Jian Wuji was stunned for a moment and stared at Lin Xiao carefully. He was surprised, "so fast?"

"Look!" While Lin Xiao was talking, his palm slashed forward.


A palm wind, like a strong wind and rainstorm, crashed on the special glass of the inquiry platform.

Lin Xiao knew that the material of the glass didn't belong to the earth. It was hard and terrible. Not to mention the supreme strength. I'm afraid even if the master came, he couldn't break it, so he could safely and boldly experiment.

This palm power is nothing in jianwuji's eyes, but what he cares about is the power burst out by Lin Xiao.

It's just the warrior of the supreme section. But Lin Xiao's strength is enough to frighten the masters of the supreme section II.

The Supreme Master is no better than the great master. There is a huge gap at each level.

Lin Xiao's ability to reach the level of strength of supreme section II with the realm of supreme section I is enough to surprise jianwuji.

Lin Xiao has just made a breakthrough. Once he is familiar with the supreme realm for a period of time, I'm afraid his strength will be stronger.

"I thought it would take at least three days to digest and stabilize. I didn't expect you to complete the achievements that others can achieve in half a year in only one day." Jian Wuji couldn't help sighing, "sure enough, the descendants of the king are all demons!"

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Master, what kind of person is my father?"

"King?" Jian Wuji smiled, "don't you know when you see it?"

Lin Xiao's eyes became a little dark. "I don't know how long it takes to see it. Even I don't know if I can escape the Black Ghost army!"

"Ha ha..." sword Wuji threw his long sleeve, "when did you become so low? You have broken through to the supreme and really entered the martial arts cultivation. The future world is very vast. Just a few black evil stars frighten you?"

"It's not..." Lin Xiao was a little melancholy. He looked at the Phoenix warship from a distance. "I don't know how ah Jin is."

Jian Wuji frowned slightly. "When are you still thinking about children and women? Besides, Nangong brocade is the real saint of heaven and earth courtyard and the child of heaven and earth emperor. You have no results."

Lin Xiao felt a pain in his heart and said with a bitter smile, "is this really the arrangement of fate?"

Nangong Jin exchanged blood with Lin Xiao. Her blood has been completely integrated with Lin Xiao.

To some extent, they can even be said to be one.

Sometimes Lin Xiao can feel Nangong Jin's thoughts and feelings. That feeling is very mysterious.

Recently, Lin Xiao has been restless. He thinks it must have something to do with Nangong brocade.

Especially when he broke through, the urgent yearning from Nangong Jin became more and more obvious.

Lin Xiao even rushed to the Phoenix warship to find the whereabouts of Nangong Jin.

"The reason why the emperor of heaven and earth left his blood was to calculate the king. You must not be cheated by him." Jian Wuji said earnestly, "forget her!"

Lin Xiao could not help clenching his fist and said in a deep voice, "master, you should know my character. I won't give up ah Jin anyway!"

"Hey!" Jian Wuji shook his head and sighed, "you child, you are too stubborn. It is destined to be a very difficult road!"

"No matter what the road ahead is, I won't shrink back!"

Bell bell!

Just when the atmosphere was a little dull, Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

"Lin Yuanyang?" Lin Xiao looked at the caller ID, got up quickly, grabbed his cell phone and walked to the string window.

"President Lin?"

"Mr. Lin," Lin Yuanyang's voice was very tired, "something happened in Kyoto!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao's heart jumped.

"The four families have fallen out! Wanquan has restarted the gene laboratory and put the families of important generals under house arrest. I don't know what they are plotting. Now the major legions in Kyoto can only stand still and can't go to the front line to support!"

Lin Xiao has received information that the whole army of the black evil army has come to help, and legions from all over the world are gathering in the western regions of the dynasty.

Hundreds of thousands of Heisha legions and tens of thousands of spaceships will gather in the western regions within three days to surround the Phoenix warship and Qiangyun in the center.

Ye lost has decided to take this opportunity to defeat the world coalition forces, defeat Lin Xiao and completely control the whole earth.

China is the most important gathering place of combat power. If important generals cannot act and millions of troops cannot be mobilized, it will cause an immeasurable serious blow to the whole war.

"Wanquan? This old thing..." Lin Xiao frowned. "Is the gene laboratory really related to him?"

"Kyoto has become a scene of chaos. Zhong wanjian, with his secret troops, went on the Wanquan bar. In just half a day, no less than 100 people died. Now people are in danger and are frightened. The situation is very bad!"

"Mr. Lin, if we can't stop everything, we won't have a chance to counter attack when the duel begins. When the black evil army marches in, we will be defeated!"

Lin Xiao's head is big.

He has been preparing for the duel. He has no mood and mind to manage the Legion. He didn't expect such a big problem.

"What about Ouyang?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice, "I asked him to set up the military war department just to deal with this situation. What is he doing?"

"Hey!" Lin Yuanyang sighed, "general Ouyang's family members have also been caught by Wanquan. Now he can't ride a tiger. He can't fight or retreat. He's so anxious that he's going crazy."

"Wanquan, this is a long time ago..." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "it's not something you can accomplish in a day or two to catch so many generals' families at the same time."

"Also," Lin Yuanyang continued, "Wanquan met Lei Yun, the special envoy of the black evil army a few days ago. I don't know what they are plotting."

"Lei Yun?" Lin Xiao remembered that Xiao Su told him that Nangong brocade was invited to leave by Lei Yun. It is said that he is a hidden expert.

But Lei Yun never appeared in front of the crowd, and Lin Xiao didn't know his details.

"In addition to Ye lost, the crime of a military division is a headache. Now there is another special envoy Lei Yun. How many cards does the black evil army have?"

"Mr. Lin," Lin Yuanyang interrupted Lin Xiao's meditation, "I have contacted the local martial arts associations and met with lieyangzi and nun Chuanjing. They immediately set out for the western regions with their disciples and the experts of the martial arts associations. There are about 3000 experts for you to drive."

Lin Xiao is short of manpower now. When he heard that so many experts came to help, his eyes twinkled. "Great! With these experts, the victory rate against the elite troops of the black evil spirit has greatly increased!"

"In addition," Lin Yuanyang was silent for several seconds, "there is one more thing you must decide immediately."

"What's up?" Lin Xiao was a little stunned.

Lin Yuanyang is the president of the Kyoto Martial Arts Association. His prestige in the Jianghu is no weaker than that of the Wulin alliance leader.

But Lin Yuanyang respected Lin Xiao everywhere. Now he asked for instructions in a low voice, which surprised Lin Xiao very much.

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