Lin Yuanyang's words stunned everyone first, and then their faces showed shock.

Seeing Lin Yuanyang's appearance and tone, he wanted to do something unexpected.

Lin Yuanyang is also a leader in the Wulin with the strength of the great master Qi Duan. He naturally has the confidence to say such words.

But most of you here are businessmen, and the details of your family are local assets and contacts.

When it comes to force, they have some strength only external mercenaries. Most of them are hired fighters and mercenaries.

These people are crafty and have guessed what Lin Yuanyang wants to do.

Nangong Zongzhe said in a deep voice, "President Lin, you don't want to fight ye lost during the duel? He is the supreme warrior, exists like a God, and has the Phoenix warship, a weapon that can destroy the earth. Aren't we praying for our own death?"

"Yes, President Lin, you must not do anything stupid and involve us!"

"Lin will think twice."

Lin Yuanyang's eyes were cold and said faintly, "how can there be an egg under the nest? If Lin Xiao is defeated and ye is lost, he must take advantage of the situation to speed up the process of enslaving the whole earth. No one can stop him!"

"In the past, at least Ye lost a fearful goal. What do you think will happen if Mr. Lin loses?"

"Hum!" Lin Yuanyang gave a cold hum, which made the people's faces change greatly.

Then Lin Yuanyang looked at Nangong Zongzhe, "Nangong Zongzhe, I know that the four families have secretly united together and recommended you as the organizer, right?"

Nangong Zongzhe was stunned and could only nod, "just a spokesman, not an organizer!"

In fact, Nangong Zongzhe can be the leader of the four families thanks to Nangong Jin's relationship.

Nangong brocade is the saint of heaven and earth courtyard, and was invited to leave by the black evil army. Everyone sees this.

In addition to being afraid of the black evil army, the Nangong family has a plan to take it as a gold medal to avoid death in case of an accident in the future.

"Zongzhe, don't be so modest. Since you are the principal elected by everyone, you should stand up and speak for the four families." Wanjia Wanquan said with a smile, "we will support you!"

"Where, where, we need the support of wanlaoduoduo!" Nangong Zongzhe smiled modestly.

It was Zhong wanjian who came to the Zhong family today. He took a look at Wanquan and suddenly asked, "general Wan, I heard that your gene laboratory has reopened?"

Wan Quan's eyebrows were instantly locked. "Zhong wanjian, it's not good for you to discuss this kind of thing on this occasion today?"

"Some things must be discussed!" Zhong wanjian doesn't give in, which means something aggressive.

The atmosphere of the scene also became serious after Zhong wanjian's tone changed suddenly.

Some things are hidden under the water, even the four families may not know.

Zhong wanjian used to be the seat of the Security Bureau. He has consulted the confidential files of the whole China, and there are many top secret agents under his hand.

Therefore, Zhong wanjian's intelligence is the most complete and credible.

After Lin Xiao exposed Wanjia's gene laboratory, Wanquan threw out the pot and dealt with several big people in Wanjia.

As soon as we see the response of thousands of families, we will forget it. Anyway, we have no immediate interest with them.

As for the reaction and anger of ordinary people, as long as public opinion incites it, it will naturally be suppressed, which is not worth mentioning.

"Zhong wanjian, what do you mean? Do you hold on to previous things? I have made a statement that such things are completely personal, and I have dealt with relevant personnel. Don't you know?"

"Of course I know." Zhong wanjian sneered, "I haven't had the opportunity to question you face to face. Such a big project involves the life and death of thousands of people. As a general, you are the most qualified family. Do you really know nothing?"

"Hum!" Wanquan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't give me blood. Now we're talking about supporting Lin Xiao. What are you doing with me?"

Zhong wanjian looked at Lin Yuanyang and said in a deep voice, "President Lin, we support Lin Xiao this time. Are we going to fight against the black evil army?"

Everyone looked slightly sluggish and their mood was a little complicated.

To fight against the black evil army means there is no way back.

If ye lost and launched a counter offensive recklessly, their four families would be destroyed in an instant.

Lin Yuanyang nodded slightly and didn't say the plan directly, "maybe so!"

"Well," Zhong wanjian said with a smile, "since we are ready to fight against the black evil army, we must clear the internal obstacles first, otherwise we will be defeated by the enemy in the abdomen."

"Mr. Zhong, you mean..." Lin Yuanyang looked at everything intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hum!" Zhong wanjian had already prepared and directly took out a brownish red document, which was a diamond secret from the original confidentiality Bureau.

Apart from the Security Bureau, only a few of China's supreme leaders have the right to review such documents.

However, it was brought out on this occasion today. In addition to the urgency of the situation, it also illustrates a problem.

Zhong wanjian represents the meaning of those people, which can belong to the news of heavy bomb level.

The faces of the four families changed slightly. They wanted to stand up and say a few words, but they all shut their mouths obediently and didn't want to cause trouble.

"Wanquan, look what this is..." Zhong wanjian threw the secret on the table. "Open it yourself!"

Wanquan's hand shook slightly, but he still calmly picked up the secret, didn't open it for the first time, but asked, "Zhong wanjian, do you take the diamond secret out to scare me?"

"Frighten you?" Zhong wanjian said coldly, "since you dare not dismantle it, I'll shake it out for you directly..."

"This secret document is the evidence of the reopening of your underground base laboratory. The key is that the person who takes over again is the senior level of the black evil army!"


"Black evil army?"

"How dare Wanjia do that?"

The people were shocked and looked at Wanquan.

"Nonsense!" Wanquan roared without waiting for Zhong wanjian to finish, "you're spitting blood!"

Others faintly felt that things were bad, so they all remained silent and watched.

Zhong wanjian kept staring at Wanquan, "if it's just like this, I can't hold your pigtail. Unfortunately, the picture of your meeting with Lei Yun, the special envoy of the black evil army, was passed out. Hey, hey... Do you still want to argue?"


Wanquan directly grabbed the secret document, held it tightly in his hand, and made a force in his palm. He only heard a pop and turned it into ashes on the spot.

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