Everyone got up together.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"Hey! Find the last puppet supreme, and the eight will gather to dominate. Then the black evil army will fart!"

"Hahaha, I'm excited to think about it!"

"Is the information true? I always feel uneasy to know the location so easily!" Eliza was worried. She looked at Rocha and said, "why don't you let Rocha explore first?"

Luo Cha turned her eyes and said angrily, "what? Do you want to get rid of my thorn in the flesh?"

"Hey," smiled Eliza, shaking her long blond hair, "I'll go with you!"

"Hum!" Luo Cha turned her eyes. "Thank you for your kindness!"

Gao Haijian said with a dry smile, "don't quarrel. Let's go together and advance and retreat together!"

Xiaosu jumped up directly, "when master leaves the customs, he will be happy to take off when he learns that we have done this!"

"Xiaosu," Gao Haijian glanced at him, "your master gave you all the other seven puppets. Go together this time. After finding the last one, you can immediately use the method of fitting. Is it all right?"

Xiaosu nodded hard, "don't worry! I have all the memories of the Runner King. I have a clear door for the method of puppet integration!"

Dong Dong!

"See what that means," Lao Zhang knocked out the ash from the cigarette pot and said subconsciously, "there will be a master puppet right away?"

"Is it that easy?" Yang Jun, a big and rough man, stood up and said in a deep voice, "that's the master puppet. Can we control it?"

"It is said that the dominant puppet can carry out some intelligent operations with the help of the puppet core, which is almost close to the existence of artificial intelligence. If we rashly combine them, will something happen?" Song Zhaolong frowned. "At the beginning, I saw some top secret information about the supreme puppet in Interpol."

Everyone looked at Song Zhaolong and waited for him to continue.

"It is said that when the puppet supreme was made, it was based on artificial intelligence and was a kind of gene warrior, but later, I didn't know what happened, it became like this. I always think..."

The existence of the supreme puppet on earth itself is a different kind, and the production method only comes from the puppet's secret art.

Since the black evil army came to the earth, we have a better understanding of the puppet supreme.

Now, to explore a higher level of puppet supremacy, it is inevitable to feel a little uneasy.

"Don't think so much," Lang Yan said carelessly. "It's not too late to find it. There's not much time. Don't waste on meaningless speculation."

"Get ready," Gao Haijian looked around, "start now!"

"I see!"


Everyone answered.

Ten minutes later, a small spaceship left Qiangyun and turned into a streamer and rushed to heaven and Earth City.

The Phoenix did not prevent the ship from leaving.

Ye lost his disdain for the earth forces that were about to be defeated, and he didn't want to pay attention to the every move of Lin Xiao and others.

At the moment, ye lost his whole heart on the portal under construction.

The portal is twenty meters wide.

Although compared with the interstellar portal, the portal being built on the virgin peak is pitifully small and can only access some small species, it has epoch-making significance for the earth.

For this portal, ye lost has no intention of closing it. He even sent a message on earth. As long as he pays some price, he can share the use of the portal in the future.

After receiving the news, many forces were ready to move and began to build some buildings around the virgin peak.

All kinds of public facilities and buildings were built like crazy.

On the one hand, the black evil army launched military operations with the earth, on the other hand, it was imperceptibly affecting the earth's culture and trying to infiltrate it.

Standing on the virgin peak, ye lost looking at the earth buildings that appeared in a large area around, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth, "when the portal is officially opened, this will be the most prosperous place on the earth."

"Leaves lost!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded behind Ye lost.

Ye lost, quickly turned around and bowed respectfully, "saint!"

Nangong brocade asked expressionless, "when will you send me away?"

"This..." Ye lost, hesitated and said with a smile, "after the decisive battle with Lin Xiao, I'll send you away."

"Hum! Don't think I don't know," Nangong Jin's face gradually became ugly. "The Phoenix warship is imprisoned and can't open the space-time channel at all. You want to lie to me?"

"Hey," Ye lost. Unexpectedly, Nangong Jin even knew about it. He quickly explained, "it happened suddenly. Please rest assured, saint. I will arrange for you to leave as soon as possible!"

Nangong Jin doesn't really want to leave. She just wants to shorten the time to meet the emperor of heaven and earth. Only by seeing the emperor of heaven and earth in person can she solve the matter between her and Lin Xiao.

"The master sin once told me," Nangong Jin youyou said, "the order of the black evil army is to let you open the space-time channel to send me back at the first time after receiving the saint, but you haven't taken action yet. What's your heart?"

Ye lost his face and said faintly, "I'm completely for the safety of the saint! Didn't the military crime tell you that Duan Yizheng in the front hall of the king is locked in the space-time channel. I'm afraid there will be an accident if he encounters obstacles in the process of transmitting you."

"Hum!" Nangong Jin didn't understand this, but she knew that ye lost was definitely not so kind. After a cold hum, youyou said, "there's something I need you to do!"

"Saint, please command!" Ye lost and laughed.

"Cancel the showdown with Lin Xiao!" Nangong Jin said in an indisputable tone.

Ye lost a little stunned and asked tentatively, "why?"

"No why!" Nangong brocade hides her guilt.

She was afraid that ye lost and killed Lin Xiao. It would be too late to regret.

"Excuse me, my subordinates can't agree!" Ye lost his righteousness and said, "Lin Xiao took the initiative to launch the war. If I don't fight, will I lose the prestige of the black evil army? The black evil star people are not allowed to humiliate the prestige!"

Ye lost and wanted Lin Xiao to take the initiative to stand up. Only in this way could he have a great chance to catch him.

It was impossible to give up such a good opportunity. He tried hard to be hated by the saint to finish it.

As long as you catch Lin Xiao, you will get a huge reward in the black evil army. Maybe you will be given one or two divine pills and become the master just around the corner.

Only by becoming the master and adding the forces established on the earth can ye lose a place in the black evil army in the future.

"Are you rejecting me?" Nangong Jin shouted in a deep voice.

Ye lost and made a humble appearance, "the saint is noble. How dare I refuse? It's just a big trouble, and I can't promise!"

"You!!!" Nangong Jinqi's small face is blue, but there is nothing to do.

Ye lost a tired look. Anyway, the sky was high and the emperor was far away. Nangong Jin was angry and could only endure it.

"Well, saint, I have something else to do. Let's take you back first." Ye lost raised his hand and immediately came out two black armor soldiers to stand next to Nangong brocade.

Nangong brocade wanted to find out about Lin Xiao on the ground of going out to relax. Naturally, ye lost and saw through it long ago.

He doesn't care. No one can save Nangong Jin from him anyway.

All around are the men and horses of the black evil army, and there are several puppets hidden in the dark. They are as solid as gold.


Suddenly, a slight vibration filled the air.

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