"Yo?" Zhong wanjian didn't panic at all. "Sure enough, there are several brushes who can become a general. I didn't expect you to have martial arts cultivation skills. They are hidden!"

Wanquan was the supreme commander of the army at the beginning. Later, when Lin Xiao came to power, he retired to the second line.

I just didn't expect that this old general, who was usually happy and angry, was still a martial arts expert.

I always thought that Wanquan was just an ordinary general. It's nothing to command thousands of troops. However, my personal strength should be very low.

But just at that moment, Zhong wanjian, whose eyes were very poisonous, had guessed.

Wanquan is at least an expert at the grand master level, which is often called a super soldier in the past.

Even Lin Yuanyang was stunned. He didn't see the fact that Wanquan had strength. He was very surprised.

"What a pity," laughed Zhong wanjian, and his voice became more and more condensed. "It's no use if you destroy the secret. I've posted your photos and all kinds of bad deeds on the Internet. In a few minutes, it will be announced to the world. Everyone will know that you are in collusion with the black evil army and intend to murder the whole human army!"

He remained unmoved and said in a Yin voice, "what a cow to blow. If you say so, will others believe it? Nonsense!"

Zhong wanjian knew that he would deny it, and didn't explain to him. He directly said to Lin Yuanyang, "President Lin! I have made arrangements for this matter. The conspiracy between Wanjia and the black evil army to enslave everyone with genetic experiments will certainly cause public anger. At that time, it is bound to set off a wave of criticism on the Internet, and then with the help of the decisive battle between Lin Xiao and ye lost, we can immediately launch a final counterattack against the black evil army, and our chances of victory will be greatly increased!"

Lin Yuanyang's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

After the invasion of the earth, the black evil army did no evil except killing many people.

At least ordinary people are not so strong in hatred and hatred except fear.

However, the use of living people for genetic experiments, once amplified, will not only cause panic, but also cause extreme dissatisfaction among the public.

At this time, as long as someone shouted, they could immediately ignite the anger that everyone had held in their hearts for a long time.

As long as Lin Xiao wins the decisive battle with Ye lost, the whole world will unite at this juncture and twist into a rope to fight against the black evil army.

At that time, even if ye is lost, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to compete with the forces of the whole earth.

"Everything!" Lin Yuanyang's eyes were full of murders. "If you destroy the secret, it proves that there is a ghost in your heart. What else to say now?"

Wan Quanyi was not flustered and said lightly, "I destroyed the secret because Zhong wanjian was angry with others. I must have prepared the evidence for throwing dirty water on others. I destroyed it because I didn't want it to affect your judgment!"

"Huh?" Zhong wanjian didn't expect Wanquan to be in a hurry when he was dying. He couldn't help clicking in his heart.

Wanquan has great influence in the army and has a group of old subordinates. Today he shows his martial arts strength, which is absolutely difficult to deal with.

For today's layout, Zhong wanjian didn't make less preparations. He even sent out an assassination team of the Security Bureau, and even "destroy" came.

Mie has always been the number one killer of the Security Bureau. It is mysterious and powerful.

Even Fang Qing never forgets "extinction" and is very afraid of him.

Nowadays, martial arts are prosperous. With the talent of extinction, the strength must have improved by leaps and bounds.

Youmie led the top secret service agents to ambush on the side, and Zhong wanjian was not afraid to escape.

Can see the calm appearance of everything motionless like a mountain, Zhong wanjian's heart beat a drum again.

"President Lin." Wanquan smiled, "do you think what I said is reasonable?"

Lin Yuanyang didn't say much. After all, the evidence was not seen with his own eyes.

Moreover, the evidence on the Internet that Zhong wanjian said has not appeared up to now, and everything is still unknown.

"But," said Lin Yuanyang thoughtfully after hearing about the genetic experiment, "since you tore the secret, you can't explain it clearly. You always have to give an explanation!"

"Yes, long live," Nangong Zongzhe said with a smile. "In the past, our three aristocratic families in Kyoto have always been tripartite, and the well water does not invade the river. Since the king of chaos appeared, he has added another family..."

Everyone's eyes involuntarily looked at the young man who sat at the bottom and didn't say a word.

This young man is er Dongqing, a new representative of the fourth family in Kyoto and one of the kings of World War III under the king of chaos.

"Mr. Er," Nangong Zongzhe asked with a smile, "although the ER family used to be a big family in Kyoto, we can never stand side by side with the three families in terms of seniority, but we still lift the ER family to a position equal to ours. Since Mr. Er came in person today, should he also participate in the discussion?"

Er Dong's face was expressionless and said faintly, "I'm here today just to give President Lin face. My Lord told me before I left. As long as President Lin asks, he will respond to whatever he asks!"

A satisfied look flashed in Lin Yuanyang's eyes, but he said modestly, "Mr. Er doesn't have to be polite. What do you think should be done about wanlao?"

Wanquan is in a high position. Even if he is impeached by Zhong wanjian in public, others dare not act easily.

At this time, er Dongqing has become a breakthrough, and his every move will become the reason for everyone's action.

Er Dongqing's eyes were cold. "Adults said that it's unreasonable for thousands of families to engage in gene experiments. If this is true... Wanquan can only die here!"

Wanquan's face changed.


"Hum! Er Dongqing! I'm so crazy at a young age! I really think I'm afraid of you?"

Everything slapped on the hardwood table.

The desktop immediately showed a fine spider web like crack.

"Why, do you want to fight me?" As one of the kings of the Third World War in the hands of the king of chaos, er Dongqing's strength is not small, not even worse than Lin.

Among all the people present, no one was his opponent except Lin Yuanyang.

Even if Wanquan hides his strength, I'm afraid he can't get benefits from Er Dongqing.

"It depends on whether you can absolve yourself!" Er Dongqing actually believed Zhong wanjian.

On this occasion, Zhong wanjian can't fool people with false evidence. He must be well prepared.

As long as Wanquan shows a slight flaw, er Dongqing will hurt the killer.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little strange and there were signs of conflict.

Zhong wanjian added another firewood, picked up his mobile phone and sneered at Wanquan, "Wanquan, you don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Now you can see that the public opinion on the Internet has erupted, and those photos can't be fake?"

People picked up their mobile phones and turned on the hot news.

A large focus picture on the home page is very obvious.

Wanquan cordially met with Lei Yun, special envoy of the black evil army. They had a good talk.

The background behind them is a laboratory with precision instruments.

The ongoing experiment in the laboratory is the gene experiment that has always been hated.

The following comments were fried and turned into waves.

It's just a genetic experiment, but cooperating with the black evil army is a big mistake in the world.

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