"Lin Xiao! Look where you're going!"

The last twenty meters.

Ye lost urged the puppet supreme to launch the final attack. He quickly accumulated his strength, and the vitality on the giant sword surged and threatened all directions.

Lin Xiao looked at ye and suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Want to run!?" Ye lost a grim smile, suddenly shook his arm, quickly swept through the space with a startling training, and cut Lin Xiao's back.


However, the Qi chopper was intercepted by gunfire, turned into a huge flame, and exploded behind Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao was impacted by the air wave, and the huge force drove him to rush forward. At the same time, such a heavy blow also hurt him, and he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood again.

However, ye lost this time, but helped Lin Xiao and made him reach the evacuation site faster.

The ventilation hatch opened and Lin Xiao jumped down.


Unbeaten puppets followed one after another and soon disappeared into the strong cloud.

"Shit!" Ye lost his success and was on the verge of success, and roared angrily.

Without hesitation, he turned and ran away.

Delay will only make the puppet supreme more seriously damaged.

In just a few minutes, he had lost nearly ten puppets. He lost one-third of his combat effectiveness in vain, but only slightly injured Lin Xiao. Ye was so frustrated that he was about to vomit blood.


It's hard to rush, but fast to escape.

Ye lost, and the party were disheartened and hurriedly retreated beyond the warning line.

Looking at the strong cloud to restore calm, ye lost his breath.

He lost ten puppets, but he still watched Lin Xiao run away.

"Order the whole army to attack! Be sure to use up the energy of Qiangyun!" The leaves were lost and roared.

Unable to restrain his guilt, the military division quickly came out and advised in a deep voice, "general, if all the military strength is invested, it will have a great impact on our rule."

Ye lost and suddenly turned back, "are you questioning me?"

The military division took a deep breath. "Think about it, general, it takes at least 300000 troops to control the whole earth. We have 50000 troops in the western regions. If all of them are consumed, we need to increase troops from other places. In this way, there will be unrest in those places!"

"Hum! No one or thing is more important than Lin Xiao! As long as I catch Lin Xiao, I will leave immediately. As for the earth... It's a big deal to destroy it immediately!"

"But..." the military division continued to advise, "if we can't break the strong cloud, don't we lose tens of thousands of legions in vain? In this way, it may distract the army and affect the general's rule!"

"I can't manage so much!" Ye lost and was headstrong. Today, he was determined to capture Lin Xiao. "Order immediately and the whole army will attack! I don't believe that the Qiangyun, which has been silent for thousands of years, still has the energy to fight a war of attrition with me!"

The military master stood still and said in a deep voice, "general! I'm sorry my subordinates can't obey!"

"Do you want to rebel?" Ye lost yelled at the master's crime.

"The general once said that when you make any decision without reason, I have the obligation and responsibility to remind and warn you!" The military master's crime is neither humble nor arrogant. He resolutely implements his attitude. Even in the face of Ye's loss, he is not timid.

Ye lost a deep look at the master's crime and said in a deep voice, "if I have to do it today?"

"General! Please think twice!" The master smiled bitterly, "if we put all our combat power into it, it will be more difficult for us to catch Lin Xiao in the future!"

"At present, the energy consumption of Qiangyun is not bottomed out. What if it has enough energy?"

The sentence of military division sin made Ye's lost heart sink three points.

"In those days, the strong Cloud Star master was all powerful. Even if his car was transformed into a sightseeing number, it may not have left behind."

"Once the strong cloud has backup energy, Lin Xiao's move is likely to lure the enemy into depth and deliberately consume our troops!"

"When our troops are exhausted, Lin Xiao suddenly burst into trouble and drove the strong cloud to fight us, the situation will be bad!"

"Hum!" Ye lost and sneered, "it takes hundreds of technicians to start the strong cloud number. With only a few dozen of them, what waves can they turn out?"

"That being said, you should be on guard against anything!" The master continued, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

After the earnest and kind inducement of the military division's crime, ye lost and calmed down.

Although ten puppets were lost, it was not unbearable for Ye's loss.

"I'll listen to you once!" Ye lost a cold voice, "send orders immediately and collect more puppet gold. I want to recreate several puppet supreme masters!"

"Yes!" The military master felt relieved and thought that he had finally dissuaded ye from losing, otherwise the loss would be great today. "I immediately ordered the king Dynasty Village in Zhennan to hand in all the puppet gold!"

The military division is guilty of dialing the wireless phone.

The captain of the black evil army garrison from Zhennan answered the phone.

"How's the puppet gold of Wangchao village collected?"

"It's not good, military division," the opposite side was very noisy and sounded like fierce gunfire. I just heard the captain of Zhennan garrison scream in panic, "just now, a team of experts suddenly killed and robbed all the puppet gold. Moreover, the Chinese Legion suddenly sneaked in and attacked in an all-round way by land and air, causing heavy losses to our army..."

"What?" The military master was surprised, "what did you say?"

"Military division, I just came back from the battlefield. 20000 troops stationed in Zhennan were attacked by the Chinese legion, killing more than 3000 people. The other party dispatched all advanced weapons and caught us unprepared!"

"Damn it!" The face of the master's sin suddenly became gloomy, "you waste people, can't even deal with a group of earth natives?"

"Military division, it's not our waste, but the enemy is too strong! The leader who killed and robbed puppet Jin is a young master. Shiduan, the great master, if we get angry with a sword, we will have to die more than a dozen people!"

"Sword, sword spirit?" The military master looked at ye in horror, because he knew that he was the supreme means. If only the great master Shiduan could release his sword Qi, it would be a great genius.

"Yes! He calls himself the king of chaos. One of his men is better than the other. None of us is his opponent!"

The leader of the black evil army stationed in the south of the town is just the strength of the fifth section of the great master. It is impossible to stop the chaotic army.

The military division hung up the line and hurriedly reported to Ye lost, "general! Something big has happened! There is chaos in Zhennan. The king of chaos took his soldiers to the station and robbed the puppet gold!"

Ye lost his pupils, and a fierce spirit appeared on his face, "looking for death!"

Boom, boom!

Suddenly, gunfire came from a distance.

I saw countless missiles flying from the horizon, drawing a bright arc in mid air and shooting hard at the station.

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