Ye lost his eyes and quickly looked up at the huge space portal.

On the silver portal, several light blue lights began to shine.

It was these blue awns that caused a slight vibration in the air.

Everyone's eyes are blurred because of this vibration. It seems that they are in the electronic picture and feel very unreal.

"The space channel is being connected, and it will be effective soon..." Ye lost some accidents. "In just a few days, the prototype of the space gate has been up? I have to say, the space medium on earth is really extraordinary. No wonder the king found it!"

Even if ye lost such a person, mentioning the king of the king's front hall is with respect and fear.

The king is the overlord of the universe, the king of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, and his unattainable God forever.

"General!" I don't know when the crime of military division came near, "the puppet money is not enough."

Ye lost and waved his hand carelessly, "grab it!"

"But..." the military division hesitated for a few seconds. "The puppet gold vein in the back mountain of Wangchao village has been transported by the Chinese military to the Qiangyun. The stock in other places is very small. Even if we do our best to collect it, it will take at least three days."

"Three days?" Ye lost and frowned slightly, "that means that the space door can continue to be charged after three days?"


"Hum!" Ye lost was very dissatisfied. "I'll give you two days to urge you personally. Be sure to open the portal to recharge when I defeat Lin Xiao!"

The military division thought a little for a second and nodded silently, "OK!"

Puppet gold has now become the hottest resource in addition to Yuan Dan.

Looting means war and death.

But ye lost doesn't care if he will die. He just wants the result.

Without puppet gold, the portal cannot be opened at all.

If you can start the portal when fighting with Lin Xiao, the momentum can rise sharply and make your future rule more solid.

When the military master left, Nangong Jin caught up with him and asked, "Ye lost, what do you want to do? Either send me away immediately or let me leave!"

"Holy lady," smiled Ye leisurely, "it's really difficult to disobey military orders. I accepted the most direct orders before I came. Everything I did was for the sake of heaven and earth court!"

"I am the saint of heaven and earth court. Apart from the Lord, my command is the greatest. Dare you not listen to my command?" Although Nangong Jin has no bottom in her heart, she still decides to press her identity and lose her leaf.

Although Ye lost a dominant family on earth, he can care about no one.

But Nangong brocade has at least some confidence. Ye is lost and doesn't dare to go too far.

As long as ye loses his breath, he may be able to save Lin Xiao's life.

Last night, Nangong Jin overheard a conversation between military division crime and special envoy Lei Yun.

They said that ye lost a breakthrough two days ago and deliberately released momentum at this time to frighten everyone.

However, even so, the military division crime was still worried about the decisive battle, and even prepared a special drug, black god pill.

From their conversation, it can be seen that the black god pill is definitely a powerful pill, which can stimulate the strength of martial artists to a higher level in a short time.

Nangong Jin doesn't understand why the military division crime attaches so much importance to Lin Xiao, but the more attention it takes, it means that Lin Xiao is more and more dangerous.

Even if the military division doesn't hesitate to offend Ye lost, they should secretly prepare the black god pill for fear of an accident.

After taking the black god pill, although you can greatly improve your strength, it will cause great damage to your accomplishments. You can't use your internal power for at least half a year.

If ye lost knew that he had secretly prepared such a cruel move, he might kill him.

The anxious Nangong brocade can neither show too anxious action nor sit idly by.

Therefore, Nangong brocade said it strongly to breathe, just to see ye lost for the first time.

She wants Ye lost to give up the duel with Lin Xiao, which can save Lin Xiao's life.

Unfortunately, Nangong brocade underestimated Ye lost's determination to control the whole earth.

For ye lost, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop forces and make achievements, and he will never miss it.

"Holy lady," Ye lost and turned a little cold, "I think you'd better go back to the Phoenix Palace first. It's too dangerous outside."

"Danger?" Nangong Jin sneered, "I think it's the most dangerous on the Phoenix warship! My home is on the earth, not on the Phoenix warship!"

"Ha ha..." Ye lost and smiled coldly. "The saint's words are wrong. I'm afraid there will be bad consequences if they reach the emperor's ears in the future!"

"Ye lost, I'll say it again! Either send me away quickly, or cancel the duel with Lin Xiao. Do you agree or not?"

"Forgive me, it's hard to obey!" Ye lost and bowed slightly. When he straightened up, he winked at the two black evil warriors.

The two soldiers immediately stood firmly beside Nangong brocade and said in a deep voice, "saint, please come back!"

"I won't go back!" Nangong Jin's stubborn temper also came up and angrily said, "if you don't promise me today, I won't go back!"

"Saint," Ye lost and was stunned, "don't embarrass me!"

"Embarrass you? What's your embarrassment? It's just to cancel the decisive battle with Lin Xiao. It's the simplest thing for you?"

Ye lost and frowned, thinking that the saint was too difficult to deal with, but he couldn't really turn his face. After a few minutes of silence, he suddenly said, "I know that the saint has some old feelings with Lin Xiao! But as the saint of the heaven and earth court, your identity is high, so you can't get entangled with such a wild boy, but..."

"Leaf loss, what do you mean?"

"Ha ha," Ye lost and smiled, "I mean, anyway, I haven't returned to the black evil star yet. I can sell the saint a face, give Lin Xiao a yard and spare his life. Is that always OK?"

Nangong Jin hesitated for a few seconds, "spare his life?"

"The saint has repeatedly prevented me from fighting with Lin Xiao because she is afraid that I will kill him? Don't worry, I won't kill him, I will only defeat him!"

"Why should I trust you?" Nangong brocade has no sense of trust in the sinister and cunning loss of Ye.

Ye lost a long sleeve and said proudly, "although I'm not a person on the black evil star, I'm also the overlord of the earth. I'll keep my word and never break my promise!"

"In addition," Ye lost his words, "Lin Xiao is the one the emperor wants, and I don't intend to kill him. I just wanted to abolish his cultivation and make him a complete loser. But today, in the face of the saint, I can open up. Is that right?"

Nangong Jin knew that this was the biggest concession for ye to lose. In order to force him to finally fulfill his promise, he forced him, "if you dare to break your promise, I will return to the heaven and earth court and meet the emperor in the future, I will let you stay!"

Ye lost and his face changed slightly. He didn't expect Nangong brocade to be so cruel for Lin Xiao, so he said with a dry smile, "saint, please don't worry, I'll do what I said!"

"Hum!" Nangong Jin didn't keep pestering and turned to leave.

"This woman..." Ye lost and his eyes narrowed slightly.

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