The military master smiled coldly in his heart, "if Nangong Jin dies at this time..."

For Nangong brocade, the so-called saint, the crime of military division never cared.

If Nangong Jin dies, Lin Xiao who gets the news will be very angry. At that time, Tao will be unstable and may be possessed by evil.

When a warrior just breaks through, his foundation is unstable and he is most vulnerable to external influence. At this time, his state of mind is very important.

In particular, the supreme is the first step in the transformation of mortals. It is very important that there should be no mistakes at all.

If you attack Lin Xiao through the death of Nangong brocade, you will certainly receive miraculous effects.

The military master has a deep resentment of his crime. He will never allow Ye lost to Lin Xiao.

In the eyes of outsiders, ye lost has broken through to the third section of the supreme. Even if Lin Xiao is gifted, he can never beat him.

But the military master's crime is restless. He vaguely feels that Lin Xiao dares to challenge Ye lost in public, which must have his strength.

Even if Lin Xiao's chances of winning are very slim, it is not impossible according to the understanding of military division crime.

Once this happens, the prestige of the whole black evil army will be seriously damaged.

The crime of military division is a native black evil star person, who has accepted a strong black evil star culture since childhood.

In his belief, the black evil star people are the highest level intelligent creatures. As the commander of the black evil army, ye lost his identity as Weiling. How can he be defeated by a mere earth aborigine.

"Hum!" The soldier took a deep breath, completely hid his body in his cloak, and walked faster under his feet.

In the logistics cabin, you can kill Nangong Jin unknowingly to attack Lin Xiao.

Nangong Jin doesn't know the danger is coming. She has been thinking about how to deal with the identification.

The party escorted Nangong Jin out and met a black evil warrior in a gray cloak.

The grey cloak quickly stepped aside and stayed in the corner.

Dante didn't care and led the team leader Wu to stride forward.

At this time, Nangong Jin suddenly heard a sound in his mind.

"Ah Jin! It's dangerous!"

Duanmuyi's voice.

Nangong Jin was slightly stunned, immediately stopped and asked in his mind, "what do you mean?"

"I scanned a very strong killing machine right ahead!"

Nangong Jin's body has been transformed by nano robots and has incredible ability.

But Nangong Jin didn't expect that duanmuyi could even monitor such things.

In addition to the fear of duanmuyi's behavior, Nangong Jin is more worried.

"Where is the enemy?" Nangong Jin believes Duan Muyi's judgment very much, because she knows what stage her body is in now. Just now, her body also senses some danger.

"Twenty meters in front of you, there is a very strong killing machine hidden, and this person's vital signs are strong. You are not an opponent. Try to escape!" Duanmuyi's voice was tense and hurried.

Even if Nangong brocade's strength is not what it used to be, after all, the progress of nano robot is relatively slow, and it's far from being able to fight a supreme master.

Nangong Jin stopped, Dante and others stopped one after another.

LAN really asked, "saint, what's the matter?"

Nangong Jin didn't look at the direction of the martial master's crime hidden in the corner, but pretended to think about the problem, and suddenly turned back, "I think of one thing. I want to see the place where the food is made. I'm too interested in the food of the black evil star. Since I'm here, what can I do without a look?"

"Ah?" LAN was really surprised. "Saint, it's dirty and messy. Do you really want to go? I'm afraid those rough people will disturb you."

"Nothing!" Nangong Jin said with a smile, "lead the way quickly. I seem to smell the smell of food."

LAN really looked at Dante in embarrassment. The latter reluctantly said with a bitter smile, "saint, do you really want to go? If the top knows that I take you to that noisy place, you will be punished."

"Don't worry, I'll talk for you." Nangong Jin said with a smile, "no one dares to embarrass you with me!"

"Yes!" Dante's heart is a joy, can get the favor of the saint, and will prosper in the future.

Dante was a little excited by the sudden dream and hurriedly said, "the saint, please follow me. Although the place where food is made is dirty and messy, there are also some exquisite places that can take you to visit!"

"OK! Lead the way!"

The party quickly turned back.

After waiting for a long time for the crime of military division, I have found a good chance to start, just at a corner of a curve.

It is built in the air. Below is a huge vortex platform for garbage disposal. If someone is killed, he will directly throw the body down, which will turn into residue in an instant, and then he can withdraw calmly.

But when I waited and waited, I found Nangong brocade standing in place and grinding for a long time, and then returned.

"What the hell?" The military master was slightly stunned. After thinking about it, he stubbornly followed.

The more you go inward, the less chance you have to start, because after you go deep into the logistics module, there are too few routes and channels that can be withdrawn, and the probability of exposure is greater.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Jin walked faster and faster. Even LAN Zhen and others were surprised. They didn't understand why the saint suddenly seemed to have something urgent and almost had to run.

The crime of military division finally felt something wrong and resolutely stopped, "no!"

With a wary face, the martial master's eyes were uncertain, "did Nangong brocade find any clues?"

"No, I didn't show anything different. How could she find out?"

It is totally unexpected that Nangong Jin has a body transformed by nano robots, which is more sensitive and far more than human body.

Moreover, nangongjin's brain has already completed some evolution, which is much more complex than human brain, but it has not been fully developed and takes time.

According to duanmuyi's plan, nangongjin's brain will grow into an omnipotent supercomputer in the future. It will have the function of scanning and detection. As long as it has a certain energy addition, it can even scan the whole universe in theory.

Of course, the current stage is still far from enough. Even duanmuyi can't imagine what step it will evolve in the future.

Duanmu Yi sees a more advanced biological evolution trend in Nangong brocade, which is a field that ordinary people can't imagine.

After going deep into the logistics module, the division's crime finally couldn't hold his breath. He couldn't continue to follow, because the chance of exposure was greater and greater.

When passing through some important departments, some security checks will be carried out. At that time, the flaw of military division crime will certainly be revealed.

Of course, he is not afraid of being found out his true identity, but when this behavior reaches Ye lost's ears, his purpose will be guessed.

Now his relationship with Ye lost is getting worse and worse. The contradiction is hidden in peace. Any fuse may lead to violent conflict.

"You're lucky today!" The military master sneered in his heart, "but you want to sneak away and meet Lin Xiao? I will never let you succeed!"

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