Sure enough.

Lang Yan's words made everyone's mood nervous.

Although Wan Rou made efforts at the critical moment and successfully brought the people in, she also made great contributions.

But we all know who wan Rou is.

As an alternative saint of the branch of heaven and earth Court on earth, she should be an important figure of the black evil army.

"Lang Yan, do you know where she is?" Fang Qing suddenly came out and asked in a deep voice, "I've been looking for this girl, but the strong cloud number is too big. If a person wants to hide, we can't find it at all."

Lang Yan shook his head and smiled awkwardly, "how do I know? I only know that she followed the boss..."

"Is she really with the boss..."

"Shouldn't it? It's impossible. If the boss had an idea, he would have done it long ago. He wouldn't wait until this time."

"That's strange. Ask Xiao Ling." Someone glanced around and shouted, "Xiaoling! Where's Xiaoling?"

AI Xiaoling did not respond.

Perhaps only Lin Xiao, the owner of the warship, is qualified to order her.

Although Xiao Ling is always smiling, she is a very advanced artificial intelligence. She acts in strict accordance with procedures, and even has limited emotions.

"Xiao Ling? Come out!" Fang Qing also turned around the cabin and called in the communicator for a long time, but Xiaoling still didn't move.

"Strange, even Xiaoling is gone?"

At this time, they felt a little strange.

At ordinary times, Xiaoling will walk around. Even if she doesn't communicate with others, she will ask them what they need and try her best to serve them.

But now there's not even a movement.


Just then, Lu Yun exclaimed, pointing to the huge shadow approaching out of the side window, and lost his voice, "it's the Phoenix warship!"

Everyone was stunned first, and then their faces turned white.

The Phoenix warship left a huge shadow in their hearts, and even forgot the existence of Qiangyun in an instant.

"Don't be afraid!" Gao Haijian shouted, "we have Qiangyun, what are you afraid of? They came just in time to try the power of Qiangyun."

Gao Haijian, who has preliminarily mastered the weapon system of Qiangyun, is a little excited and has the impulse to start a war immediately.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Yun quickly stopped Gao Haijian. "We are short of energy now. Launching a war rashly will only aggravate the consumption. At that time, the strong cloud will have no power to fly!"

Gao Haijian frowned, "if we don't start fighting first, will the Phoenix warship give up? Since ye lost has come, we will certainly do it. We can't wait to die!"

"Look at the situation first!" Lu Yun said in a deep voice, "you see, the Phoenix warship has not started the state of war. Ye lost may not have come to war!"

Everyone was a little relaxed and asked one after another.

"Lu Yun, you used to be a member of the black evil army. Do you know what ye lost wants to do?"

"I think Lu Yun is right. Let's wait and see what happens. Instead, they can't help us in the strong cloud."

"Hey! The main reason is that we don't have high-end combat power. Master jianwuji is seriously injured and can't fight ye lost at all."

"I don't know if the boss can break through the supreme."

"Even if the boss breaks through to the supreme, it is difficult to resist compared with the loss of the leaves of the second section of the supreme?"

The crowd sighed and suddenly lost their mood.

"The Phoenix warship is approaching!" Lu Yun quickly walked to the observation platform and said, "they stopped 200 kilometers ahead. What do they want to do?"

At this time, Lu Yun saw that the Phoenix warship was changing. It was not a wartime state, but another strange state.

"They are..."

There was a trace of doubt in Lu Yun's voice. It was obvious that he had never seen such a situation.

At this moment, ye lost the electronic key in the black box into a specific keyhole in the Phoenix warship.

"It worked!" Ye lost his eyes. "Every warship of the black evil army has a special function. The function of this warship is electronic confinement."

"When the electronic magnetic field is turned on, the strong cloud can't move. Even if it has any hidden means, it can't play at all!" Special envoy Lei Yun smiled grimly.

The master said faintly, "in this way, our Phoenix warship can't move. We can only confront the strong cloud here!"

Special envoy Lei Yun looked at him and said with a smile, "sin! What are you afraid of? Haven't you determined? Jianwuji is still seriously injured. The vision just now is just a trick made by Lin Xiao. It is the effect of the strong cloud platform. It's just a flash in the pan and has no effect at all!"

"As long as there is no threat from the strong cloud, what are we afraid of? Don't mention general Ye. Even if we go out alone, we can sweep everyone on the earth!"

"I don't believe they are willing to hide in the strong cloud and don't come out. As long as they dare to come out, they will have no return!"

Special envoy Lei Yun is still thinking about the sneak attack by jianwuji, and the injury to his chest is still faintly painful, which makes him turn over the river and pour the sea with hatred for Lin Xiao and others.

"When ye Xingzhu's backup comes, we will directly grab the Qiangyun. Then we will not only catch Lin Xiao, but also get an overlord class warship in the future. Why not?"

Special envoy Lei Yun continued to chuckle, "sin! Don't be afraid of that waste Lin Xiao. Even if he ate nine turns of Xiong Xidan and became the supreme, it's only the supreme section. It's not worth mentioning!"

"Lin Xiao's son is not simple," said the military master in a deep voice. "Can it be simple for the great emperor to pay such attention? Moreover, he is the descendant of the king's front hall. He has the capital of the great emperor, so he must not be underestimated!"

"So what?" Special envoy Lei Yun sneered, "as long as he eats jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, he will disappear from the crowd. Even if he can live, he is just the most ordinary supreme. What's to be afraid of?"

Ye lost patiently listening to their argument and pressed the switch of electronic confinement.


An unimaginable strong magnetic field, invisible across the sky, heavily covered on the strong cloud.


All the people on the strong cloud felt their feet tremble.

The strong cloud shook hard.

"What's going on?"

Wow, wow

The lights in the cabin were bright and dark, and the electronic equipment made strange beeps one after another.

"System failure, unable to start..."

"Encounter... Interference, please... Down, can't..."

Even the voice of artificial intelligence trembled.

Lu Yun hurriedly slapped the button on the control panel, but it didn't work at all.

"There's something wrong with the control system. The strong cloud can't move!"

Lu Yun's voice was filled with panic. Their only dependence now was the strong cloud.

If the strong cloud goes wrong, they have no way back, only a dead end.

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