At this time, many soldiers who had retreated to the middle suddenly returned.

"I can't escape anyway. What else can I escape?"

"The whole earth has been occupied by the black evil army. Where are we going?"

"Since we can't escape, what else can we escape? Our Chinese soldiers are wrapped in clothes. There has never been a waste deserter!"

"Fight with the black evil army!"

"Spell it!"


Knowing that Dong Jianwu and others stayed to die in order to protect themselves, tens of thousands of soldiers adjusted their formation neatly and rushed back recklessly.

"Chinese soldiers have such boldness of vision, and we can't be shrinking turtles!" The United States also received Dong Jianwu's request to send troops to fight together for the hope of mankind.

But until now, the American generals have finally been moved by Dong Jianwu's spirit.

"Fighter formation attack! Intercontinental missile preparation, target Phoenix!"

Russia, Taiwan, South Korea, and more than a dozen other countries have responded one after another. Their aircraft legions and intercontinental missiles are all ready to go, targeting the Phoenix warship.

The crime of military division did not expect that in his eyes, like a mouse, he only knew the earth troops hiding everywhere, and suddenly taught him a good lesson at a certain moment.

The gunfire suddenly intensified.

The dense fighters in the sky came like dark clouds.

The number of warplanes that make people feel numb at a glance, even if they can't threaten the Phoenix warship, is enough to cause devastating disaster to the black evil army.

It is preliminarily estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of multinational joint fighters, which is still the first to wait and see the troops temporarily dispatched.

The crime of military division originally wanted to put pressure on Dong Jianwu and make him feel fear. Unexpectedly, he waited for a large number of warplanes to bomb.

Tens of thousands of warplanes bombed at the same time. The scene was very spectacular. The black evil army fell into a sea of fire and hell at that time.

The soldiers of various countries who have held back for months, such as the fierce tiger, go down the mountain, completely regardless of their own losses and are determined to defeat the black evil army.

Dong Jianwu was stunned and lost his voice. "Have these guys finally made a move?"

Before his arrival, Tung Chee Wu had sent a telegram in the hope that all countries would send troops to help, but there was no response.

I thought it was a lonely battle, but the turnaround came too soon.

The accurate shelling blocked the escape of the black evil army and drove back the Army division crime team.

"Die!" The military division was angry and rushed to the mountain with the puppet supreme. Even if he could not wipe out the Chinese Legion today, he would kill the other party's commander.

Boom, boom!

The Phoenix finally moved.

Facing the bombing of tens of thousands of fighters, the Phoenix warship did not dare to neglect it. It moved slowly and adjusted the angle to launch a counterattack.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Just now, the Phoenix warship used ordinary guns. Now the strategy has changed, and the shipborne laser gun began to fight back.

At the same time, a large number of spaceships rushed out and rushed towards the earth fighter like flies.

A bloody battle is inevitable. This is the first time that the combat effectiveness of both sides has hit hard.

There was no such thing as the crime of military division. I was a little shocked at the sight of this scene.

He is not that he has never been to the life planet. Countless low life has been extinct in his hands, but such a united battle is the only one in his life.

The planets he visited were easily destroyed as soon as they were invaded by foreign enemies.

However, since the black evil army came to the earth, although there were also people who surrendered and loyal, they showed a strong lack of cooperation on the whole.

Especially in today's scene, dozens of countries unite to resist, which is impossible to see on other planets.

"Hum!" The division's crime was bombed everywhere. Watching Tung Chee Wu and others retreat calmly under the cover of artillery fire on the top of the mountain, their calm mood became not calm.

Between the gunfire, a large number of paratroopers suddenly dropped from the sky.

Soldiers from various countries, knowing that they would die, still did not hesitate to kill on the battlefield.

When people were in the air, many soldiers were blown apart, and the sky was like a blood rain.

No one will shrink back at this time, but it has aroused the common hatred of everyone, and more and more soldiers jumped down recklessly.

The soldiers of various countries in the sky formed a picture of strong visual conflict, which moved Tung Chee Wu for a while.

At this time, ye lost suddenly gave an order, and the Phoenix warship sent a retreat signal.


The Phoenix warship sent out a signal bomb. After seeing the crime, the military division couldn't help a burst of hostility.

"Shit!" The Army division's crime broke out in a rare way, and immediately ordered the whole army to retreat.


The spacecraft scattered in mid air also received orders and quickly drilled back to the mothership.

The division crime took the disabled and defeated generals and withdrew to the ship under the cover of the Phoenix warship.

"Back?" When Tung Chee Wu was halfway there, he suddenly found that the Phoenix warship turned its huge body and left quickly towards the West.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The soldiers were so powerful that they couldn't help shouting like a tsunami.

Many fighters pursued the victory, and countless shells poured on the Phoenix warship, splashing waves and ripples on the protective cover.

Although I know it's useless for these shells to hit the Phoenix warship, this feeling is only described in one word, cool!

"Hahaha, these bastards of the black evil army have today!"

"Retreat, they retreat! Have we won?"




The soldiers on the ground cheered in unison, which made the soldiers who were going away look very ugly.

Through the armor mask, the soldier's eyes seemed to penetrate the void, and the pen went straight to the ground.

Returning to the Phoenix warship, the military division strode to the command cabin and saw Ye lost his face standing in front of the cabin window. He couldn't help but ask, "general, why withdraw the troops? I'm going to kill the enemy commander right away..."

"Hum!" Ye lost and suddenly turned back, glaring at the military division's crime, "waste! Even people can't stop it. What face do you have to stay?"


"Stay and lose combat power for nothing?" Ye lost is such a person. He will do anything to achieve his goal. Once the goal cannot be achieved, he will change his strategy immediately.

"General, I know what you mean." since the military division sin is Ye lost's military division, of course, you can guess what ye lost is thinking. "You are afraid to spend too much energy and fall downwind in the face of the upcoming warship in the front hall of the king."

"Hum! Although Duan Yi's warship is only a quasi-s-class battleship, it is still a threat to the Phoenix warship. We have to guard against it!"

Ye lost and was silent for a few seconds. He said coldly, "there's another reason. Don't you know?"

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