The black evil army was like a black fog. It was murderous and carried out a bloody massacre with a strong smell of blood.

Boom, boom!

The Phoenix warship's dense missiles seemed to be free of money. Wave after wave, it was like a missile rain, directly covering the whole rear position.

Before the Chinese Legion had a chance to withdraw, the bodies were bombed everywhere.

Tung Chee HWU looked at his eyes and shouted, "all return, and the fighters cover the ground troops!"

Hundreds of warplanes went round and round, opening an escape path for ground troops.

In the face of covered artillery fire, the military division did not dare to be careless. He took several puppet supreme masters and hundreds of personal guards far ahead of the team and rushed towards the mountain hidden by Tung Chee Wu and other generals.

"General Dong! Withdraw quickly! If you don't withdraw, you won't be in time!"

Several generals rushed to Dong Jianwu, "the other party's experts are coming, and our people can't stand it!"

This time, although I brought some experts from the martial arts association, it was useless to face the Supreme Master. It could only become cannon fodder.

Under such circumstances, once Tung Chee Wu is killed or captured, the whole Chinese Legion will be completely destroyed.

Although Tung Chee Wu brought less than 20000 soldiers this time, they were all carefully selected elite. It was heartbreaking to die one.

In order to transport puppet gold, Dong Jianwu set up this corps by mobilizing several special forces in China.

Seeing more than half of the damage, Dong Jianwu's heart was dripping blood.

"Let the soldiers withdraw first!" Tung Chee Wu took a deep breath and did not choose to withdraw. Instead, he said in a deep voice, "if the commander withdraws, the soldiers behind him will become the target of attack by the black evil army!"

"But..." the crowd was stunned, "if you make a mistake, the soldiers will be headless..."

"Stop talking!" Dong Jianwu suddenly put on his military cap and rushed out with big steps. He shouted, "drive the command car and follow me!"

The temporary command base has six command vehicles and more than 100 Guard soldiers, who are equivalent to the brain of the whole Legion.

The division crime obviously knew where the command center of the Chinese Legion was. The goal was very clear, so he killed it directly.

The soldiers who resisted along the way were not the opponents of military division crimes at all. It was difficult for guns and cold weapons to affect him.

The speed of a supreme master is too fast. It seems like a blink. As soon as the muzzle of the soldiers is raised, the whole person is split in two.

"You stay here!" When the master came to the foot of the mountain, his eyes were extremely cold and said, "no one is allowed to escape!"


The soldiers of the Heisha army immediately dispersed and began to arrange a defense line along the foot of the mountain.

This mountain is not big. It is bare and full of rocks. The only plants are just a few dried old pines. Whether there is anyone on it can be seen at a glance.

Even, the military division crime can see the command platform temporarily built on the top of the mountain, which is crowded and seems to be very flustered.

"A group of things that don't know how to live or die!" The military division stared at the top platform and decided to kill everyone except the commander.

Tung Chee Wu knew that the enemy was coming down the mountain, and a big war was inevitable.

It can't be said to be a war. In fact, it's just a massacre on one side.

With the crimes of military division and the strength of the black evil army, it is simply effortless to deal with hundreds of people such as Tung Chee Wu.

The warplanes circling in the sky continued to dive down to help Tung Chee Wu relieve the danger. Unfortunately, they were hit by the tracking missile of the Phoenix warship.

Boom, boom!

The wreckage of the plane turned into debris, forming an overwhelming rain of debris, smashing desperately towards the top of the mountain.


The wind helped the fire, and the fire borrowed the power of the wind. The whole mountain also ignited a fire in an instant. The light of the fire from heaven to earth dyed most of the sky red.

Facing the hellish scene, Tung Chee Wu was calm. He saw that the soldiers had begun to retreat orderly in all directions, and his heart slowly settled down.

The crime of military division almost gave up chasing and killing those ordinary soldiers. He just wanted to trample the commander of the Chinese military under his feet and let him understand that there was only a dead end to dare to be the enemy of the black evil army.

"General Dong, the soldiers began to withdraw under the cover of fighters. Let's also withdraw!" A chief of staff held back his fear and said with a bitter smile, "it's really too late!"

"Withdraw?" Tung Chee Wu sneered, "where can we withdraw? Can we run past the Phoenix warship? As long as the black evil army is willing, it will blow up the whole mountain in an instant!"

Everyone was shocked. They knew that what Tung Chee Wu said was true and that any resistance to the Big Mac in the sky would be futile.

"If we leave one more second, the soldiers will have one more second to escape!" As a commander, Tung Chee Wu knows the enemy commander's mind very well.

In a two-way war, the commander who can capture or destroy the other party alive is the greatest victory and pride.

This is what the division crime really means. He wants all those who pay attention to this battle to see how he holds the top commander of the Chinese Legion in his hands and teases him like a toy.

Only in this way can other countries dare not take the lead easily in the future. This is to kill the monkey.

"Listen to my command, don't kill the commander of the Chinese military. I'll make his life worse than death!" The loud and gloomy voice of the military division's crime resounded through the whole mountain and moved the Chinese Legion.

"Military division! The Chinese soldiers fled in all directions. Do you want to chase them?" The Deputy General of the division's crime, dressed in iron armor, rushed forward murderously, "let me take someone to kill them all!"

"Hum!" The crime of military division doesn't care at all. "It's just a group of flustered bedbugs. It can't be a big climate. I want them to see their commander trampled under their feet like garbage!"

The deputy general suddenly felt a cruel arc in the corner of his mouth.

Tung Chee Wu went straight out of the mountain, exposed to the hail of bullets, and looked fearlessly at the military division at the foot of the mountain.

Even though he knew that the other party was the supreme one, he was like a God to him, but Tung Chee Wu was not afraid at all.

As a commander, Tung Chee Wu is not defeated at all in momentum. It seems that his fighting spirit is a little higher.

"Listen to the bastards of the black evil army. Your grandpa Dong Jianwu is waiting here. If you have the ability to come up and kill me!" Tung Chee HWU's face was red and roared at the division's crime. Half of the roar, he burst into laughter.


Knowing that he would die, Tung Chee Wu regarded death as his home. With this boldness alone, he is worthy of being a famous general of a generation.

Once upon a time, Tung Chee Wu was also a famous general admired by all countries in the world. Today, in the face of foreign aggression and alien invaders far beyond his own strength, he also did not disappoint people.

Many other legions concerned about the battle were also infected by Tung Chee Wu's emotions.

Relevant people from the United States, Russia and island countries saw the scene through the video and were all moved.

"Tung Chee Wu is going to commit suicide!"

"I've seen the blood of Chinese soldiers today!"

The war is still spreading, and the crime of military division has stepped up the mountain step by step in order to put greater psychological pressure on Dong Jianwu.

He wants to crush Tung Chee Wu's psychological defense step by step and make him kneel down and surrender.

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