The two talked for a long time. Ouyang grabbed his heart and immediately returned to the car.

The military vehicle did not leave, but directly returned to the War Department compound.

Zhong wanjian stayed outside the hospital for a moment, made a few more calls and left.

The Party of the four families is over.

Without the Zhong family, the united strength is naturally lacking, but we can guarantee that we will invest our maximum combat power in support.

After the party, Wanquan returned to the car and his face turned gloomy.

"Zhong wanjian, son of a bitch, is staring at me."

The driver looked back at him and said with a smile, "general, Zhong wanjian is now weak and worthless. Why be angry for him?"

"Hum! The Zhong family is not that simple. It has the support of many big men in the government, which is also a force that can not be ignored." Wan Quan said in a deep voice, "drive! Go to the war department!"

"Does the general want to arrange in advance?"

"I can't let Zhong wanjian lead me by the nose. I must make arrangements early!" Wanquan sneered, "three days is not long, not short. My plan can't be destroyed by anyone!"


The bulletproof Mercedes Benz slowly glided out, like a ghost, quickly disappearing into the street in the night.

Zhong wanjian left with his front foot, and Wanquan's car drove into the War Department compound.

After parking the car, Wanquan gets off and walks towards the office building.

Just then, a little soldier hurried to the front.


The little soldier stood at attention and saluted, looking a little urgent.

"What's the matter?" Wanquan is a little unhappy.

The little soldier in front of us is not only a recruit of Wanjia, but also a seedling Wanquan intends to cultivate. He is responsible for receiving and sending news in the war department.

In terms of generation, a little soldier should call Wanquan Grandpa.

Of course, in the War Department, small soldiers naturally call Wanquan an official post.

"General, it's not good." The little soldier said anxiously, "Ouyang of the military war department put forward a military ruling to seize your power!"

"What?" Wan Quan was stunned and smiled angrily. "Ouyang dares to do something? What is he?"

The little soldier said anxiously, "now an emergency meeting is being held, and a big man of the top leading group is also here."

"Hum!" Wan Quan was so angry that he knew Zhong wanjian was playing tricks.

At this critical juncture, Zhong wanjian made this move, which is a means to contain himself.

If Ouyang succeeds in seizing it, Wanquan will not be able to mobilize any military strength, and will even be implicated, leaving Wanjia in an irreparable place.

"Why? Why did Ouyang seize the military ruling?" Wanquan asked as he walked in.

"It is said that there are a lot of comments on the Internet that are not conducive to you. Now all the media have blown up their nest, and some senior leaders of the war department have complained about you. They are discussing it in the conference room." The little soldier doesn't know much, so he can only repeat what he just heard.

This is a critical moment, and the process of all affairs is decreasing. In the past, military decisions like this had to go through layers of declaration. Now, as long as someone puts forward them, they can be discussed on the table.

"Hum!" Wan Quan's face was gloomy and was about to drip water. On the way, he quickly turned around and looked at the driver who followed him, "order it right away, and the special action team will act immediately!"

"Yes!" As soon as the driver's eyes lit up, he immediately took the order to leave.

Wanquan took a deep breath and walked into the office building.

The meeting room was noisy.

Ouyang Duo is a newcomer, but he controls the military department and is one of the most powerful generals today.

There are nearly ten thousand martial arts masters under his command. This is a force in the world and should not be underestimated.

Coupled with Lin Xiao's relationship, even several heads of the top leading group are very respectful to Ouyang.

At the moment, according to the agreement with Zhong wanjian, Ouyang Duoduo submitted all the contents about the gene laboratory, as well as a large number of photos and a list of relevant personnel.

"I don't think so!" A Veteran General in his 70s said in a deep voice, "Wanquan is the oldest in the army. How can he indulge this kind of thing? Don't make rumors. We should share a common hatred now!"

"You can't say that! We all know what happened to Wanjia some time ago. The facts are in front of us, and we can't tolerate his sophistry!"

"It's just that the younger generation is fooling around. The fault is not general Wan!"

"Yes! Ten thousand old soldiers have made great achievements. Even some unfavorable factors in supervision are excusable!"

"Hum! You can't say that. Now it's a critical moment. There's no room for negligence!"

"I think general Ouyang's words are reasonable. We should thoroughly find out the context of the matter!"

"At least let Wanquan come?"

The first big man had a headache, raised his hand and pressed down the people to discuss, "don't worry, let me think..."

Everyone was silent.

Ouyang Duan interrupted, "Mr. Lin is now facing the enemy on the front line. We can't hold him back. I heard that the black evil army has completed its assembly and the whole army is moving towards the western regions. This is the rhythm of a decisive battle!"

"I guess if Mr. Lin makes any mistakes in the duel, the black evil army will launch a bloody suppression! With our current combat power, we can't fight it!"

"The laser weapons of the black evil army and the indestructible chariots are our soldiers' nightmares!"

"Once Mr. Lin is defeated and the enemy is like a rainbow, our soldiers will have no courage to resist!"

"Why should we grow the ambition of others and destroy our prestige? The United States and more than a dozen other big countries have sent support signals. As long as we unite, we may not be the opponent of the black evil army!"

"What's more, the Phoenix warship has been unable to pose a threat to us. Now is the best opportunity to counter attack!"

People quarreled endlessly, which gave the head a headache.

"All right!" The head said in a deep voice, "call Wanquan and let him explain the situation!"

Everyone nodded one after another. It was meaningless for them to just discuss. They still needed the parties to come forward.

Just then, Wanquan pushed the door and came in, sneering, "why, someone is chewing behind my back when I'm not here?"

The audience was silent and dozens of eyes looked at him.

"Everything! Don't you need to explain this?" Ouyang duo sneered, "I can tell you that I have found the fake who attended the military meeting that day!"

Ouyang duo deliberately lied to Zhong wanjian according to his wishes.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, not surprised at all. He looked confident. "What fake? Are you talking nonsense?"


Ouyang grabbed the table and said, "all right! You collude with the enemy and murder thousands of creatures. You're crazy! If you still have some conscience, plead guilty and subdue the law!"


Ouyang's momentum spread out, and the pressure of the great master filled in.

Everyone turned pale and pale.

Wanquan was calm, his military uniform was calm and automatic, and his eyes looked at Ouyang snatch coldly, "it seems that you want to use force with me today?"

"It depends on your performance!" Ouyang duo got up slowly and stared at Wanquan.

At this time, no one dares to speak and is watching the change.

Wanquan swept everyone, and the corners of his mouth suddenly aroused a sarcastic arc, "in that case, I won't talk more nonsense to you..."

Before they understood the implication of everything, their mobile phones rang one after another.

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