Lin Xiao took a deep breath. "Everyone is ready. If the strong cloud can't hold, we'll work hard!"


They knew that danger was coming, but they were not afraid. Instead, they flashed a sense of war in their eyes.

All personnel are in combat readiness.

The strong cloud has also completed its defense readiness.

At the same time, ye lost, as Xiao Ling speculated, let the black evil army attack.

The mighty black evil army marched quickly from the ground.

Seen from the sky, it is like a neat line of marching ants entering the ground in an orderly manner.

This time, the soldiers of the black evil army did not retreat after they came to the range of the defensive artillery of the strong cloud, and all attacked bravely and fearlessly.

Boom, boom!

When the first round of gunfire fell, hundreds of Black Ghost soldiers died.

The fragmented bodies made the eyes of the people in the strong cloud jump. The scene was so miserable that it was like a massacre.

However, the soldiers of the black evil army seemed to know nothing. They could not see the blood in front of them or the corpses all over the ground. They rushed up with long guns and short guns.


Neat slogans shook the whole space.

Boom, boom!

Dada dada

Dense gunfire swept round by round, and the soldiers of the black evil army fell down one wave after another, but no one shrank from beginning to end.

On the ground, ye lost and sat cross legged in the small shuttle boat, wearing a strange metal cover on his head and motionless.

On the screen, the link unit is rapidly disappearing, and small green lights are graying out.

The soldier standing not far away was guilty. His face was very ugly, and his green eyes showed a dangerous light.

"Ye lost, do you want to damage the whole Legion?"

Although there are hundreds of thousands of black evil army soldiers, the earth is so big that it needs a lot of guarding forces.

Such consumption is a heavy blow to the Legion.

However, for the sake of his own happiness, ye lost no scruples about the life and death of his subordinates, and regarded the soldiers as the most humble cannon fodder.

There was nothing he could do but watch ye lose and act recklessly, but there was nothing he could do.

The battle is becoming more and more fierce. Countless soldiers of the black evil army, one after another, sacrifice their lives and forget their own independent lives, as if they were completely serving Ye lost.

“1.4%!” Xiao Ling's voice was a little surprised. "In such a short time, the energy has decreased by 0.1%. If this continues, we won't last long!"

Everyone's heart began to sink. They watched those moth like black evil warriors die under the gunfire of Qiangyun. In addition to shock, they felt more heartache.

As a soldier, dying in battle and being wrapped in a horse's clothes symbolize the highest honor and the highest sacrifice of every soldier.

The death of the soldiers of the Heisha army, even the insiders of the enemy's Qiangyun, has an indescribable sadness.

"Lost leaves! What a scum!" Lin Xiao stared at the video screen, and his hatred was boundless.

"Boss! Should we prepare?" Gao Haijian and his brothers have been fully equipped. They have put on their armor again and are ready to fight to the death with all kinds of weapons.

On the monitoring screen, the energy progress bar is shortened again.


In just ten minutes, thousands of people were killed and injured, and the energy consumption of Qiangyun was 0.2%, which was beyond Xiaoling's calculation range.

At this moment, even Xiaoling can't determine where the final result will go.

According to the current state, maybe the Qiangyun will be exhausted in less than two hours. At that time, ye lost and led the puppet supreme to kill them. They have only one way to die.

Boom, boom!

Energy cannons continue to bombard, and the death and injury of the black evil army continue to increase.

Originally, in Xiaoling's opinion, the energy gun was not put into use. The black evil army soldiers attacked the energy shield and destroyed the enemy through the rebound power of the shield.

This method is not lethal, but it can greatly prolong the defense time.

As long as you can delay one more minute, you will have more vitality.

Lin Xiao put forward a plan, pointing out that perhaps only by firing energy cannons can we reduce the enemy's forces as much as possible.

However, the repeated attacks of the energy cannon can effectively kill the black evil army soldiers in a large area. The only disadvantage is that it will aggravate the energy consumption.

Lin Xiao didn't believe that ye lost and was willing to consume all the black evil army. In this way, there would be no loss of more than 100000, and it would be impossible to empty the energy of Qiangyun.

Even if ye is willing to sacrifice all the black evil army, the people under him may not agree.

Lin Xiao is only betting on an uncertain factor.

The loss of leaves at the moment is not easy.

He used brain wave links to stimulate the Heisha army to work hard, and his consumption was also huge.

Because he can only command hundreds or thousands of soldiers to carry out suicide attacks at the same time. Under the attack of Qiangyun artillery, such a number will be eliminated in a short time.

In order to cope with this too severe consumption, ye lost sent war robots.

The all metal robots with a height of four meters are controlled by people. They are very sensitive, and their shields are also indestructible and have very strong defense ability.

At least, the guns of Qiangyun can only hinder but not destroy them.

Four war robots, interspersed among the soldiers, ran like antelopes, and soon approached the exposed part of the strong cloud.

As long as they approach the strong cloud, it is equivalent to avoiding the range of artillery. They can wantonly destroy the protective cover.

They seemed to know the weakness of the strong cloud, rushed directly to the ventilation grid and launched a strong attack.

Boom, boom!

War robots not only have long-range weapons, but also the power of melee heavy hammer can not be underestimated.

Their forelimbs are like two air hammers that can be smashed down at will. With each blow, they make a thunderous tremor.

The shield of a ventilation grid was shaky and constantly flashing cyan light.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the rhythmic beating of war robots, the thickness of the protective cover is slowly reduced and becomes weaker and weaker.

Because the ventilation grid needs to exchange air flow with the outside world, the design of the energy hood in the overall structure reduces the capacity for smoothness, and the protection performance is much weaker than that of the main body of the ship.

Xiaoling has long found this phenomenon, and she is also very worried. Because the weapon system of the warship has unlocked only a small part, there is no way for the war robots that fall on the surface.

"Captain, if these war robots are allowed to attack, the ventilation grid will be broken. At that time, the puppet supreme of the enemy is likely to follow the trend, which is a great threat to us!"

Lin Xiao looked at the huge War Robot on the monitoring screen. It was no easier than Xiao Ling. He had seen this kind of thing in the image space on the deserted car.

This kind of war robot is a shipborne assault robot. If it is purely about attack power, they even surpass the supreme puppet.

However, these robots only have corresponding attack power, and have no puppet supreme powerful flesh and flexible combat ability.

Their appearance frightened Lin Xiao into a cold sweat.

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