The color of remembrance appeared in the eyes of jianwuji.

Lin Xiao just asked casually. He didn't care what this platform was called.

He only knows that he has a new understanding of the road of martial arts, or the universe.

Especially after seeing the vast universe and stars, so many strange scenes and masters flying to the sky and hiding from the earth all made Lin Xiao's hot heart more boiling.

Jian Wuji looked at Lin Xiao and murmured, "this boy has realized in such a short time. He really deserves to be the king's son."

"Master, I feel that the internal force in the Dantian wants to rush out and mix with the outside world. I can't control it..." Lin Xiao suddenly lost his voice and exclaimed.

Jian Wuji's eyes lit up, "it's okay, let go of that feeling and let them out!"

"However," Lin Xiao was a little worried, "if all my internal power rushed out, the Dantian would be exhausted. Would it leave sequelae?"

"Ha ha," Jian Wuji lightly stroked his beard and said faintly, "don't be bound by past cognition. Ask here and try to explore with your own feelings."

"You should understand that the real master is not limited to the development of the body, but the cognition of the whole universe."

If Lin Xiao thought about it, he gradually relaxed and let the internal force of Dantian rush out of his body like a gushing well water.


After five seconds, Lin Xiao suddenly sat down on the ground and startled Wuji.

"I'll go!" The boss with Jian Wuji's eyes staring, "I asked at the beginning. It took me five minutes to fall, but the boy fell in five seconds?"

Others don't know, but the sword is limitless, but it is very clear. On the asking platform, the longer you can persist, the worse your talent is.

If you are an ordinary person, you won't feel anything until you die at the station.

But if you change to a genius, especially a genius who practices martial arts and has a talent against the sky, the shorter the time you spend at the station.

Jian Wuji turned around Lin Xiao several times and asked excitedly, "how's it going? Do you feel?"

Lin Xiao's head is buzzing with melon seeds.

Internal power rushed out of the elixir field and returned, directly impacting his brain to know the sea, so that he couldn't hear what jianwuji was saying.

"The person I've seen standing for the shortest time is probably the strong Cloud Star master, 48 seconds..."

Jian Wuji took a deep breath and thought excitedly, "with the talent of strong Cloud Star master, it's easy to become the domain master for ten sections. Maybe he can impact the realm of the great emperor in hundreds of years."

"Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao stood for five seconds. It's incredible!"

Jian Wuji held hands excitedly, as if happier than he had achieved this achievement. He said to himself, "according to Qiang Yun, the Lord only stood on the asking platform for ten seconds. Is this boy's talent even stronger than the Lord?"

Jian Wuji thought for a short time, Lin Xiao had completely entered the state of calmness.

You can see that Lin Xiao's forehead is sweating, and there is an invisible barrier around his body.

"What's the barrier?" Sword Wuji was almost scared to death.

Asking barrier is a protective cover spontaneously formed by the rules of heaven and earth. It is a barrier to protect the life safety of the questioner.

Such a platform on the strong cloud is less effective than the natural platform in nature.

But even so, it can also produce a barrier, which is enough to show that Lin Xiao's talent is unprecedented.

In the universe, there are many strange and precipitous places with natural platforms, which can make people feel the stars of the world and reach a very high level.

However, such places will generally become a place for all forces to compete.

If someone asks here, it will certainly attract the coveted of the strong. If you carry out a sneak attack at that time, you will die. The gain is not worth the loss.

Very few people can appear a barrier on the asking platform to protect their own safety. Once this happens, it proves that there are demons to be born.


The underground space is pulled by some force and makes a slight vibration.

At the same time, a faint red cloud rose from the ground to the sky and reached Yunxiao.

Ye, who was frowning and contemplating on the Phoenix warship, suddenly saw the red glow and jumped up.

"What happened?" Ye lost, as if he had seen a ghost, "that's... Asking Hongxia?"



Military division crime and special envoy Lei Yun came one after another, and they were also stunned.

"Someone has realized the law of heaven and earth? How is it possible? How can there be such a genius on this earth?" Lei Yun's surprised face was blank.

"No!" The soldier sin's eyes narrowed slightly, "I think it should be the old thing jianwuji awakened."

"What do you mean?" Ye lost obviously didn't know much about this kind of thing. He only knew that the presence of Hongxia meant that there were experts making a breakthrough.

It can be seen from the light Hongxia that it should be the breakthrough of the supreme level master.

"Jian Wuji's repair is greatly damaged and has not recovered. Maybe his strength is slowly recovering, so he triggered Hongxia." The military Master said in a deep voice, "I've heard my master say this!"

"General!" Lei Yun said anxiously, "if jianwuji recovers his strength, our plan will lose all. We must stop him!"

"Hum!" Ye's lost eyelids shook hard, "this old thing always comes out to make trouble at the critical moment!"

"General!" "The urgent task is to interrupt his awakening and not let him continue to realize it," the military Master said in a deep voice

"What do you want to do?" Ye lost a look at him.

"Up to now, we can only use heavy means." The military division said in a deep voice, "let the Phoenix warship start the railgun and blast out the strong cloud! This will destroy the ship."

"Ah?" Lei Yun lost his voice. "Use a railgun? Do you want to destroy the earth?"

The military Master said grimly, "destroying the earth is better than chasing us after Wuji recovers his strength?"

Ye lost his way to the console and looked across the glass at dozens of staff in the control room. His expression was a little hesitant. "If you start the railgun, I'm afraid it will damage the earth's core. The gain is not worth the loss..."

"General! That's Hongxia! It's enough to show that jianwuji is feeling, in case he really recovers his strength..." the military division's crime didn't say a word.

Leaf loss is very clear.

If jianwuji is restored to the ninth segment of domain master, the Phoenix warship can't stop him at all, and everyone will be finished.

"Shit!" Ye lost his tongue and smashed it on the glass.

"General, I have a way..." Lei Yun suddenly took a step forward and said with a smile, "you can not only not destroy the earth, but also destroy the perception of sword infinity!"

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