If Lin Xiao turned back at the moment, the remaining three war robots would attack the ventilation grid without hesitation and soon open a channel into the strong cloud.

Lin Xiao bit his teeth, "how long do I have!"

Xiao Ling calculates quickly.

And ye lost has begun to attack.

Under the cover of the puppet supreme, he constantly changed his formation to resist the fierce attack of the strong cloud.

A large amount of gunfire hit the puppet supreme in front of them, making them retreat, and suffered a lot of damage.

However, ye lost was determined to kill the strong cloud, so he didn't shrink back in the face of gunfire. He would rather fight to destroy the puppet supreme to achieve his goal.

Soon, ye lost two puppets and became fragments under the continuous bombardment of artillery.

Other puppets went on and on, blocking Ye lost in front of him to resist the pressure for him.

Ye lost in his ferocious armor, like an invincible God of war. He was bathed in the strong light. The huge sword in his hand flashed senhan light, and the sharp blade seemed to destroy everything.


The puppet supreme held hands, shoulder to shoulder, like an iron wall, blocking all artillery fire.

Closer and closer to the strong cloud.

Two hundred meters

180 meters

Lin Xiao is still fighting with the war robot. He has successfully climbed under a machine and began to quickly destroy the line.

Strong cloud.

Dozens of people nervously looked at the screen and sweated for Lin Xiao.

"Boss, come back quickly! Ye lost is only 130 meters away from you!" Gao Haijian shouted at the communicator.

Lin Xiao was absorbed in a war machine and constantly destroyed its internal lines through weak places.

The driver who controls the war machine is also flustered. His control of the robot is slowly losing. The internal control interface keeps flashing electric sparks, and the control buttons on the screen are also failing one after another.

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Finally, Lin Xiao tore a thick cable and turned the war robot into a pile of scrap iron.

There are also two war robots fighting back madly.

The puppets headed by unbeaten are more brave and are completely using their bodies to resist Lin Xiao's injury.

Bang bang!

Invincible has suffered a lot of damage. Taking the lead in the battle this time, the damage on his body is becoming more and more serious. The whole right arm can't play a role at all, but his right arm is holding the long sword to advance and retreat vertically and horizontally without any obstruction.


Lin Xiao suddenly flew backwards out.

He was so anxious that he was caught by the war robot and hammered out.

After being hit hard, Lin Xiao felt his chest was very dull, and a stream of blood could not help but snatch out of his throat.


The moment the blood gushes out, it evaporates.


The brothers were surprised.

Gao Haijian couldn't stay. He turned around and rushed out.

The other brothers followed.

Just then, Fang Qing stopped them and shouted, "are you going out to die?"

"Go away!" Gao Haijian pushed out his hand recklessly.

Fang Qing quickly stepped forward, turned sideways to fight back, and pressed Gao Haijian's arm under her, "don't be impulsive!"



Gao Haijian's wrist shook, and the seven star sword turned into a cold arc and cut off Fang Qing.


Fang Qing was ready. She blocked his sword with a dagger. At the same time, she rode directly on the back of Gaohai sword and grabbed his throat with both hands. "Calm down! If you go out, it will only backfire!"

"Let go of me!" Roared Gao Haijian.

"Let him go!"

Choking, choking!

The eight vajras took out their weapons one after another.

The room suddenly became tense. The two sides fought tit for tat, and no one let anyone.

The screen changes again.

A war robot rushed to Lin Xiao, raised an air hammer and hit him.


Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised and stared at the screen for fear of Lin Xiao's accident.


Seeing that the air hammer was about to hit Lin Xiao, he flew to block him and directly blocked the blow with his body.

Lin Xiaokan stepped back, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and rushed forward to the war robot.

The attack just now made the robot pause, which gave Lin Xiao a chance.

"Leaf loss is 80 meters away from you!" Xiao Ling's voice is anxious. Although she is an artificial intelligence, her head has a real life brain and has certain feelings. She is very afraid of Lin Xiao's accident.

Eighty meters is only a short moment for a supreme master, but with the threat of gunfire from the strong cloud, ye lost less quickly.

In the process of Ye's loss approaching, he lost six puppets, and the remaining puppets are still being consumed.

It is estimated that the last 80 meters will cost at least six or seven puppets, which is also a big loss for ye lost.

Ye's lost eyes have turned red. He stares at Lin Xiao, who is fighting with the war robot on the surface of Qiangyun, and yells, "Lin Xiao! You can't run!"

There are two war machines left.

Lin Xiao doesn't care to fight with Ye lost. He is dealing with the third machine.


Several supreme puppets jumped on the war robot and held it firmly.

The robot struggled desperately, hitting the puppet and making a dull noise.

Bang bang!

Boom, boom!

Unable to move freely, the robot opened fire unconsciously and broke half of the red supreme body in an instant.

Qiang Qiang

The war robot also felt bad. He was forced to fall to the ground by several puppets, and his dense fists fell fiercely.

Lin Xiao took the opportunity to rush forward and quickly damaged its cable according to his experience.


Another war robot was scrapped.

There's the last one left.

Lin Xiao, who was greatly reduced in pressure, gestured to the invincible and asked it and other puppets to control the war robot as soon as possible.


The puppets rushed to the war robot. Even if they saw that their companions were seriously damaged, they were not half afraid. The greatest advantage of puppets is that they can obey their master's orders unconditionally.


The last war machine turned around and was about to run.

The war robot is not more supreme than a puppet. Its controller is a real intelligent creature. It is a black evil star man similar to human beings. Naturally, it will fear death.

Its escape means the beginning of defeat. It was immediately covered by puppets and wrapped on the ground like a palm.

Bang bang!

The puppets swung their iron fists and smashed them fiercely, destroying the armor in the control room one by one.

The Black Ghost soldiers inside were almost vomiting blood. They were in a trance. The control panel didn't listen to orders, and began to make a Zizi current sound.

Lin Xiao rushed under the last war robot and skillfully damaged the connecting cable.


The last war robot fell on its head in despair.

"Leaf loss is thirty meters away from you!"

Thirty meters is close at hand.

As soon as Lin Xiao looked back, he saw that ye lost his gloomy eyes behind the puppet supreme, and his heart sank hard.

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