Naturally, Lin Xiao didn't notice Ye's lost state. He was suddenly touched by the momentum just now and needed to close the door to make a breakthrough.

Perhaps this breakthrough had an unusual experience, which immersed Lin Xiao wholeheartedly.

Lin Yuanyang was completely stunned at the moment.

As a martial artist, Lin Yuanyang felt the changes in Ye lost for the first time.

"Ye lost and broke through..."

Lin Yuanyang had some confidence in Lin Xiao, but now his mood has directly dropped to the freezing point and to the bottom of the valley.

Ye lost was originally a master of the supreme second section. Now he has broken through again and is already a martial artist of the supreme third section. With each passing day, the gap between the two is even greater.

"I have to go back and prepare!" Lin Yuanyang immediately turned around and left, anxiously getting through the phone of the Kyoto armed forces Association, "Hello! Call all the members in office for me, and they will all be present this afternoon!"

Ye's lost laughter echoed between heaven and earth for a long time, and there were his laughter within a hundred kilometers.

The gloomy and provocative laughter made the melon eaters tremble.

Coupled with the gathering of the black evil army, all the people who pay attention to the situation at the scene are in a very bad mood.

Movements around the world have become frequent and rapid.

Strong cloud VIP cabin 008.

Wan Rou has been writing at his desk. She doesn't know what to write on the tablet. Her hand is very fast.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

Bang bang!

The sound was loud, accompanied by some rapid breathing.

Wan Rou frowned slightly, stopped and looked up slowly. Her beautiful eyes flashed light, "who?"

On the strong cloud, she had no close people except her men.

Including Lin Xiao, he also kept a distance from Wan rou.

Obviously, it was not her staff who knocked at the door in this way.

Since he is not under his command, only one person dares to behave like this in front of Wan rou.

Wanrou deliberately questioned, just to crack down on each other's arrogance.



Fang Qing pushed the door directly without permission. Regardless of Wan Rou's ugly expression, she looked at her as soon as she entered the door.

"What are you doing?" Wan Rou put down the tablet and asked in a deep voice, "why is there no politeness? The master didn't allow you. Who let you in?"

"Master? What kind of master are you? At best, you're a guest. Don't put gold on your face," Fang Qing said coldly. "I say the master can't turn you."

"What's the matter with you? Please go out if you're okay!" Wan Rou has no good face.

Fang Qing sneered and hissed, "Wan Rou! It looks like you, you traitor!"

"What do you mean?" Wan Rou's face is like ice, "speak without brain?"

Fang Qing stared at her, "on the whole ship, only you are an outsider. You are not an insider. Who is an insider?"


Wan Rou slapped on the table, "Fang Qing! I've endured you for a long time!"

"Ha ha," Fang Qing calmed down when she saw that success angered Wan rou. She smiled and sat on the sofa and crossed her legs. "The Phoenix warship knows our situation like the back of her hand. Even Lin Xiao knows when to break through, when to eat and go to the bathroom. You're not a traitor. How do they know?"

"Huh?" Wan Rou was stunned. "How do you know so clearly about the Phoenix warship?"

Fang Qing directly threw out a USB flash disk, "you can have a look. This is the information stolen from the Phoenix warship."

Wan Rou was surprised. At this moment, she seemed to know Fang Qing again and had a deeper understanding of her ability. At the same time, she picked up the USB flash disk and inserted it into the tablet. Several fuzzy videos came over.

"This..." Wan Rou's heart jumped and suddenly looked up. "Do you have an insider on the Phoenix warship? What a great skill. How did you do it?"

"Don't worry about this." Fang Qing asked coldly, "did you spread the news on the strong cloud?"

"No!" Wan Rou shook her head slowly, "I have no reason to do this!"

"Fart!" Fang Qing screamed, "don't you know who you are? If it's not you, who else? Don't think I don't know. You just contacted the great master yesterday. Since you betrayed the great master, why contact him?"

Wan Rou's eyes narrowed slightly, "are you watching me?"

"Hum! To tell you the truth, I have to monitor everything on the Qiangyun. This is responsible to Lin Xiao. Do you understand?" Fang Qing raised her voice eight degrees. "Why did you contact the great master? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, Hei hei..."

The reason why Fang Qing suddenly visited and questioned Wan Rou while Lin Xiao was closed was that she was afraid that the girl would pretend to be pathetic in front of Lin Xiao, and there was nothing she could do at that time.

"This is my private affair. There's no need to tell you!" Wan Rou won't bow his head and hold his head high, "I don't need you to manage!"

"OK." Fang Qing licked her lips and said with a smile, "in that case, don't blame me for being rude."


Fang Qing took the lead and was ready. In the blink of an eye, she rushed to Wanrou.

Wan Rou bent over an iron bridge and flashed Fang Qing's fist front. Di Liuliu turned back to the side and shouted, "Fang Qing! Don't force me. You're not my opponent!"

"Hey!" Fang Qing's heart jumped and said in a grim voice, "then try!"

Bang bang!

When they disagreed, they began to fight, and the sound of conflict spread far away.

The alarm system on the warship was sounded by both men.

Xiao Ling sent out the broadcast at the first time.

"There is a fight in VIP cabin 8. If there are idle people watching the excitement, you can go quickly!"

When the two women listened to the radio, they almost laughed angrily.

"Xiao Ling! Shut up!" The two women shouted at the same time.

Gao Haijian and others, who were eating in the restaurant, looked up at the live three-dimensional video sent by Yan Xiaoling, all showing strange smiles.

"Fang Qing told us for a long time, but no one believed her. Now she's looking for trouble..."

"If two tigers fight, one will be hurt," Lang Yan asked, "what should we do now?"

"What can I do?" Gao Haijian rolled his eyes. "Why don't you persuade me?"

Lang Yan shrunk his head and said with a dry smile, "I don't dare. I'll be unlucky then!"

"These two women are on the ship. There will never be peace..." Lao Zhang knocked on the newly made alloy cigarette pot, shook his head and sighed, "the boss will suffer in the future."

Gao Haijian filled his mouth with food, turned back and said vaguely to Xiaoling, "Xiaoling! Turn off the alarm, don't bother!"

Xiao Ling's voice spread to all directions, "don't you go to persuade a quarrel? What if something happens?"

"I'm busy!" Gao Haijian turned his eyes, put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth. "There are still serious things to do! This must be completed before the boss's showdown!"

Lin Xiao's other King Kong and dragon generals put down their dishes and chopsticks and looked at Gao Haijian excitedly.

"Lao Gao, there's news?"

Gao Haijian smiled, "Hey! Thanks to Fang Qing's insider, otherwise there would not be news so soon."

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