The gap between the two sides is too big. Not to mention individual strength, but a combat equipment is as bad as clouds and mud.

The Heisha Legion uses laser guns, while the Chinese soldiers use all kinds of assault rifles. When they hit the armour of the Heisha soldiers, a shuttle of bullets may not break the defense.

In the end, such a battle can only be filled with human life.

Many soldiers were so jealous that they rushed up with grenades and died together.

If one grenade is not enough, just two. If two grenades are not enough, just a string.

In short, as long as we can kill the enemy, we will never be vague.

Everyone also held back for several months and has been seeking survival in the shadow of the black evil army.

Today, everyone is fearless and determined to fight with the black evil army.

Tung Chee Wu was trembling all over. He also saw that the battlefield situation was wrong. All the sacrifices were in vain.

But it was impossible for him to send bombers to clear a passage of flesh and blood.

"General!?" The chief of staff held up the phone. "The chaos king is surrounded. The longer the delay, the worse the situation! Don't forget that our purpose is to transport puppet gold! Only by sending things in, can we have a chance to fight back! Otherwise all the sacrifices will be in vain!"

"Hum!" Tung Chee Wu clenched his fist and angrily said, "nonsense! Don't I know? But it makes my soldiers die in vain. My heart hurts!"

Many generals on the hillside were silent. They were not afraid of death. Since they dared to come here, they did not intend to go back alive.

But watching the soldiers brought out by themselves be killed by their own plane is not the same thing as dying in battle. The mood is fundamentally different.

"General Dong!" In the communication phone, a Dai, one of the chaos King's men, roared, "give orders quickly, it's too late!"


Just then, the front position changed.

The crime of military division was blocked in front with the puppet supreme.

The master team of nearly 100 people of chaos king was split by the impact in an instant.

"It's supreme!" Someone exclaimed.

"What shall I do, my lord?" Ah Dai looked back and saw the gloomy eyes of the military master sin, and his face changed greatly.

Xiaosu looked a little thin and stopped in place. It didn't seem that he accidentally met the Supreme Master.

At the same time, two puppet supreme masters behind him stood together in silence.

The two puppets were a man and a woman. Maybe they knew each other. They held hands intimately and behaved very strangely.

With a wave of Xiaosu's hand, the two puppets rushed out immediately.

"Hum!" The master sin waved his hand gently, and the puppets scattered behind him and killed the king of chaos's team.

And he waited quietly for the puppet supreme who jumped on him.

"A mere puppet supreme, also want to stop me?" With a sneer, the military master suddenly stretched his hands to his waist, pulled out two long swords with a clatter, took a sword flower and stabbed forward.


Two extremely fast swords shot at the puppet.


The two puppets did not give in, but directly blocked his sword with their bodies, and then suddenly rolled to the ground like a top.

Click, click!

At this time, everyone saw a very strange scene. The body structure of the two puppets was deformed, and the arms were entangled together, then half of the body, and then the legs. The deformed body was completed in just a few seconds.

A few seconds later, the two puppets merged into a behemoth, a very strange and terrible monster.


The monster with two heads roared and rushed frantically towards the military division.

"What?" The military master was surprised, and his pupil involuntarily shrunk to the tip of a needle. "This, this is the original puppet on earth? Did he get the deformation script?"

The eight puppets of the early generation can be combined into larger and powerful puppets.

But the premise is that you need a secret script, a formula or password similar to a puppet secret script.

Only by unlocking the formula password, the eight puppets of the early generation can deform in pairs and finally combine eight into one.

The eight puppets of the early generation have seven different passwords, which can form larger puppets in pairs.

The four deformed puppets deformed again, became yin-yang puppets, and finally merged into dominant puppets.

Military division sin did not expect that this seemingly childish young man not only had two puppets of the first generation of the earth, but also had the variant code fortunately.


At the moment when the military division was in a daze, the deformed puppet had been killed close, and his speed and strength were no worse than him.

The soldier who was shot away jumped up with a disheartened face and said angrily, "I'll just catch you back! Gather eight puppets!"


The military division commanded several puppets to fight with the deformed puppets.

The ground shook and the mountains shook between the two sides, and a large area of open space was cleared due to the fierce fighting between the two sides.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaosu immediately rushed to the underground entrance with two strong men carrying boxes.

Boom, boom!

The aircraft formation finally made a move. The pilot endured a heartbroken mood and shouted at the communication channel one after another.

"Brothers! If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

Fighter planes not only emptied their bombs, but also dived down from the air and directly hit the ground. In this way, they chose to be with their comrades in arms.

Boom, boom!

The ground fell into a sea of fire, and a passage of flesh and fire was established.

Xiaosu didn't hesitate any more. He stepped through the flesh and blood channel and rushed directly into the underground entrance.


At the same time, Lin Xiao, who got the news, also sent a puppet supreme to meet him. The two sides met at the entrance.

The deformed puppet fought and retreated, and withdrew into the underpass with Xiaosu and others.

Ye lost and watched the battle all the time. He was very angry, but he had nothing to do.

He didn't dare to fight easily for fear of meeting the limitless sword.

He is very afraid of jianwuji. After all, jianwuji was once a powerful figure of domain master Jiuduan.

If sword Wuji awakens his strength with some secret method and recovers a little by 10.5%, he can wave his hand to destroy Ye lost.

"Shit!" Ye lost his eyes and watched Xiaosu rush into the underpass with puppet Jin. His angry face turned green.

He knew it was futile to catch up, so he stood quietly at the underground entrance for two minutes, and then turned decisively to face the Chinese Legion.

After being successfully sent to Xiaosu, the whole Chinese army was jubilant, but the excitement lasted less than half a minute and ushered in a nightmare.

The Army division crime directly led the black evil army to kill Dong Jianwu and others at the command base.

The temporary residence is on the hillside a few kilometers away. Tung Chee Wu did not expect that the other party would kill a horse and turn his attention to the Chinese Legion.

I just didn't expect that the other party should come so fast without even a trace of hesitation.

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