War robots are very arrogant.

Four robots swung heavy hammers and fiercely hit the ventilation grid, and the defense cover is weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Ling kept giving out warning sounds throughout the strong cloud.

This is the spontaneous alarm system of the strong cloud, which is intended to remind people that the strong cloud is about to be broken and ready for defense and battle.

Lin Xiao stared at the four arrogant battle robots with a chill in his eyes. He suddenly turned back and ran out with big steps, "you get ready, I'll deal with the four robots!"

"Boss! I'll go with you!" Gao Haijian had already seen that Lin Xiao was wrong. He was the first to come out and ask for orders, and followed him at the same time.

The other brothers set off one after another and rushed out without hesitation.

Once out of the strong cloud, it is likely to be sniped by Ye lost. Who knows what unknown means he has.

But knowing the danger, no one flinched.

"No!" Lin Xiao immediately stopped and shouted in a deep voice, "Qiangyun still needs people to operate and drive. Your top priority is to learn ship driving from Lu Yun in addition to improving your strength."

"As long as the strong cloud is really started, we can escape here!" Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to stop the people from following, "there are not enough hands. Any damage you have may affect the start of Qiangyun! I'll go out with the puppet supreme, kill the war robot and come back. Everything will be fine!"

Gao Haijian frowned. He exchanged a look with his brothers and immediately wanted to understand this truth. He knew that going out with him might only be a disservice. After thinking about it, he waved back, "brothers! Listen to the boss, let's go to learn ship driving from Lu Yun immediately and strive to start the Qiangyun in the shortest time!"


"Boss, be careful!"

"Don't love war!"

Lin Xiao nodded, "don't worry!"


Lin Xiao rushed out of the strong cloud from the nearest channel under the guidance of Xiao Ling.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four war machines beat the ventilation grid desperately and worked tirelessly. Looking at them, it seems that they have no problem smashing it for thousands of years.

Because they were too serious and focused, they did not find the emergence of Lin Xiao and the puppet supreme.

Lin Xiao lay on the surface of the strong cloud and slowly dived towards the war machine with the puppet supreme.

According to Xiao Ling, these four war machines are type a attack robots. They have the strength to surpass the puppet supreme attack and defense. The only defect is that they are not as flexible as real people.

Although there are people inside the robot to control the operation, it can't be as handy as hands and fingers after all.

Xiaoling gives advice. If you want to eliminate this kind of combat robot, you must find a way to kill the internal people.

People inside are protected by heavy armor and shields. It's extremely difficult to kill each other.

But machines have weaknesses.

Lin Xiao decided to get close to the robot and destroy their connection with the controller.


The energy cover hit by the robot's heavy hammer rippled everywhere, and the vibration caused by it made the ship body rebound and put a lot of pressure on Lin Xiao.

"No wonder those black evil army soldiers can't get close. The rebound force generated by the attack of this energy mask is enough to tear up an ordinary person!" Lin Xiao's internal power surged around him, forming vigorous Qi to protect his body and resist strong pressure.

As Lin Xiao got closer and closer, suddenly a war robot seemed to find something unusual. It suddenly stopped the heavy hammer attack, turned its body and looked this way.

Lin Xiao was lying on his stomach. He was suddenly swept by two red lights, and his scalp exploded.


Just where Lin Xiao lay, the energy ripples spread out quickly.

"Go!" Lin Xiao gave orders to the puppet supreme.

Many puppets killed the past like lightning.

Bang bang!

The next moment, the puppet supreme and the War Robot fight together.

Since the defense and attack of war robots are better than the puppet supreme, a group of puppets do not have the upper hand and can only be used as a means of dealing with and assisting.

They want to entangle the war robot so that Lin Xiao can move.

Lin Xiao didn't dare to take part in the battle center easily and hid in one side to watch the change.

However, the war robot will not give Lin Xiao free time.

Their controller madly ordered the robot to rush towards Lin Xiao.

These drivers obviously knew Lin Xiao and knew that he was the most important person Ye lost wanted to catch. They rushed to Lin Xiao desperately regardless of the puppet's supreme siege.

"Lying trough!"

Lin Xiao, who had found a good place to hide and waited for the opportunity to act, was scared to death when he saw this scene.

However, Lin Xiao just panicked for a moment and adjusted his mind. His purpose is to lead away the war robots so that they don't destroy the ventilation grid.

Originally, Lin Xiao thought that it would be better if he could take the opportunity to take these war robots into his own hands.

But it doesn't seem that easy now.

Xiao Ling said that there are many self-defense weapons on the Qiangyun. As long as these war robots are led over, they will activate the weapons and completely destroy them.

The self-defense weapon on the warship makes it easy to kill these robots.


Lin Xiao moved like a rabbit, and his escape route was S-shaped bending, which made these relatively clumsy war robots unable to capture.

The puppet supreme who followed him cleverly formed an encirclement formation and launched a crazy counterattack against the four robots.

Bang bang!

The battle was very fierce, and the Heisha Legion observed outside also found the abnormality here.

"Report to the general, Lin Xiao has come out of the ship!"

Ye lost and got the report. He couldn't help opening his eyes.

Although he was a little weak, the moment he saw Lin Xiao on the monitoring screen, his whole eyes lit up.

"Hey! Is this boy really out of breath?" Ye lost and took off his iron helmet. At the same time, the suicide attack of the black evil army came to an end.

Nearly 10000 people were killed and injured, but the losses caused to Qiangyun are also very huge.

Only 0.9% of the energy is left, consuming more than a third.


Ye lost, raised his hand and empty his fingers, indicating that AI would start the shuttle boat and rush directly into the underground base.


The shuttle boat turned into streamer and plunged straight into the underground entrance.

The gun of Qiangyun adjusted its position and aimed at a group of people who came suddenly.

Ye lost and took the lead. Behind him, 30 puppet supreme masters slowly surrounded him and protected him in the middle.

Lin Xiao had just paralyzed a war machine with the help of the puppet supreme. Leng Buding felt a thump in his heart when he saw Ye lost appearing hundreds of meters away.

"Xiao Ling! Can you stop Ye lost?" Lin Xiao had no bottom in his heart.

Xiao Ling replied after three seconds, "there is a possibility that ye lost will rush to Qiangyun for nearly ten seconds. At that time, the captain will be in danger. You must come back right away!"

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