Within two seconds after the first person answered the phone, his face changed.

"What?" The general was surprised and jumped up like a frightened rabbit. "Really or not? Where are the people?"


Another person directly took the case, even the head forgot at the scene, and looked very angry, "who did it?"

"Someone left a message? Where is it? Send it to me right away!"

Ouyang was surprised at the noisy scene, and just then his mobile phone rang.

He looked suspiciously at the perfection of the old God, and Ouyang grabbed the subconscious connection.

His wife called.

"Ouyang, no, your son has been taken!"

"What?" Ouyang duo was surprised and angrily said, "what the hell? Who is so bold?"

"I don't know. The other party only left a short message!"

"What text message?"

The other side hurriedly took out a note with some inexplicable words on it.

"I, I have only two words here, under my command!"

"North of the city?" Ouyang was stunned for a long time and hurriedly said, "have you heard from his son? Do you know who did it?"

"I don't know. Come back quickly. Everything is in disorder at home!"

Ouyang duo was so anxious that he subconsciously had to turn around and leave.

But at this time, the indoor noise became more intense.

"Who took my daughter?"

"Mom! Where's Huihui? Isn't she with you?"

The families of dozens of people present were arrested. This kind of thing is too strange.

Ouyang duo hurriedly asked, "what happened to your family?"

"General Ouyang, my son was caught. The other party left a message! There are only two words' afternoon '."

"You left a message, too?" An old general quickly stood up, "someone on my side also left a message, which is also two words," must ". “

Everyone, you and me, came together to form a complete sentence.

"At three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, we must disband our troops and stay at home without any action, so that we can exchange for your relatives!"

In addition to the gloomy head, only Wanquan was expressionless and did not panic at all.

At this moment, even fools can see that it must have something to do with everything.

"Everything!" Ouyang said angrily, "did you do it?"

Wanquan didn't admit or deny it, but said with a smile, "don't be impatient. Didn't it say on the note? As long as you do it, your relatives will be fine. What's the hurry?"

"Asshole! It's really you!" Ouyang was so angry that he hit Wanquan with one blow.

In the past, Wanquan was just an ordinary person in everyone's eyes. It was impossible to resist a blow from a great master.

However, at the next moment, everyone sucked the air conditioner and stared incredulously.

Wanquan flashed across the fist front seized by Ouyang, and slipped behind him like a ghost. The voice slowly spread, "what's the hurry of general Ouyang? If you kill me, you'll never find your son!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

This sentence is equivalent to admitting that he did it.

"Everything!" The chief opened his mouth and his voice was very gloomy. "Is this betrayal?"

"Betrayal?" Wanquan stared at him coldly, "the times have changed. People who know current affairs are heroes. Can't you see that? Sooner or later, the earth will be the world of aliens. Even if we defeat the black evil star people, there will be white evil star, blue evil star and red evil star, and thousands of aliens will invade and plunder!"

Wanquan said coldly, "don't you know that a portal is being built on the virgin peak in the western regions? I heard that once the portal is completely opened, thousands of races in the universe will be ushered in! Then we people on earth will only become the most humble bottom creatures!"

"So you do genetic experiments and use thousands of human lives to meet your desires?" Ouyang snatched his hate voice.

Wanquan smiled, "of course, greatness should be based on sacrifice. The sacrifice now is for people on earth to become the master of the universe in the future!"

"I bah!" Ouyang duo was angry and smiled, "can you turn man into God with your broken gene experiment?"

Wanquan youyou said, "what is God? In the hands of my gene warrior, God will fall!"

"Everything!" Ouyang said angrily, "are you still not human? Are you still not Chinese? Can you say that? I'm really ashamed of you!"

"Hehe, Ouyang Duan, you don't have to be hard spoken. If you wait until that day, you will understand how wise I am going to do!"

The people shouted abuse one after another.

But Wanquan has relatives and lives in his hands, and they dare not do it again.

"Everything!" The chief spoke again and youyou said, "what do you want to do? Do you want to coerce so many generals' relatives into doing things?"

"Ha ha," Wan Quan smiled, "I don't want to be an enemy with you, but I don't want you to make trouble! As long as I follow my instructions, I won't do anything for three days, and I will naturally return your relatives in three days!"

"Fart!" Ouyang said angrily, "three days later is the day when Lin Xiao and ye lost a decisive battle. At that time, no matter the result, there will be an amazing war. Do you want us to hide at home and be a shrinking turtle?"

Wan Quan glanced at him and said faintly, "of course, you can choose to continue to act, but your son's life safety... I can't guarantee it."

"Asshole! Are you threatening me?" Ouyang was ready to pounce.

"Wait a minute!" The chief winked at Ouyang and continued to ask, "everything! What do you want to do? Let's say it clearly. If you really want to be the running dog of the black evil star, I don't think everyone can be constrained by you, even if you fight for the necessary sacrifice..."

"No, no, no..." Wanquan shook his head quickly. "Black evil star man? It's just our pedal. What we have to face in the future will be the whole universe."

"The tone is not small!" Ouyang duo sneered, "don't make excuses for your betrayal. You use your relatives to contain us. Don't you want to weaken the strength of the earth coalition?"

"Everything! How on earth can you release our relatives!"

"Yes, Wanquan, we have worked together for so long. Do you have a conscience now?"

Wanquan was a little impatient and sneered, "OK! Stop arguing, do as I say, and naturally see your relatives in three days!"

Wan Quan then walked out with big steps.

"Stop!" Ouyang robbed and stopped. "Want to go? Let everyone go. You can leave today!"

"Hum!" Wanquan seems to have something urgent. He doesn't want to continue talking nonsense with Ouyang. He takes the lead directly.

Everyone didn't expect that Wanquan was a real great master. He was extremely fierce and let Ouyang duo fall into the disadvantage in an instant.

Boom, boom!

The two slapped each other three times in a row. Ouyang took more than ten steps to withdraw, and couldn't help but look stunned.

"Hum! You're not my opponent. Get out of the way!" With a wave of Wanquan's big hand, the momentum became higher and higher.


At the same time, a lot of footsteps came from outside.

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