After Lei Yun's training and guidance these days, Gao Haijian and dozens of other people basically found out the control and start-up method of Qiangyun, began to perform their respective duties and found their own position.

At the moment, under the arrangement of Lei Yun, everyone worked together to start the engine and let the strong cloud move like a giant beast.

The mountain on the strong cloud is not enough to stop it from starting.


The whole mountain was overturned. People nearby were shocked when they saw this scene. They thought there were some monsters under the ground.

That scene is more spectacular than earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


Countless rocks rolled down and looked spectacular from a distance.

The strong cloud is like a strong cloud, which is full of light. When the rocks slide down the ship, the sunlight falls on it, like the palace of God, which is amazing.

"What's that?"

"How terrible!"

"Is it something made by the black evil army again?"

Even in cities hundreds of kilometers away, people saw a spectacular scene in the distant sky.

The people of hasa City ran out of their homes and stopped in the streets, staring at the strong cloud in the distance.


The strong cloud rose to mid air and slowly turned around, facing the control room to the sun.

Huge solar panels stand up one by one and begin to receive the energy of the sun.

Although solar energy is insignificant for the energy supply of the whole warship, it is still possible to maintain the energy to keep Qiangyun suspended in the air.

The cheers in the cabin rang out again.

"We finally have our own warship!" Gao Haijian was in high spirits. Standing on the spacious command platform, he looked at the vast land and couldn't express his excitement.

In the past six months, Gao Haijian and his brothers have been hiding, even eating and sleeping, for fear of being found by the black evil army.

Since Lin Xiao was targeted by the black evil army, he and his brothers have also been blacklisted.

No matter which one they catch, they will get a good yuan Dan reward.

Today, they can finally compete face to face with the black evil army.

"Lang Yan, what did I say? I said the boss would surprise us!" Gao Haijian looked back at Langyan and said with some meaning.

"Hum!" Lang Yan turned his eyes. "Do you think I don't know? At first, I advised you to hide, not for fear of being implicated by the boss, but to conserve energy!"

"Lang Yan, you ran faster than rabbits when you were chased and killed by the black evil army. Now you run out to gossip?" Lao Zhang looked dangerous and deliberately said in a warning tone.

"Wolf smoke! Don't buckle up the excrement basin for me. Why do I run? Don't you have a number in your heart?" Lang Yan was angry and smiled, "if I hadn't brought Luocha and Eliza to save you, you would have been eaten alive by the black evil army?"

"Fart! It's a big deal. I pulled a bunch of cushions. Who saved them with you?" Lao Zhang's old face is red.

Last month, he was chased and killed by the black evil army. There was no way to heaven and no way to earth. He was almost forced to die in hasa city.

At that time, Lao Zhang was only surrounded by Langyan. Unexpectedly, Langyan ran away on his way, which almost killed Lao Zhang.

Langyan only forced himself to escape. His purpose was to find Eliza and Luocha who were preparing to meet.

"OK, I'll let you live and die next time!" The wave is speechless.

People can't help smiling. They think of what they have experienced in recent months. It is really dangerous and crisis step by step.

"Fortunately..." when Gao Haijian opened his mouth, everyone threw their eyes, "we have experienced so much suffering, and today we finally get together again."

Everyone's faces showed relief, perhaps relaxed, more full of hope for the future.

When the black evil army arrived, no one felt that they could escape from heaven in the face of such a powerful force.

Finally, their group of mole ants finally had the strength and capital to fight against elephants.

"Heisha legion, these foreign clans will wipe them out sooner or later!" Lao Zhang was trembling and shuddered at the thought of the massacres he had experienced.

Fang Qing felt the most. She had watched hundreds of thousands of people killed in the pit.

The kind of unilateral massacre was simply terrible, but she was powerless and could not help at all.

"By the way, where's the boss?" Just then, Eliza's beautiful eyes were slightly frozen and couldn't help asking, "why haven't you seen him all day?"

Lin Xiao has long been a god like figure in people's hearts. His absence is not that no one remembers it, but that he must be doing something more important.

Eliza lifted it up and made everyone's mood active.

"Eh?" Langyan suddenly said, "Wanrou, that smelly girl is not here."

It's OK not to mention Wanrou. When you mention Wanrou, everyone's expression becomes very strange.

As we all know, Lin Xiao had a good relationship with Wan Rou in the past, and maybe there was some ambiguity.

Although he was still a great enemy of life and death, he finally turned fighting into friendship and became a companion.

Langyan knew Wanrou's details very well. Wanrou had several opportunities to kill Lin Xiao in the past, but she didn't do it because she was interested in Lin Xiao.

"Hey, hey..." Lang Yan saw that everyone was silent. "Don't you think it's strange that the boss and WAN Rou disappeared at the same time?"

If it were for other men and women, everyone would show an obscene smile at most, but they knew Lin Xiao, there was Nangong brocade, and they couldn't have anything to do with others.

"Hum! Run the train with your mouth full!" Eliza sneered, "don't talk nonsense if you don't know. The boss is studying the breakthrough to the supreme thing with master jianwuji!"

"Alissa," Lang Yan's eyes picked, "what's your hurry? Everyone knows that you were jealous when you pursued the boss?"


"You..." Alissa was stabbed in public. Her face turned red and scolded angrily, "the dog can't spit out Ivory!"

"Nonsense!" Lang Yan said with a smile, "if a dog can spit out ivory, isn't it valuable?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you!" Eliza put her arms around her chest and turned to one side.

Luo Cha's female face showed a dangerous color and stared at Lang Yan, "Lang Yan! I think your skin is tight?"

Lang Yan is most afraid of Luocha. This woman is not only extremely strong, but also very wild, and she is not a person in their circle.

Rocha stayed here entirely because of Eliza.

For this kind of * * plot, everyone knows it, and no one thinks it is inconvenient. Anyway, it's all natural.

"Hum!" Langyan hem and haw walked aside and quickly changed the topic. Sure enough, he succeeded in turning everyone's attention around.

"Even if the boss is discussing important matters with master jianwuji, what about Wan Rou? Where is this girl? She is the most dangerous person on this warship..."

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