LAN Zhen didn't know Nangong Jin's plan at all. She thought she was really just bored and flustered. She came out and walked around.

Nangong Jin has planned to leave secretly. Maybe she can escape quietly from the logistics channel.

The logistics cabin is bigger, but the smell is not good, full of blood.

Lanzhen seldom comes here at ordinary times. Today, she comes here with the saint. She is more worried.

She was afraid that these barbarians in the logistics cabin would conflict with the saint, so she sent a letter to the guard captain and asked him to bring someone to protect her.

The captain of the guard is the confidant of the master's crime. He told the master the first time when he got the news that the saint had gone to the logistics cabin.

"My Lord, the saint suddenly went to the logistics cabin. I don't know what to do. Let her subordinates follow?"

Military division sin is observing the manufacturing process of black god pill in the pill room. The forming of this pill is very difficult and requires several harsh procedures.

"What's she doing in the back room?" The military master frowned slightly, "go and follow me. Report any abnormalities to me immediately!"


With the consent of the military division, the guard captain quickly came to the outside of the logistics cabin with his hands.

The logistics module is a relatively independent area on the Phoenix warship, which is directly led by Ye lost.

Even if the military division and the special envoy Lei Yun dare not easily intervene in the logistics module.

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

Nangong Jin suddenly ran to the logistics cabin for no reason. She must have her own reason.

Now is the critical moment. We are about to face the decisive battle between Ye lost and Lin Xiao. We are not allowed to make any mistakes.

Even though Lin Xiao is only the supreme one, and ye lost has been promoted to the master of the supreme three, the heart of the military division's sin is still beating drums up and down.

He couldn't explain this feeling clearly, but it just lingered in his head.

In order to avoid startling the snake, the military division took off the marked armor, put on a common black coarse cloth cloak in the logistics cabin, and quietly followed in.

The logistics cabin is unexpectedly large, and the dome is very high. The transparent glass is almost close to the sky, making the whole space very bright and transparent.

The four-dimensional space channels extending in all directions crisscross in the cabin. Nangong brocade walks on the straight and gorgeous translucent metal channel, which is very unreal.

Nangongjin, which has never really visited the Phoenix warship, was once again shocked by its grandeur and magnificence.

"The space warship is really not just as simple as the surface. It is a moving city and a fortress in the air." Nangong Jin could not help sighing. This technology is well deserved to be the overlord on the earth. There is no technology to resist.

"Saint." Guard captain Dante respectfully accompanied him, "this logistics cabin is actually nothing to look at. It's all a mess, and the taste is very bad!"

Nangong Jin sniffed and said with indifference, "it's OK. There's not so much stress. By the way, Dante, I ask you, I heard that the people in charge of logistics are different from others. Is that so?"

Dante looked back at LAN Zhen, then turned back and asked tentatively, "how could the saint ask this?"

"I'm just asking," Nangong Jin looked left and right, not eager. "After all, I stayed on the Phoenix warship for several months and didn't know anything!"

"Well," Dante hesitated for a few seconds and said in a deep voice, "there is a special channel for logistics, which can directly lead to the transport cabin of the Phoenix warship."

"Show me!" Nangong Jin said casually.

Dante, the guard captain, frowned slightly. Just now, the military division ordered him to report any abnormalities to him.

The saint asked that the logistics channel was enough to make people suspicious. I'm afraid I didn't really want to find a chance to escape?

Dante is very confused. He obviously has a prominent identity. Once he returns to the Black Ghost planet, he is definitely the guest of the Black Ghost star Lord.

Nangong brocade has such a noble identity and status. Why do you keep thinking about this barren and low place like the earth?

"Good!" Dante did not dare to disobey the virgin face to face, so he had to lead the way while quietly motioning to report.

Along the long air corridor, a group of people shuttled between busy aircraft and soon came to a huge electronic door.


The electronic doors opened and closed, and strange and huge machines slid by.

"Saint, these are transport planes. They can transport a lot of supplies to the ship!"

Nangong Jin asked subconsciously, "can people pass through this passage?"

The huge passage in front of us is almost filled with huge transportation machines. If people go in, they will be squeezed into debris.

"Soldiers in the logistics department will go in and out with the transport plane." Dante pointed to a transport plane parked on the track and said with a smile, "after landing on the track, the transport plane will open a bottom door. About eight to ten soldiers will go in and out from the bottom door. They are the full-time personnel in charge of each transport plane."

Nangong Jin carefully observes the start-up steps and code of conduct. She wants to find a way to mix into the team and leave quietly.

Of course, Nangong Jin will not ask to leave now. That will only scare the snake.

"Yes!" Nangong Jin pretended not to care, "yes! Sure enough, everything is in order. But I'm a little worried. What if the enemy kills in through the logistics channel?"

Dante smiled, "back to the saint, the enemy can't come in through the logistics channel unless the whole Phoenix warship has been occupied."

"Oh? Why?"

Dante explained, "because sixteen war machines are arranged at the exit of the logistics channel, anyone without identity will be torn to pieces by those energy shells!"

Nangong Jin's face changed slightly, "ID?"

"Good!" Dante said quickly, "on the Phoenix warship, every soldier has an identity. If not, there is only one possibility. He is a spy!"

"Of course!" Dante added, "the saint has no identity, because you are the most noble saint and the princess of heaven and earth empire. You don't need these things!"

Nangong Jin blinked, half joking and half seriously said, "would I be targeted if I met those war machines?"

Dante hurriedly explained, "don't try, saint. Those machines are cold dead things. If they don't have identity identification, they will attack actively! And as Saint, how can they go to such a vulgar place in the logistics channel?"

Nangong Jin's heart jumped. It seems that he wants to escape from here. He has to get an ID.

"Well, I'm just asking," Nangong Jin turned back, "go and see other places. It's not interesting here."

But Ding breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Nangong Jin would put forward any difficult requirements. At that time, he had no authority to set up identity marks.

"Saint, this way, please!" Dante hurried to lead the way, "opposite is the food manufacturing factory, which makes the food of the black evil star people."

"OK, show me!" Nangong Jin is crazy thinking about how to get the ID.

The military division went into the logistics cabin and hid himself in the busy crowd. His eyes fell on Nangong Jin, who was guarded by the stars.

At this time, the master sin suddenly had a cold light in his eyes and had a very vicious idea.

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