil warrior can be rated as 1.5, and the energy reserve of the strong cloud reaches hundreds of millions."

"Do you mean that hundreds of millions of black evil warriors are needed to consume the energy of kongqiang cloud?" Lin Xiao was relieved. "In this case, we are completely safe!"

Xiao Ling nodded, "yes! But there are exceptions. If a black ghost warrior has strong willpower and even carries weapons to carry out fearless suicide attacks, it is likely to achieve a hundred times, a thousand times the energy consumption. So I can't calculate the final result."

The crowd took a breath.

"How is this possible?" Lang Yan said quietly, "shit! I don't believe that the Black Ghost soldiers are fierce and not afraid of death!"

Xiao Ling smiled. "If from the perspective of life race, the Black Ghost soldiers are different from human beings on earth, their body composition and brain structure are essentially different."

"I mean..." Xiaoling introduced the body composition of the Black Ghost soldiers. "Their brain waves can be linked together through some energy and receive unified command and scheduling, so as to stimulate their potential!"

Lin Xiao was surprised when he heard it. "So, once tens of thousands of black evil army soldiers outside form brain wave links, they can consume thousands of times of energy and make Qiangyun a clawless tiger?"

"Theoretically, it's possible," Xiaoling continued, "but it's not certain whether ye lost has such a strong willpower. Even if he dominates, it's difficult to link the brain waves of tens of thousands of Black Ghost soldiers. I guess Ye lost can only link hundreds of people. He just wants to make a possibility!"

Originally, everyone was quite relaxed. They thought that the strong cloud could resist the invasion of the black evil army, but now there is obvious uncertainty.

Who knows if ye lost has any special strength or equipment, which can link more black evil army soldiers.

Wanyiye lost has some powerful weapons, which can link the brain waves of more black evil army soldiers. If they are not prepared enough, they are likely to be broken in one fell swoop.

Once Ye lost breaks into the strong cloud, everyone has to finish.

"Xiao Ling, do you have any way?"

Xiaoling continues to calculate, and more than a dozen energy progress bars appear on the screen.

Most of the energy bars are in a red critical state.

"The remaining energy of Qiangyun is 1.5%, the weapon system integrity rate is 6%, and the console vacancy rate is 98%..."

"Captain!" Xiao Ling's voice became low, "our situation is not optimistic!"

Everyone was silent.

Just then, the sound of earth shaking came from outside.


The Phoenix warship shot.

After one shot, the entrance was expanded by hundreds of meters, which allowed more black evil army soldiers to move at the same time.

Because the ground entrance is at least 300 meters away from the position of Qiangyun, the Phoenix warship can't do it by artillery attack.

Although the Phoenix warship has railguns that can blow up the whole planet at one blow, ye lost doesn't want to really destroy the earth.

"Ye lost action!" Xiao Ling's voice, like a heavy hammer, knocked hard on all people's hearts.

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