"Hum!" Jian Wuji was still brooding about that "old monster" and didn't speak for a long time.

The word "old monster" is not aimless.

On earth, people who have lived for thousands of years are not old monsters. What is it?

Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, "master, you'd better talk about the past."

Jianwuji Old God sat on the chair and glanced at Lin Xiao. "You say I'm an old monster, then you're a little monster!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Little monster? Master, what do you mean?"

"Hum!" Jian Wuji seemed to want to laugh, but he deliberately held it in order to be serious and said faintly, "because you are thousands of years old."

"What, what?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "Master, don't scare me. Don't you have a fever? I don't think your injury is still good?"

Lin Xiao said and went over to touch the sword's limitless forehead.

Jian Wuji pushed his hand away unhappily. "Be honest, you have a fever. What I said is true."

"Master, are you serious?"

"Of course!" Jian Wuji's expression slowly became serious, "because you are the son of the king, and the king came to the earth thousands of years ago, and you were born with the princess at that time!"

"..." Lin Xiao was speechless and rolled his eyes. "Gave birth to me thousands of years ago? Shifu, you are really confused. It seems that you are possessed."


Lin Xiao shuddered at the sword.

"Sit down and listen to me!"

Lin Xiao sat aside.

There are few people in the world who can make Lin Xiao so obedient without a word of complaint.

Sword limitless is one.

Jian Wuji sighed, "it took me a lifetime of cultivation to imprison you in the time-space tunnel and keep you in a child state."

Lin Xiao was surprised, but he didn't open his mouth to interrupt jianwuji.

"Because of your blood curse, you can't live to be 30 years old. In order to continue your life, the king searched 3000 mountains on the earth to find suitable herbs."

"Unfortunately, the earth is at the end of the law. Even thousands of years ago, its vitality is still very weak. Some divine grasses need a very harsh environment to grow. The king has been looking for it for a whole year and has not found anything!"

"Unfortunately, the situation was urgent. The king had to leave first and leave me to take care of you."

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened slightly, "and then?"

Jian Wuji said in a deep voice, "then I searched for a year and still had no clue. At that time, I probably understood that there was no such god grass on the earth."

"What the hell is it?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Are those the drugs that ah Jin helped me find?"

Jian Wuji nodded, "yes! After thousands of years of cultivation, you are blessed. There is a god grass, otherwise your blood curse will not be lifted!"

"The key point," jianwuji took a deep breath, "is that you find a person you love deeply, and the other party is willing to sacrifice for you. This is the real way to solve the curse!"

Lin Xiao felt a pain in his heart.

Nangong Jin has been transformed into a nano robot in order to save Lin Xiao and rebirth.

Even though Nangong brocade consciousness is still there, Lin Xiao is still very painful.

If it weren't for him, Nangong Jin wouldn't be taken away by the black evil army. I don't know if there is a chance to meet in this life.

"However, fortune makes people," Jian Wuji said with a bitter smile, "the woman you like is the blood left by the emperor of heaven and earth in the heaven and earth court!"

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Master, do you mean that ah Jin was born thousands of years ago?"

"Good!" Jian Wuji said in a deep voice, "do you know what was important to the king?"

Lin Xiao shook his head blankly.

"The emperor of heaven and earth followed the king to the earth and wanted to assassinate him. Unfortunately, his strength at that time was too different from that of the king, and he could not succeed again and again!"

"Once, the emperor of heaven and earth did not know where to hear that the princess gave birth to a son and bore the top blood curse in the front hall of the king."

"The top blood curse? What does that mean?" Lin Xiao was completely confused.

Blood curse should be a bad thing. How can it be low and top?

"Ha ha..." Jian Wuji said with a smile, "although the blood curse is terrible, he is actually the most profound blessing!"

Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully, "is it good?"

"Of course! It's a great advantage!" Jian Wuji was a little excited. He probably thought of something enough to stimulate his domain master Jiuduan character, "the reason why the king's front hall can dominate the universe is because of the existence of this blood curse!"

"Every hall Lord can be promoted to the realm of the great emperor only after breaking the blood curse. It can be said that this is the exclusive of the front hall of the king!"

"I don't know how many years it takes for other races and blood to be promoted to the great emperor!"

"And almost every descendant who breaks the blood curse in the front hall of the king can be promoted to the realm of the great emperor!"

Lin Xiao's heart beat faster, "the great emperor..."

"The supreme is the master. Do you know that a master can fly in the air?"

Lin Xiaoxin suddenly said, "even the master is so powerful. What is the realm of the great emperor?"

The sword is not very light. He stroked his beard. The old God said on the ground, "you can't imagine the realm. Now you don't understand it."

Lin Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked curiously, "not to mention this, let's talk about the emperor of heaven and earth. Did he succeed in the end?"

"Bah!" Jian Wuji was angry and smiled, "are you cursing your Lao Tzu? If your Lao Tzu dies, the whole universe may generate a catastrophe!"

Lin Xiao was speechless for a while. Why is his father so powerful? Why don't I know

"Hum!" Jian Wuji turned his eyes and continued, "when the emperor of heaven and earth learned that the king had a son, he had ambition. He wanted to have a daughter, and then promote your love and kill his daughter in the future!"

Lin Xiao stared, "what do you mean?"

"Hum! The great emperor of heaven and earth is extremely cruel. He can do anything to block the blood inheritance of the king and avoid the emergence of the supreme virtual king! Let you fall in love with his daughter and then kill her, which will cut off your way to change blood!"

"... then I can no longer love others?" Lin Xiao was amused.

"Hum! Do you think the blood curse is so easy to crack?" Jian Wuji sneered, "or do you think real love will be so easy?"

Lin Xiao didn't understand. He thought for a long time and didn't understand.

"Master, what is the supreme virtual king?"

The color of fear flashed in jianwuji's eyes, "that's a realm I can't understand at all. I'm afraid even the king may not understand!"

"It is said that the king has reached the realm of the virtual king, so the emperor of heaven and earth dare not make a mistake. But I know that the king is only a half step virtual king!"

"Of course..." Jian Wuji immediately shifted his words. "These things are far from you. You don't have to think about them. I said these to tell you that you still have a long way to go. You have to decide how to go!"

"Do you want to eat jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, become a good Supreme Master, and become a domain master or even a great emperor in the future? Or are you going to fight to live up to your top blood talent and finally sprint to the... Realm of the supreme virtual king?"

Lin Xiao's heart beat faster and faster, and he was excited by what Jian Wuji said, "master, what am I going to do?"

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