Zhong wanjian left the meeting. His body trembled with anger as he walked. He thought and dialed a number directly.

"Destroy! If you lead a team to monitor everything, I don't believe he doesn't show his feet!"

Hidden in the dark, I got the news and retreated quietly.

This action was not allowed by Shangfeng. It was Zhong wanjian's own idea.

In case the whereabouts of Mie are found, Zhong wanjian can't tell clearly.

At that time, he will be charged by Wan'an with the intention of murdering state officials, and he will not be able to wash himself by jumping into the Yellow River.

"How did you do this?" After Zhong wanjian entered the car, he couldn't think of the whole thing.

The spy hiding in the laboratory saw Wanquan contact with Lei Yun, the special envoy of the black evil army. How did Wanquan appear at the military meeting again?

Confused Zhong wanjian was silent for a moment and said to the driver, "go to the War Department compound!"


Zhong wanjian wants to ask some old friends. Maybe he can find a breakthrough.

After Lin Xiao released the news, the whole world was boiling.

Not to mention some major forces in China, even the four new heavenly kings and the old friends of the Western dark forces have stood up for the first time.

On the major social media platforms, many celebrities came forward to support Lin Xiao.

"Mr. Lin's initiative to fight the loss of Ye of the black evil army is not only for all the creatures on earth, but also the most powerful counterattack against foreign forces!"

"We must support Mr. Lin!"

"Support Lin Xiao!"

"Yes! Now the earth people are a whole, we should be consistent with the outside world!"

"The black Shaxing people have bullied us for so long, it's time for us to resist!"

War departments of all countries are taking action.

Although a dozen United Nations troops won a battle that day, they also knew that it was because of some special reasons that the Phoenix warship did not fight back.

Otherwise they will lose a lot.

Today, the Phoenix warship and the strong cloud are imprisoned in the air, and have lost their greatest deterrent.

Now is the best time to fight back.

At this moment, the Chinese War Department is also very busy.

When Zhong wanjian arrived at the War Department compound, cars came and went at the door. All the big people in the car were serious and worried.

Lin Xiao's decision has set off a huge wave in the war department.

"General Ouyang!"

When the car stopped, Zhong wanjian hurriedly opened the door and shouted at a military car that was just about to start.

The military car stopped and the window fell, revealing a surprised face.

Ouyang Tuo, after the cooperation between the Wumeng and the War Department, the great master sent from the Wumeng is specially responsible for training the wuzhe troops.

Since the vitality of heaven and earth exploded, martial artists have sprung up everywhere, and the main force of the war has gradually tilted.

The combat power represented by the warrior has greatly affected the battle pattern in the past.

Therefore, at Lin Xiao's suggestion, the War Department recruited a group of patriotic fighters, which are collectively called the war department with the help of the military alliance and the military Association.

The Ministry of military warfare has 10000 warriors, ranging from bronze warriors to great masters.

Such a huge fighting force naturally has the power of destroying heaven and earth.

However, it is not easy to command and command such a group of combat forces.

Ouyang Duan is one of the people chosen by Lin Xiao to command these people.

At the same time, he is also a young expert recommended by lieyangzi and others. He has a high prestige in the Wulin circle.

Zhong wanjian didn't expect to see Ouyang duo at the first time. He couldn't help but be happy.

"Mr. Zhong?" After seeing the visitor clearly, Ouyang quickly opened the door and walked down.

"General Ouyang! It's good to see you!"

Recently, Ouyang duo has been traveling all over the country. On the one hand, he is attracting experts, on the other hand, he is also contacting people with lofty ideals.

It is not enough for the war department to fight against the black evil army. Only by contacting various forces of the people can we have the opportunity to unite as one.

"What's the matter? Something urgent?" Ouyang grabbed Zhong wanjian and walked to the back of the car.

"Hey!" Zhong wanjian and Ouyang are also welcome.

He knew that Ouyang Duan was Lin Xiao's confidant. He didn't have so much scruples about some things.

"Sigh, is there something I can do for you?" Ouyang asked suspiciously.

"Everything, you know?" Zhong wanjian came straight to the point, "this old man is plotting against the law. I'm afraid it will be bad for Lin Xiao!"

"Wanquan?" Ouyang's pupil contracted slightly, and his voice lowered again, "how did you suddenly mention him?"

Wanquan has a high prestige in the army. Ouyang Tao is a newcomer and can't compare with it. He's even afraid to mention the name.

"On the 18th, did you hold an internal military meeting?"

"Yes," Ouyang nodded quickly. "At that time, the War Department urgently needed a group of people to support Lin Xiao, so an emergency meeting was held, and the team was built on the same day!"

"Is everything there?"

"Yes!" Ouyang said in a deep voice, "he is a man of the Lord's meeting. He advocates war. What's the matter?"

"Hum!" Zhong wanjian was still unwilling and said in a deep voice, "I think Wanquan has a ghost."

"This way!" Ouyang snatches Zhong wanjian again and walks to a more secret corner.

When he came to an unnoticed corner, Ouyang hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhong, are you talking about 10000 gene laboratories?"

"Have you heard of it?" Zhong wanjian said in a deep voice, "the old guy must be upset and kind. He must have a secret meeting with Lei Yun, the special envoy of the black evil army. He must have a plot!"

"A little bit of noise," Ouyang seized and hurriedly made a silent gesture. "Here are all eye liner. If it is heard, it will be bad."

Zhong wanjian was silent for a few seconds. "Do you have any news?"

"I've suspected this for a long time," Ouyang said in a deep voice. "Wanquan was very strange at the meeting. How to say..."

Ouyang Duoduo was deep in thought. "According to Wanquan's character, he shouldn't be so radical, but he advocated fighting that day, and even handed over his own troops to be arranged by Dong Jianwu. Don't you think it's strange?"


Tung Chee Wu is not a subordinate of Wanquan, but a faction that makes friends with Lin Xiao.

According to past habits, it is absolutely impossible to hand over their own legitimate forces to their opponents and sacrifice in vain.

But Wanquan was unconventional. It didn't count to send his own lineage. He also personally appointed several generals.

"Of course it's true. Several members of the supreme leading group also praised Wanquan and said that he knew the overall situation and understood the general situation." Ouyang duo recalled the scene at that time, "however, with my understanding of him, it's very strange."

"That's right," Zhong wanjian's eyes brightened. "Wanquan is meeting Lei Yun on the evening of the 18th. How can he go to the military meeting? I suspect the person at the meeting is fake."

"Wanquan, how dare you?" Ouyang duo was startled. "At that time, several top leaders were there. Did anyone dare to fake Wanquan?"

"Hum! Now as long as we find the fake people, we can force Wanquan to show his feet! I always think Wanquan has a conspiracy." Zhong wanjian looked at Ouyang and said, "I'm afraid Lin Xiao will fight with ye when he loses. What moth will Wanquan do? We must take precautions!"

"What do you want me to do, Mr. Zhong?" Ouyang snatch immediately straightened his chest, "never let him destroy Lin Xiao's great event!"

"You're like this..." Zhong wanjian's eyes became cold.

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