Lin Xiao urged again, "President Lin, if you have anything to say, you don't have to avoid anything."

"About Er Dongqing..." Lin Yuanyang asked tentatively, "he is the subordinate of the chaos king and the leader of the fourth family in Kyoto. His power in Kyoto is increasing day by day, but he is a little strange."

Lin Xiao has heard about Er Dongqing.

The king of chaos, the king of World War III, er Dongqing, Xia Yuzun and ye Huayang, are all capable men of the once Runner King.

At that time, the life and death of the runner king was unknown, and the three men also disappeared one after another. He didn't run back until he appeared again as Xiaosu.

And ER Dongqing is the one with the strongest strength and talent among the three war kings.

In a short period of six months, it is a great thing to pull up a team to compete with the once three families.

But Lin Xiao is very strange. What's wrong with ER Dongqing? Lin Yuanyang hesitates at this time.

"President Lin, if it's inconvenient on the phone, you can come to the strong cloud." Lin Xiao mused, "you can speak freely."

"Really, really?" That's what Lin Yuanyang meant. He really wanted to see what the strong cloud looked like.

"Of course!" Lin Xiao paused for a few seconds. "I'll send someone to pick you up. There are black evil army nearby. If you come directly, I'm afraid you will be directly screened."

Lin Xiao has a small shuttle boat. It's easy to avoid the investigation of the black evil army.


Half an hour later, Lin Xiao's small shuttle boat came over the Kyoto Martial Arts Association.

Lin Yuanyang, who is used to the spaceship, was shocked to see the small shuttle boat.

Taking a small shuttle boat for the first time, the extreme sense of speed made Lin Yuanyang's heart beat faster. Watching the clouds flying under his feet, he had an inexplicable feeling.

"What is the civilization outside the earth like?" Lin Yuanyang sighed and felt more and more small.

Outside the strong cloud, Lin Yuanyang was shocked by the huge ship body again. He stopped for a long time before he got on the side bridge.

Lin Xiao waited at the top of the side bridge and warmly welcomed him out.

"President Lin!"

"Mr. Lin!" Lin Yuanyang hugged his fist with emotion on his face. "You helped me a lot when I said goodbye that day. Now I haven't seen you for months. Your strength..."

At a glance, Lin Xiaoxiu has already surpassed himself. Lin Yuanyang is nearly 60 years old, but he is ashamed in front of a 30-year-old man.

"President Lin, don't be polite," Lin Xiao took Lin Yuanyang's hand and walked towards the cabin door. "Let's talk about Er Dongqing first. What's the matter with him?"

They walked into the side bridge and the hatch of Qiangyun closed quickly.

Phoenix battleship.

Ye lost sitting on the wide chair, passing through the holographic image, watching Lin Xiao disappear in the cabin, sneered, "what the hell is this boy doing?"

The military division sin came out of the shadow, "general! There are still two days. Don't you need to practice?"

"Practice?" Ye lost a little stunned and asked with a smile, "are you worried about my decisive battle with Lin Xiao?"

"It's inevitable!" The military Master said in a deep voice, "we have received reliable news. Lin Xiao entered the hall and became the real supreme."

"Hum! So what?" Ye lost his face and didn't care. He sneered, "a mole ant, good luck has boarded the back of the dragon. Do you want to compete with the dragon? It's just overkill!"

"But..." the military master frowned. "Lin Xiao is very talented. We..."

"All right!" Ye lost was very disgusted with the speech of military division crime. He always raised Lin Xiao every time. "It's just a native of the earth. What do you care so much about? Have you done your business?"

The master of the army secretly sighed and said, "Lei Yun has launched a call on the whole earth. In one day yesterday, he received a list of 46 million applications. I believe this number will continue to increase!"

"That's good!" Ye lost and nodded with satisfaction, "I'd like to see what Lin Xiao takes to fight me. Does he really think that all the people on earth are solid? It's just self deception, ha ha..."

Thinking of the happy place, ye lost and laughed, "when I defeat Lin Xiao, the captured aborigines will sing praises for me. At that time, the whole earth is mine!"

If all the billions of people on the earth were converted into slaves, it would be an unimaginable labor force.

At that time, ye lost can set up another portal on the earth and build his own powerful empire.

"Well, go down. Don't be sad all day," Ye lost glanced at him and joked, "we are black evil star people. In the eyes of people on earth, we are a God above. How can any God worry about mortals?"

"Yes!" The military master was unhappy. He knew that ye lost and was headstrong. He couldn't listen to his heartfelt words at all.

But the black evil army must not lose. The crime of military division should ensure that ye lost's duel is safe.

He quickly left, came to the R & D module, swept around, pointed to a researcher who was concentrating on the experiment and said, "come here!"

"My Lord!" The other party hurriedly put down the matter at hand and walked over carefully, "what's your order?"

"How's the black god Dan doing?" The military division said in a low voice, "I gave you all 3000 bodies last time. Why is the progress so slow?"

"Return to your excellency!" The researchers quickly said, "3000 bodies have long been consumed. Now is the most critical moment. It takes 300 living bodies to complete it. I think..."

"Three hundred living bodies?" The military division frowned slightly, "are you sure it's enough? The momentum is not very good recently. I'm afraid it may cause unnecessary trouble."

"That's enough," the researchers said quickly. "Based on the gene living chain sent by Lord Lei Yun last time, the research and development of black god pill is very smooth. Now it only needs 300 living bodies, and it will be successful!"

"Good!" The military master's crime was not vague, and immediately said, "I'll send you 300 living bodies in one day. I must deal with the black god pill tomorrow night at the latest!"


The master turned away.

With a light breath, the researchers wiped off the cold sweat on their forehead and hurried back to the workbench.

"Black god pill," murmured the researcher, "this is a god pill that can let the supreme master play his power beyond rank..."

The master returned to his bedroom and called Lei Yun.

"Lei Yun, where are you?"

Lei Yun is lying in the gentle village, drunk and dreaming.

"Sin! Life on earth is so colorful..."

There are two naked beauties around him. Lei Yun is carefree and happy. He doesn't care about the questioning of the military division's crime at all.

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