Starting the engine is completely different from simply starting the shipborne gun. The energy and control means required are unimaginable.

Shipborne guns are just some mechanical weapons, just like other guns on Qiangyun, they can work with simple operation instructions.

But after starting the engine, the weapon and warship functions on the strong cloud will be turned on.

As long as there is enough energy, the strong cloud can even break the void and travel directly through time and space.

Of course, with these puppet gold, even if it is made into energy blocks, it is only enough for Qiangyun to do some simple flight and defense, and even a slightly fierce war can not be launched.

However, as long as the strong cloud can fly, it is a kind of shock, and Lin Xiao no longer needs to hide.

At that time, Lin Xiao can shout and let the whole earth see that they have the strength and strength to fight against the black evil army.

When people on earth see such a shocking scene, they will certainly increase their confidence. At the same time, they will gather global forces to provide continuous power against the black evil army.

Ants kill elephants.

As long as the whole earth is united and backed by strong cloud numbers, hundreds of thousands of Heisha legions will be dragged to death.

Boom, boom!

In the huge spaceship engine room, bursts of roars came out. The louder the sound, the more brilliant the expression of thunder clouds.

Except Lin Xiao and Jian Wuji, all the others on the warship came and gathered in the engine room.

The huge engine room, like a cage in heaven and earth, surprised Wan rou.

"This is the engine room of Qiangyun?" Wan Rou's face was shining and excited.

The reason why she came to join Lin Xiao was that she valued the existence of the strong cloud.

With the strong cloud, we have the confidence to confront the Phoenix warship.

Wan Rou had inadvertently learned the news of the strong cloud from the great venerable, which moved her mind to flee the heaven and earth courtyard and go to Lin Xiao.

At first sight today, Wanrou has more confidence in the future.

"What are you happy about?" At this time, Fang Qing came slowly and asked sarcastically.

Wan Rou frowned slightly. "Isn't it worth being happy?"

"Of course I'm happy." Fang Qingxiu's eyebrow is not inferior to Wan Rou's appearance, which makes her feel no emptiness in front of the pseudo saint in the heaven and earth hall, and even a sense of condescending.

Wan Rou is very clear about those things in the past, which makes Fang Qing complain about herself. She doesn't want to see the other party now, "what does Miss Fang mean, you can say it directly!"

"Let me get this straight?" Fang Qing chuckled, "this strong cloud number was put together by Lin Xiao and I. everything here is half mine. You don't want to take a share, do you understand?"

"Half of you?" Wan Rou deliberately stared at Fang Qing with a surprised look, "Miss Fang, you're a little big!"

"So many people, do you take all the credit?" Wan Rou despised, "what do you think you have paid?"

"Hum!" Fang Qing sneered, "is it better than you? At least I've stood on Lin Xiao's side from the beginning and never wavered!"

Wan Rou looked ahead and said, "Fang Qing! Don't think I don't know what you used to do."

Fang Qing was slightly stunned. Her eyes were dangerous. "What do you know?"

"Ha ha..." Wan Rou said with a smile, "do Lin Xiao know what you did in the security bureau?"

"I couldn't help myself when I was in the security bureau!" Fang Qing said coldly, "it's all for work and the country!"


Wan Rou sneered, "what you said is really high sounding. Do you need me to shake out your details?"

"Wan Rou! Don't think that if you say that, I will restrain my attitude towards you," Fang Qing said in a low voice. "I have lived and died with Lin Xiao countless times, and you are only a traitor and spy. Do you think he will believe me or you?"

Wan Rou's face became very bad. She glared at Fang Qing, "including the fact that you planned Lin Xiao with the red eyed king to seek the treasure in the supreme wooden tower?"

"Hum!" Fang Qing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Fang Qing! No matter what you think now, what you did at the beginning is enough to make Lin Xiao change for you now! Now we are grasshoppers tied to a rope, and no one can run away."

"Do you want to die with me or live in peace?"

Wan Rou obviously grasped Fang Qing's handle. Before she came, she analyzed the situation of the people around Lin Xiao.

After all, as Wan Rou, if she wants to stay with Lin Xiao, she must have enough means and value.

If you don't know the details of the people around Lin Xiao, Wan Rou is doomed to be submerged when she steps into the muddy water.

Obviously, Wan Rou has done more for Fang Qing. She knows Fang Qing's position in Lin Xiao's heart.

If she didn't know the feelings between Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin, Wan Rou might guess that there is an ambiguous relationship between Fang Qing and Lin Xiao.

Fang Qing's eyes were dark. "I said that in the past, it was involuntarily, and you have no evidence at all!"

"Miss Fang, everyone understands," Wan Rou sneered. "Do you think you can talk nonsense with empty teeth by my means?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Qing was stunned.

Wan Rou said faintly, "I only tell you one thing. The red eyed king was just a confidant of the great master!"

"The forces of the heaven and earth court are all over the world. Do you think the four heavenly kings of the dark world are so happy that they can mix up today without the support of Big Mac forces?"

Fang Qing has long heard that after the death of the serpent king, the red eyed king and the Titan King united and re established their forces, with a very rapid development momentum.

Even Fang Qing also heard that even the black evil army kept a distance from the territory of the red eyed king and the Titan king.

Now it seems that the red eyed king and the Titan must have returned to the black evil army long ago.

It is reasonable to infer that the red eyed king is the confidant of the great master.

"Miss Fang," Wan Rou's tone became soft again, "since everyone is now standing in the same boat, we should share a common hatred and unite with the outside world. Are you right?"

Fang Qing's prejudice against Wan Rou has a long history, but now the other party is also right. Quarrelling in the nest will only disgust Lin Xiao.

The world has always respected the strong.

Lin Xiao's strength will only become stronger and stronger, and his influence will become bigger and bigger. With Fang Qing's little strength now, he may be abandoned far away one day.

Even though Lin Xiao attaches great importance to love and righteousness and will not abandon Fang Qing, it is difficult to make contact between the dragon and the mole ants anyway.

At this juncture, Fang Qing can't make any mistakes.

She thought for a while, suddenly smiled and said to Wan Rou, "what Miss Wan said is very reasonable. You also reminded me that after all, we are all women..."

"Oh? Miss Fang has something to say!"


Just then, the strong cloud trembled slightly and all the engines were started.

Lei Yun was overjoyed and immediately shouted excitedly, "it's done! Now turn on the propulsion system, and we'll rush out of the ground and into the sky! Let the strong cloud fly!"

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