Ye lost and ordered the withdrawal.

All the remaining forces of the black evil army in the western regions dissipated like a ebb tide, all the way to the West.

The Phoenix battleship also returned to its original position, near the virgin peak.

The location of the Phoenix warship is about 300 kilometers away from Lin Xiao's Qiangyun. For the warship, it's only a matter of minutes and seconds.

However, ye lost doesn't think he failed. He just doesn't want to fight the world at this time.

After all, his black evil army has only hundreds of thousands. If all of them are put into it, it will be disadvantageous to his future rule.

The leaf with a gloomy face was lost and had been staring at Lin Xiao's movements.

There was no change in the direction of the underground base, but ye lost was very worried.

Once the strong cloud starts, it will be a strong enemy of the Phoenix warship.

"Are you ready?" Leaf loss suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere of the command cabin.

The military master coughed and said, "the time and space blockade has been completed. Even if Duan Yi comes, he can stop him for a while!"

"But..." the military division pondered for a few seconds, "the space-time blockade has left a large part of the energy empty, which urgently needs to be supplemented!"

"Hum!" Ye lost and became angry when he thought of it. He finally saved more than half of the puppet gold, and the rest was not enough to consume.

"Send orders and collect puppet gold all over the world. You can exchange yuan Dan when necessary!"

"It has been ordered." The military division murmured.

Ye lost and looked back at him, "are you hurt?"

"Little wound!"

"Go down and have a rest!" Ye lost and stretched. "Lin Xiao really has some skills. If he really drives the strong cloud, it will be a trouble!"

The military division frowned, "even if the Qiangyun can start, it needs at least 300 operators, and the current Qiangyun is only a sightseeing ship, there is no great threat, just..."

"Just what?"

"Only in this way, it's more difficult to catch Lin Xiao! He can hide in the strong cloud and wait for rescue!"

"Hum!" Ye lost sneered, "when our support forces come, the SS class battleship of the black evil army will be enough to suppress the current Qiangyun and consume its energy easily. It is not impossible for a master to break in at that time!"

"In addition..." Ye lost his eyes and flashed a fierce light. "Send me a message and say... Since the saint leaves on the day, she wants to return to the black evil star and establish a transmission array at the saint's peak!"

The soldier's eyes lit up, "in this way, it is possible to lead Lin Xiao out?"

"Of course," Ye lost sneered, "Lin Xiao is not so stupid. He may see through our plans, so we'll have a real one!"

"Really?" The military master was stunned, "really establish a transmission array? So..."

Ye lost a glance at him, "I know what you're thinking. You're afraid that after the transmission array is built, there will be a long-term connection between the earth and the black evil star, afraid of accidents. In fact, this may not be a bad thing!"

"You think that there are so many indigenous people on the earth, which is a great wealth for us. When will it have to be transported by spaceship alone?"

Ye lost his eyes and said, "after the establishment of the transmission array, there is not only a springboard for entry and exit, but also we can take the earth as our base camp and establish contact with other galaxies in the future!"

"But in this way, other galaxies will not..." the military master sighed, and he knew that ye lost has great ambition, and it is more dangerous to establish a transmission array.

Although each transmission array has its own mark, it cannot be used without authorization, just like a password door.

But since it is a door, you can get in and out with a password. Other galaxies and species have all kinds of ways to get the password.

I'm afraid it will be another catastrophe.

"I hope the more chaotic the better," Ye lost licked his lips and smiled grimly. "Won't you be able to fish in troubled waters then?"

The military master turned his mouth and thought that you, an ordinary master of the supreme second section, also wanted to take a share in the troubled times?

Even if the master is in the real battlefield, it is cannon fodder, let alone supreme.

Right here on earth, leaf loss can dominate.

Once the transmission array is really established, the powerful races of all galaxies come one after another. Let alone share, they can't even fart.

However, the crime of military division is also clear. Within the black evil army, ye lost has a strong backing, and even a master level expert.

It is precisely because of this relationship that ye lost can get this good job.

"Well, I'll do it!" The military division sin could not refuse ye lost's order, so he had to sink his voice.

"Hmm! Where's Lei Yun? How's his injury? It's time for him to go out." Ye lost and suddenly smiled.

Special envoy Lei Yun was seriously injured when jianwuji killed the warship last time and has been recovering.

"It should be almost. I'll inform him!" The crime of military division answered again.

"There's something wrong with the old guy jianwuji who attacked Lei Yun before he left last time." Ye lost sneered, "he thought he could kill a supreme master? But Lei Yun has a special constitution and can recover in a few days!"

"Let Lei Yun go around the world to collect puppet gold?"

"Well, go!" The leaf lost and waved with a big hand.

It's getting dark outside.

However, in the place where the war just started, there was still fire in the sky.

Hundreds of kilometers were affected, and the battlefield was full of corpses and wailing.

After the black evil army withdrew, Dong Jianwu led the troops back. He couldn't bear to let the soldiers who died in the battle have no chance to be recovered.

However, most of the bodies have long been fragmented and not many are complete.

Seeing this scene, Tung Chee Wu was in a very bad mood. His old face was about to drip water.

"The black evil army offended our earth and caused death. Sooner or later, we will counterattack and let them pay the price!"

Many generals around were silent, but the anger and firmness in their eyes were unprecedented.

The generals of the legions of various countries gathered here also remained silent. In this situation, there is no need to say superfluous words at all.

There may have been many contradictions between them in the past, but in the face of foreign aggression, they have a common enemy, that is, the black evil army.

"General Dong!" Jesse bang, a general of the MI army, came quickly, with an unprecedented heavy complexion.

Tung Chee Wu turned back slowly. To his surprise, the MI Corps was the first corps to come to support. Especially in front of him, Jesse bang was a famous general of the United States. "General Jesse, thank you for your support!"

"We are a community of destiny." Jesse bond is very serious, "the past grievances are only minor, and the United Front is the most important thing in the future. I have a proposal..."

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