All over the world because of Lin Xiao's decision.

Zhennan underground world.

Many big men gathered together.

Since Lin Xiao was forced to leave, they had no head and their internal inclination was very serious. Many people were discouraged and chose to retire.

However, many people took advantage of the situation to become new leaders.

After receiving the news today, these people got together for the first time and held a rather grand meeting.

Banquet hall on the top floor of brilliant building.

Many big men gathered together. This kind of grand event hasn't happened for a long time.

All along, except Zhennan, the base camp of Lin Xiao, the other underground world is a plate of loose sand.

Even the giants who tried Parliament were silent.

After all, in the face of such a powerful force as the black evil army, no one can resist, so they can only choose to bear it.

The underground world has never recovered, and the united front of the armed forces association has also been pushed forward very slowly. Many fighters are not disciplined, but flee outside and become mercenaries, making the world more chaotic.

Due to Lin Xiao's absence, the Wumeng League was difficult to maintain just by lieyangzi and others. It had long disintegrated and went its own way.

The whole Jianghu is in chaos. There are crowds everywhere. No one is satisfied with anyone.

There are even traitors who secretly defected to the black evil army, making a mess everywhere.

Today, these people can overcome all difficulties and gather together in full view of the public, which also shows Lin Xiao's appeal.

"Since the black evil army invaded the earth, our days are getting worse and worse. It's time to make a change!"

"Is old Lin really going to duel with that lost leaf? God, isn't it incredible?"

"There has been a lot of news about boss Lin recently. In the past six months, he has led the black evil army by the nose, which really makes us proud!"

"You said that we are all the people who have been with boss Lin. if he becomes the Supreme Master of the earth in the future, we will not compare with the sky?"


Everyone laughed.

Lin Xiao's daring to duel with Ye lost is enough to inspire people.

"We must go to watch the war in three days!"


"Xiao Li, you charter a plane. This time we're going to watch the war in a beautiful way! I believe boss Lin will win!"

Excited, they stood up and raised their glasses.

"Yes! Cheer for boss Lin!"

"Boss Lin will win!"

"Cheer for boss Lin!"


The four families gathered together in a rare way.

Nangong family is represented by Nangong Zongzhe, and other families also send family core figures.

The atmosphere is unprecedented solemn.

All the people present had some festivals and contradictions with Lin Xiao in the past.

Even to the point of life and death.

But today, they gather not to deal with Lin Xiao, but for the future of the earth.

The four families are deeply rooted. They are all old families that have developed and inherited for hundreds of years. People gather together like an iron plate.

Even though they were invaded by the black evil army, the four families still kept the bottom line and continued to survive on the verge of collapse.

In addition to the four families, a special person came today.

Lin Yuanyang of Kyoto Martial Arts Association.

At the beginning, Lin Xiao helped Lin Yuanyang a lot. He took the initiative to attend the meeting just to help Lin Xiao.

Today, the armed forces association is the official representative and the highest force representative of every place.

The martial arts association has gathered many experts. People with lofty ideals in the Wulin from all over the world have received great respect from the outside world.

Therefore, Lin Yuanyang's seat is in the first place, and the other four owners are on both sides.

Lin Yuanyang was not polite. Seeing that the people were almost here, he said frankly, "Mr. Lin announced a decisive battle with Ye lost. Has everyone heard about it?"

Nangong Zongzhe nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "Lin Xiao has been publicized all over the world. Now everyone knows. Even the heads of several foreign branch families have called to ask what to do."

"What a surprise..."

"It's amazing that Lin Xiao made such an earth shaking decision as soon as he appeared after fleeing for more than half a year!"

"What does Lin Xiao really want to do? Is he crazy?"

"Hum! Won't this matter involve us?"

"I think Lin Xiao's doing this is too cathartic. At least someone dares to fight against the black evil army! I've held my breath for a long time!"

There was a lot of talk and noise.

Everyone has a different attitude.

They had only a gap with Lin Xiao in the past, and they are not very comfortable now.

But when the great enemy faced the danger of extermination, they should put down their little hatred.

It was only Lin Xiao's decision that made them unhappy.

"Dueling with Ye lost is equivalent to fighting with immortals. How can Lin xiaoyijie, a mortal, do it?"

"Hey!" Nangong Zongzhe sighed, "in this situation, if Lin Xiao loses, ye lost, he will take the opportunity to make trouble and start on everyone!"

"I heard that ye lost has great ambition to enslave the people on the whole earth. If that day comes, each of us can't get away!"

Nangong Zongzhe's words immediately made the scene silent.

Those who should quarrel stopped quarrelling. They shook their heads and sighed one by one. They were all worried.

Lin Yuanyang kept calm all the time. "Everyone! I know Mr. Lin very well. At first he joined the martial arts association in the name of Xiao Lin, and then he sent a letter to tell the details in person, which is enough to show that he is aboveboard and does everything without leakage!"

"Now, since he dares to challenge Ye lost in public, he is absolutely sure!" Lin Yuanyang is a martial artist. He knows martial artists best and knows super martial artists like Lin Xiao better.

Lin Xiaozao is not only the first in Wulin, but also the leader of Wulin alliance. His strength and talent are obvious to all.

Even if Lin Xiao now appears in front of him as the supreme, Lin Yuanyang will not be surprised.

"President Lin, where did you get your confidence?" Nangong Zongzhe pondered, "Ye lost is an old monster for thousands of years. Lin Xiao has only practiced for a few years. Can he compare?"

Lin Yuanyang glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "do you all have no confidence in Lin Xiao?"

Everyone's eyes darkened.

It's not just lack of confidence, but simply don't believe it.

The main purpose of their gathering today is to get out.

What we will face will be ye's greatest anger.

Being challenged by a mortal, the consequence of this kind of thing is that it will lead to great disaster.

"Why don't you talk?" Lin Yuanyang couldn't stand the boredom of these businessmen. He said coldly, "I can tell you clearly that Mr. Lin will win this time!"

Lin Yuanyang, the president of the Kyoto Martial Arts Association, now holds great power and has the strength to be close to him. The pressure of the superior virtually makes everyone feel cold.

"President Lin, what do you want us to do?" Nangong Zongzhe, as a representative, asked carefully.

The corners of Lin Yuanyang's mouth slowly turned up and started a joking arc. "It's time to be proud after being bullied by the black evil star people for so long

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