Jian Wuji shook his sleeves and said faintly, "break through the supreme with your own strength!"

"By my power?" Lin Xiao knew the meaning of sword limitless, but he didn't quite understand why he had nine turns of Xiong Xidan. "Master, are there any differences between the two methods?"

The sword said coldly, "hum! All things in the world have their own rules! And the pill is something outside the rules, something against the sky!"

"Shifu, since you say I can't eat jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan to break through, what should I do with my own strength? I don't know anything about the supreme realm and have no clue at all. But now ye lost is eyeing, and the crime of the military division is extremely arrogant. Can't I always be a shrinking turtle?"

Jianwuji was amused by Lin Xiao, "shrinking turtle? This metaphor is good..."

Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed and coughed, "and I always have a hunch that the black evil army will not stop these combat forces in front of me. I heard that there will be more terrible enemies coming. When..."

"I must prepare early!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "now with the strong cloud, I have the power to fight back. When I defeat the lost leaves, I can unite all the forces on the earth to jointly resist the next danger!"

"Hey!" Jian Wuji said with a bitter smile, "even if you take jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan to become supreme, what's the use? It's still cannon fodder in the face of domination."

Lin Xiao clenched his fist. "It's always an opportunity!"

"If you can break through the supremacy with your own strength, you will really activate the blood power of the descendants of the front hall of the king, and you may be able to impact the dominant position in a short time..."

"What, what?" Lin Xiao was stunned, "impact master?"

Jian Wuji looked at Lin Xiao seriously. "Only the descendants of the blood in the front hall of the king can attack the master in a short time with the help of the power of Wuji divine skill. But if you break through with the help of the external force of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, you will lose your talent to communicate with all things in the universe!"

Although Lin Xiao didn't quite understand it, under the earnest and kind inducement of jianwuji, he knew that he couldn't rush now.

He took jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan out and took it back, and finally made up his mind, "in that case, I'll break through with my own strength! Just... Please give me guidance!"

Jianwuji nodded approvingly, "very few people can withstand the temptation to become the supreme. In my planet, although the supreme is ordinary, a nine turn bear Xidan will still break the head of countless ordinary people!"

"If others use it, there should be no such worry?" Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully.

"No!" Jian Wuji said with a smile, "only a few inheritors with special blood lines need to break through with their own strength. Others don't have this restriction."

"That's good!" Lin Xiao has a plan and is ready to leave the pill to his brothers and friends.

"Now..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath and restrained his whole mind. "Please give me guidance!"

Jian Wuji got up and walked out, "come with me!"

Out of the cabin, along the transparent overpass, they walked to the top floor of Qiangyun.

Jianwuji is very familiar with the strong cloud.

At the beginning, the master of the strong Cloud Star drove the strong cloud, quietly carrying the king in the front hall of the king, who was still a young king, traveled around the universe with the sword limitless, and came to the earth occasionally. He stayed for a hundred years for various reasons.

Later, the Lord and strong clouds tore apart time and space and left, and laid a nihility ban to hide the position of the earth, so that jianwuji could safely protect Lin Xiao's existence.

He has walked through the corridor countless times, which makes jianwuji's mood quite complicated.

The content of the virtual images around him is very rich. Even if he looks at the flowers, Lin Xiao is stunned.

"You must have seen the strong cloud star. This is my planet, sword star..." as soon as the sword limitless hand slipped, the virtual image in front of you began to change, and an amazing giant sword appeared.

The great sword stretched out from the ground to the sky.

It's red all around, and the sword is swirling.

"This is..." Lin Xiao was shocked. He just felt like a frog at the bottom of a well. He didn't know how broad the outside world was.

Jian Wuji smiled, "this is the soul of the sword star. It is called the sword tripod. In fact, it is a city!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao looked around as he walked, because at this time, the sword tripod had begun to enlarge and saw the crisscross channels and buildings on the surface, "I'm good, the man who built this city must be a genius!"

Jian Wuji sincerely sighed, "it's more than genius..."

"Master, do you know?"

Jian Wuji said in a deep voice, "there are four great emperors in the universe. The city of sword tripod in front of us is written by the sword emperor."

"Sword emperor..." Lin Xiao felt majestic as soon as he heard the name, and even felt a sense of sword pervading the space.

"Hmm! The sword emperor not only practices swordsmanship, but also knows the art of array structure. The array outline I taught you before came from the sword emperor!"

"Master..." Lin Xiao looked at Jian Wuji in surprise. "What's your relationship with the sword emperor?"

"If I have to ask for a relationship," Jian Wuji said with a bitter smile, "maybe I can call him an external disciple of the sword emperor."

"Shifu, I heard you say that you are an expert at the domain master level. You are just an external disciple?"

At this time, they have reached the top viewing platform of Qiangyun.

The platform is tens of thousands of square meters, and above the dome is a bright starry sky. Although it is only a virtual image, it is real enough.

Lin Xiao felt as if he were standing in the world and found that he was becoming smaller and smaller, which was not worth mentioning at all.

I don't know why Shifu brought himself here, but he knows there must be a reason.

At least, he has now found that some shackles in his body have loosened. Dantian can even feel the vitality flow of the outside world, which has never been felt before.

"What about the domain owner?" Jian Wuji sighed, "it's just the ninth segment of the domain master. If you don't enter the tenth segment, you can never touch the edge of the great emperor!"

"And..." Jian Wuji said faintly, "although the nine sections and ten sections of the domain master are only one section, their strength is very different!"

Jian Wuji glanced at Lin Xiao, "ten thousand domain masters nine sections can produce one domain master ten sections!"

"A great emperor will come out only when the ten billion domain master ten sections."

Lin Xiao took a breath of air-conditioning. No wonder there are only four emperors in the universe. The probability is too low.

"Feel it?" Jian Wuji looked at Lin Xiao with a smile. "Do you know the name of the place you stand now?"

Lin Xiao took several breaths and found that Dantian was more and more excited. The feeling of wanting to roar up to the sky became more and more obvious.

"What's your name?"

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