Ye lost always felt that Nangong brocade was just a weak woman, which was not worth mentioning. But today Nangong brocade was very strong, and seemed unwilling to continue to bear it.

"After all, it's a saint. If something really happens, I can't afford it." Ye lost and thought for a moment. He felt that he should not be unreasonable.


The leaf lost and waved with a big hand.

Two soldiers came forward to take orders.

"Go to China and get me the best cook. I'll entertain the saint tonight!"


Nangong Jin was sent back to the Phoenix warship and hit things angrily, "Ye lost this bastard!"

In the cabin, two black Shaxing women who were specially arranged to serve Nangong Jin looked at each other and dared not come forward to dissuade them.

Nangong brocade smashed for a long time, but her anger disappeared a lot. She sat on the chair and looked at the two maids. She asked in a deep voice, "what are you doing here? Get out of here!"

The two women were startled. They were about to bow down and leave. Nangong Jin stopped them again.

"Wait a minute." Nangong Jin glanced at the two women and suddenly asked, "have you always been on the Phoenix warship?"

One of the older maids said respectfully, "yes, saint!"

"How long?"

"Probably," thought the old maid for a moment, "sixty years."

"So long?" Nangong Jin was surprised. She couldn't see that the other party was so old. She couldn't help asking, "how old are you this year?"

"Seventy!" The old maid added, "on the black evil star, 70 is just a young adult. Generally, the life expectancy of the black evil star people is between 380 and 500. Martial artists are older and can be found for thousands of years."

Nangong Jin was the first time to pay attention to the matter about the black evil star. He couldn't help taking a breath. "In addition to the black evil star people, are there other races of human beings?"

"There are many, which can be said to be countless!"

Nangong Jin had some ups and downs. "Then I ask you, are there any tools that can leave quietly on the Phoenix warship, such as that kind of invisible small spacecraft?"

"This..." the elder maid said anxiously, "does the saint have any plans? General Ye is very strict in managing his subordinates. If we are known to talk to you about this, we will be convicted!"

Nangong Jin scolded angrily, "I don't say, you don't say, who knows? Besides, I'm a saint, and ye lost will listen to me!"

They looked at each other and fell on their knees with a plop.

"Saint, spare your life!"

Nangong Jin was stunned. "What is this? I don't want your life. Are you so nervous?"

The two women bowed their heads very low, and the old maid hurriedly said, "we know that the saint wants to sneak back to the earth. If general Ye knows this, the saint is all right, we will both die!"

"Hum!" Nangong brocade was pierced into his mind, and his small face was slightly red. "I'm just in a panic. I want to go out and play. Don't be so nervous!"

"What's your name?" Nangong Jin asks the elder maid to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Nu LAN Zhen!" LAN Zhenzhen's mouth was purple.

Ye lost ordered them to serve Nangong brocade. Of course, they also wanted to monitor. It seemed like a beautiful job. In fact, if they didn't pay attention, they would kill themselves.

"Don't always call yourself a female slave. It's too ugly. Men and women are equal on earth. Call yourself 'I' in the future." Nangong Jin smiled, "get up quickly!"

How dare they get up and keep their heads down.

"All right! I won't ask you these things. Get up." Nangong brocade was afraid of them. She felt uncomfortable all over. "I'm angry if I don't get up again."

The two women dared to get up slowly.

Nangong Jin's eyes turned. "Lan Zhen, I've lived here for several months. It's really boring. You've lived in the Phoenix warship for 60 years. You must be very familiar with it?"

LAN Zhen carefully replied, "Hui saint, we have lived here since childhood. We are only familiar with our own place. A large part of the space is not open to us, so we don't know much!"

"Oh," Nangong Jin didn't care, "then take me around the place you are familiar with."

After living for several months, although Nangong Jin was a saint, ye lost and was ordered not to be taken around the ship.

Even though Nangong brocade asked several times, ye lost vaguely refused.

She knew that it was impossible to find opportunities from ye lost. She had to rely on herself.

Ye lost has a decisive battle with Lin Xiao. You must tell him about the black god pill, or you will suffer a dark loss.

"This......" Lan Zhen is still hesitating.

Nangong Jin pulled up his face, "don't you want me to be angry?"

"Yes!" LAN Zhen hurriedly pulled his companion, "the place we stay is very limited, and the environment is not good. I'm afraid we'll wait for the saint."

"No! I don't care about that." Nangong Jin took the initiative to go out, "let's go!"

Out of the cabin, the two women accompanied them carefully. They have lived for nearly 70 years, but they know nothing about human accidents and are full of servants.

They couldn't guess Nangong Jin's idea at all. They were just worried about being lost by Ye and knew whether they would blame him.

Nangong Jin followed them to the cabin where the servant lived. He was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Inside the Phoenix battleship, the space is very vast, but such a continuous residential area is unimaginable.

The spectacular scene presented in front of us is like countless hives built together, and each person has only a few square meters of living space.

The endless layers of translucent honeycomb rooms look disgusting.

There are not insects, but tens of thousands of slaves on the Phoenix warship.

"Saint, we usually live here." Lan said with a embarrassed smile, "the environment is not very good."

Nangong Jin asked subconsciously, "how many people live here?"

"About 20000 people," Lan Zhen replied seriously. "After all, the Phoenix warship is too large, and it is fighting outside all year round. In addition to slaves, there are some soldiers' families and families."

Nangong Jin's eyes flashed, "what about your usual supplies? You have to eat, drink and Lazar? The Phoenix warship can't pull the food that can't be eaten forever?"

"Lord Hui, there is special logistics to manage. She lives in the back. Generally, when she comes to plunder the planet, she will go out to prey."

"Oh," Nangong Jin nodded thoughtfully, "is it the army?"

"Not really," Lan Zhen replied cautiously. "It's just the identity of a semi servant. Usually, he goes out from the logistics channel and stores it in the food cabin when he comes back."

Nangong Jin said solemnly, "I see. Take me to the logistics cabin."


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