Although other legions surrounded, they were obviously led by the rice Legion.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the MI Corps is the leader among them. Everyone is convinced that although their practice was very problematic in the past, they are now facing the same enemy, and the contradiction between them is not important.

"What proposal?" Tung Chee Wu was slightly stunned.

"Form an alliance to fight against the black Shaxing people!"

It has to be said that Jesse Bang speaks Chinese fluently. It is obvious that he has worked hard. Perhaps he is preparing for today's scene.

As everyone knows, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Legion has increased day by day in recent years, and a super master like Lin Xiao will be the center of the whole earth in the future.

Jesse bond's proposal stunned Tung Chee Wu. He looked at the others and found that they all looked like they had expected. It seems that they should have contacted before they came this time.

"The alliance is good, but..." Dong Jianwu suddenly looked at the direction of the underground base. "I can't decide this!"

"Oh?" Jesse gang was surprised, "aren't you the leader of the Chinese army? Why can't you be the master?"

Tung Chee Wu pointed to the place where the battle was most intense just now. "The master is still in the underground base. He is general Lin Xiaolin!"

At first, Lin Xiao's identity was hidden so that he didn't want to be noticed by the black evil army. Now the two sides are officially at war, and Lin Xiao can stand up openly.

Lin Xiao was sitting cross legged in the secret room, holding jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan in his hand, and his eyes hesitated.

Behind him, jianwuji stood quietly, staring at the video about strong Cloud Star playing in the virtual screen.

Perhaps out of nostalgia, or the memory of the past, jianwuji looked quite sad.

"Master, do you think this nine turn Xiong Xidan can really make me the Supreme Master?" Lin Xiao still felt that it was too easy and some of it was not true.

Jian Wuji turned slowly, "jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan does have this effect. It's for ordinary people!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao knew it wasn't that simple, so he woke up jianwuji from his meditation before taking medicine.

Jianwuji's injury was much better, but his strength was greatly reduced, which surprised Lin Xiao.

However, Jian Wuji didn't tell him about his situation, and Lin Xiao didn't ask much.

Anyway, his master is always mysterious and never plays cards according to common sense. Lin Xiao knows that if his master is unwilling to say, he can't ask anything.

Jianwuji looked at Lin Xiao, "have you reached the Shiduan of the great master?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao was a little excited. "Master, I managed to get jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. Don't say it's useless."

"Useful!" Jian Wuji said faintly, "if you eat it now, you will become the Supreme Master in three days!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao was overjoyed, but then he felt something wrong, because jianwuji was too calm. It shouldn't be this expression, "master, do you have anything else to say?"

"Know and ask?" Jian Wuji said angrily, "don't you know your own constitution?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did I tell you when I preached your limitless skill?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a long time. When he was a child, his master took himself to the top of Jueling mountain to teach Wuji Kung Fu, the first sentence he said was, "Wuji Kung Fu is a skill to seize the creation of heaven and earth. It is unique in the world. Its full name should be called Jiutian and Shidi Wuji Shenyang Kung. Do you want to learn it?"

Lin Xiao was less than ten years old at that time. When he heard the name, he felt Niubi. Of course, he wanted to learn it without hesitation.

Now I remember, Jian Wuji's expression was not good-looking at that time, and he seemed to be worried.

"Master, I only know that this skill is unique. Once you start practicing, there is no way back..." Lin Xiao youyou said, "it is the only shortcut to become the supreme god!"

Jian Wuji sighed, "I asked you to learn this Kung Fu to suppress your blood curse. I didn't expect that one day you would break the curse. I have to say, it's all fate!"

Lin Xiao felt a pain in his heart. The reason why he broke the curse was entirely because of Nangong brocade. If it weren't for her, he might have gone to hell.

"Now, when you grow up to this point and reach the critical turning point, there are some things I have to tell you!"

Lin Xiao looked cautious and asked thoughtfully, "master... Aren't you from earth?"

"Oh? You know?" Jian Wuji raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "you probably know this from the inside of the black evil army?"

"Yes," Lin Xiao nodded silently, "but I still don't quite understand. Where are you from?"

"Ha ha..." jianwuji's expression suddenly became sacred and solemn. His eyes were very focused. It seemed that there was a boundless cosmic star in his eyes.

"If you count up, I should call you little Lord!" Jian Wuji smiled.

"Little, little Lord?" Lin Xiao was startled and looked embarrassed. "Master, don't joke with me!"

Jian Wuji sat down slowly. "It's a long story. Let me talk about the nine turn bear Xidan first!"

"Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan can really make an ordinary great master Shiduan master become the Supreme Master. However, this supreme master is only the most ordinary Supreme Master, and his strength will not improve much!"

"But you're different. If you take this pill, your earthshaking talent will disappear. It's hard to make progress in the future!"

Jian Wuji said meaningfully, "no matter now or in the future, you can't break through with the help of external forces. You must step by step, step by step, feel all things in the world and the stars in the universe. You should feel the cells in the extreme and even the body, and the vast and even the universe."

Lin Xiao was in the fog, but he only knew one thing. Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan was robbed in vain. He couldn't eat it.

"Only when you understand yourself can you be promoted and bear new strength, okay?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "I don't understand!"

Jian Wuji turned his eyes. "In short, you can't eat this nine turn bear Xidan!"

"Well, all right." Lin Xiao put away the pill, looked a little regretful, hesitated for a few seconds and asked, "master, you'd better tell me about the past. How long have you been on earth?"

Jian Wuji smiled, stroked his beard and thought deeply, "more than 378 years..."


Lin Xiao took a breath of air-conditioning and blurted out, "isn't that an old monster?"


Jian Wuji gave him a violent chestnut and scolded angrily, "who is the old monster!"

"Cough..." Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, "slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, master is clearly the birthday star..."

"Hum!" The breath of the sword is a little messy.

Lin Xiao hurried to help him sit down and said with a flattering smile, "master, what are you doing across the universe and the stars from so far away?"

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