"Wanquan, how do you explain this?" Lin Yuanyang shouted in a deep voice.

Wanquan sneered, "if you want to add a crime, why not? The photos can be fake. The current PS technology is almost unreal. It's nothing. If Zhong wanjian wants to bring me down, he must come up with practical evidence. What kind of hero are these empty headed things?"

"Zhong wanjian, I know you have been holding a grudge since you were transferred from the Security Bureau and want to kill me, but this means is too mean?"

Wanquan's response to Zhong wanjian's layout is neither humble nor arrogant, which completely makes people unable to find a reason to launch.

But those photos on the Internet are real evidence. Even more sophistry can't stop Zhong wanjian from acting immediately.



Zhong wanjian clapped his hands on the case and said angrily, "you are still sophisticating. The facts are in front of you. You can't mess around..."

Just as Zhong wanjian raised his hand to prepare for the ambush, Wanquan interrupted him, "wait a minute!"

"What else can you say?"

"Hum!" Wan Quan sneered, "it was the 18th, wasn't it?"


"On the 18th, I was deploying with several generals in the army to support Tung Chee Wu. Hundreds of soldiers can testify for me. Where did you get these photos?" The reason why Wanquan has been silent is that he has a card.

Zhong wanjian frowned slightly. "Are you deploying all day? This photo was taken at night. Are you working at night?"

"Sorry," Wan Quan said with a smile, "I've been in the military headquarters conference room all day. If you don't believe it, you can call the military headquarters immediately to confirm what happened that day."

"I'll call right away!" Zhong wanjian naturally wouldn't be intimidated by Wanquan's sentence. He immediately got up, walked aside and dialed an outside line.

A few minutes later, Zhong wanjian's voice suddenly increased a lot, "what did you say? Are you sure? Who saw it? I want the list..."

"What, what?" Zhong wanjian was suddenly stunned. "Was the supreme leading group there? How could it be?"

Wan Quan smiled at the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he was very happy to see Zhong wanjian make a fool of himself.

Back at the table, Zhong wanjian stared at Wanquan and said in a deep voice, "Wanquan! How did you do it?"

"Zhong wanjian, what do you mean? Isn't the purpose of today's meeting to support Lin Xiao? Why are you staring at me? You also made some unnecessary photos to slander my reputation?"

Wanquan got up slowly and his eyes turned cold. "I warn you, you must withdraw the photos immediately, and then make a statement in the official name to restore my reputation! Otherwise, I will not give up!"

Zhong wanjian clenched his fist. He couldn't figure it out. Could Zhong wanjian be separated?

"Mr. Zhong," although Lin Yuanyang had some doubts, the facts seemed clear now, so he advised, "is there really any misunderstanding here?"

"Impossible!" Zhong wanjian said firmly, "Wanquan must be involved, but I don't know how he deceived the military headquarters!"

"Hum! Zhong wanjian, are you still aggressive? I've given you face." Wan Quan angrily said.

"I force you? If you are a man, make it clear. Do you dare to do it?"

"Don't fart!" Wan Quan stared.

Seeing the quarrel between the two people, Lin Yuanyang had the impulse to start with a disagreement. For fear of making trouble, he had to be a peacemaker. "Don't get angry, you two. There must be some misunderstanding. But... I think the top priority now is to discuss Mr. Lin's business, and let other things go for the time being!"

Zhong wanjian knocked on the table and sneered, "Wanquan! I see when you can hide!"

"I'm not afraid of the crooked shadow!" Wanquan raised his eyes to meet the eyes and did not let him go at all.

They looked at each other for more than ten seconds and finally sat back.

On such an occasion today, no one can do anything.

However, Wanquan seemed to have been ready for it. Suddenly he asked, "Zhong wanjian, maybe there are many people lying in ambush outside?"

"Do you want to try?" Zhong wanjian stared at Wanquan.

"Ha ha..." Wanquan relaxed, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and opened hands-free.

The phone was answered immediately and a cold voice came.

"General, do you want to move?"

Wanquan said lightly, "don't worry. Wait for my order. If there is any trouble, the dragon and tiger team will immediately go out to suppress it!"


Zhong wanjian was stunned and asked subconsciously, "what do you mean by mobilizing the dragon and tiger team?"

"It's not interesting," Wan Quan smiled. "It's just to prevent some curfews from plotting. You know..."

Wanquan deliberately remained silent for a few seconds. "The dragon and tiger team was reorganized. The members are Wulin experts recommended by Lin Xiao. There is no doubt about their strength. You should know better than me?"

Zhong wanjian certainly knows.

When Lin Xiao was invited to return to the dragon and tiger team, some things had been settled, but the black evil army suddenly invaded, and everything had changed greatly.

Later, Lin Xiao recommended several experts to enter the team for reorganization in order to make the army more deterrent.

"You old fox!" Zhong wanjian almost broke his teeth. No wonder Wanquan looked confident from beginning to end. It had been arranged for a long time.

Wanquan is still calm. He can be a senior in the army for decades. Naturally, he has his own confidence and confidence.

Zhong wanjian used to be a fleet commander in the Pacific Ocean, and he didn't lack his advice.

But the struggle between the Zhong family and the Wan family has long prompted them to turn against each other.

In addition, the genetic experiment involves a lot, otherwise Zhong wanjian would not bite him so dead.

"Zhong wanjian, I don't have much else to say. I'd better discuss today's matter as soon as possible." Wanquan said lightly, "you can't take responsibility for the mistake!"

"Mr. Zhong, sit down." Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice.

"Hum!" Zhong wanjian was very angry, but he understood that today's action was a complete failure.

He was just worried that Wanquan had secret contacts with the black evil army. What if there were obstacles to the next action.

"I suggest," Zhong wanjian said again, "you can't participate in this operation. If he divulges the news and exposes the plan, we will be caught by the black evil army!"

Wanquan had expected Zhong wanjian to say so and immediately replied, "if I want to make a small move, do you think Dong Jianwu can kill the black evil army so easily with his team? I'm afraid he will be found when he just started?"

"What general Wan said is reasonable," Nangong Zongzhe said. "We can't exclude him because of some unnecessary evidence. It's also a huge loss for us."

Lin Yuanyang hesitated for a moment. "Mr. Zhong, this operation still needs the help of general Wanquan. Since it is a misunderstanding, it's better to..."

"Hum!" Zhong wanjian didn't want to compromise at all. He directly stood up and said, "since you don't believe me, I'm sorry I can't accompany you. I have other arrangements for supporting Lin Xiao. I'll leave!"


Zhong wanjian turned and left without stopping at all.

Wanquan smiled at Zhong wanjian's back and said in a strange way, "good to go, Mr. Zhong! Don't forget to withdraw the photo, or your dismissal order will be placed on your desk tomorrow!"

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