Ye lost and suddenly turned around. Yin Han's eyes stared at Lei Yun, "say!"

Lei Yun smiled, "do you remember what your Uncle Ye Ying ordered before you came?"

"Huh?" Ye lost and was stunned slightly.

This time, as a pioneer, I came to the earth to complete the task. I thought it was just a very easy thing.

After all, coming to such a low-level planet to deal with these earth natives is no different from crushing an ant.

If it weren't for Lei Yun's reminder, ye lost almost forgot what his uncle told him.

Uncle Ye Ying told him that he must be careful when acting on the earth. He can't be too arrogant and keep an eye on everything.

If you encounter something that cannot be solved, open the secret box. There are ways to help Ye lost solve the problem.

For that secret box, ye lost and didn't care at all. He had been throwing it at random in the warehouse.

At the moment, when Lei Yun mentioned it, ye lost and moved in his heart, his eyes shining slightly, "yes! The secret box my uncle gave me has not been used, and I don't know what's in it!"

"General! It's not too late. Open the secret box quickly. It's too late if the sword Wuji recovers its strength!"

Ye lost is also a little nervous. After all, under a domain master, they are at best a few strong ants and have no chance to resist.

"Go!" Ye lost the lead and ran quickly to the storeroom.

The other two followed, looking very eager and even panicked.

If, as the master's crime said, jianwuji recovers its strength, it will certainly kill directly into the Phoenix warship.

With the domain master's ability, the S-class Phoenix warship can't stop him at all. Everyone will die at that time.

When he came to the warehouse, ye lost and was stunned for a time, because he couldn't remember where the secret box was put.

I always felt that my uncle was just worrying about nothing. How could the earth's indigenous planet pose a threat to his black evil army.

Before departure, ye lost made a plan to take back the saint and catch the descendants of the front hall of the king. If you are lucky, you will find the Qiangyun, and everyone is happy.

When he first came, ye lost his spirit. He destroyed the withered and decadent all the way. God stopped killing God and Buddha stopped killing Buddha. It was easy to complete the task.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was destroyed by a Lin Xiao who looked like an ant in his eyes.

In particular, the appearance of sword limitless made Ye's lost heart become heavy.

"Where did you throw it?" Ye is lost in such a large warehouse, but he can't find the existence of the secret box.

At this time, Lei Yun's eyes were slightly bright, "general, when your uncle gave you the secret box, I remember putting it in the space box, as if it was in box v3-6."

"Oh?" Ye was stunned and suddenly realized, "yes, yes, I remember. I'm sorry you have a good memory!"

"Neither," Lei Yun smiled implicitly. "Of course, you should do your best to serve the general!"

The military division took a silent look at Lei Yun, "envoy Leite, you know a lot about the general!"

"Sin! We all work for the general. Of course, we should keep an eye on it." Lei Yun responded faintly, "as the military division of this expedition to the earth, I even have to think about this kind of thing. It's your dereliction of duty!"

"Hum!" The military master sneered, "do your job!"

"Easy to say!"

In the gap between the two bickering, the lost leaf has come to the storage place of the space box and found the v3-6 box.


Open the space box and a lot of messy things show up.

Ye lost and found the secret box for more than half a day.

The secret box is only the size of a palm. It doesn't look like it contains important items.

But ye lost, but he knew very well that uncle, as a Super Master of star Lord six paragraphs, should not give him simple things.

As the name suggests, "star master" can command a star. As a nickname for strength, it also means far more than domination.

The Heisha Legion has thousands of colonial planets, and each planet has a star master.

Ye Ying, Ye's lost uncle, is a very good one. Otherwise, it is impossible to win the beautiful job of the earth.

But ye Ying didn't expect that ye lost's action was not smooth.

If he knew in advance that the earth was so difficult, ye Ying would have led the crowd to come in person.

Now ye Ying leisurely sent a team of reinforcements to meet him. He didn't know that his nephew was on the verge of danger.

The leaves of the space box were lost and turned for a long time before a small black box was found.

If this thing is put outside, no one will pay attention to it because it is too common.

The palm sized black box is inconspicuous and light in weight. It is almost empty.

"What's in here?"

Ye lost and hesitated for a moment, knowing that ye Ying could not fool himself with a useless thing.

"General, this is the inheritance secret box of the Ye family." Lei Yun warned.

"I know!" Ye lost a look at him and quickly opened the password.

When he opened the lid, ye lost and was stunned.

Lying in the secret box is a small electronic key.

This key has only one function, which is to turn on some kind of engine.

"This is..."

When the master saw the key, his pupils shrunk slightly and couldn't help losing his voice, "general, this is the decomposition secret key of the Phoenix warship!"


Just then, there was an earthquake like sound in the distance.

"What's going on?" Even in the Phoenix warship, ye lost and felt the sound of vibration in the air.

The division crime quickly connected to the Phoenix warship command center.

"Find out what happened!"

It wasn't long before his report came from the messenger.

"Military division, there is a large area of seismic wave in Qiangyun mountain. It seems that Qiangyun is moving!"

Qiangyun mountain is the name of the place where the war was launched by the military division crime, which is also for the convenience of memory.

"Check it!" The military master shouted in a deep voice.

"It has been found out that there are energy fluctuations in the body of Qiangyun, as if... Its engine is starting!"

"What?" After hearing this, ye lost his eyes and said, "are they really going to open the strong cloud?"

There was jubilation inside the strong cloud.

In the energy module, Lu Yun looked excited.

After reprocessing the puppet gold, Lu Yun reluctantly produced a suitable energy block.

This energy block is about one meter square. The whole is the driving source compressed by energy, which can provide energy for space warships.

In addition to the puppet gold as the activation element, the main component of the energy block is metal, a mixture of more than a dozen metals such as gold, iron and tin.

"I didn't expect to really succeed!" Lu Yun said excitedly, "with these low configuration version energy, the strong cloud can at least start."

Looking at the engine lights on row by row, the strong cloud is like a dormant beast about to wake up and shaking its hair.

The sound came from the ground, and the strong cloud moved at a speed visible to the naked eye, shaking down a large number of mountains and rocks.


The whole peak is shifting and trembling with an unimaginable track, as if meeting the king of heaven and earth.

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