What is Nangong Jinlai doing in the logistics cabin? The military division's crime is clear.

At ordinary times, he pays close attention to Nangong brocade. Her behavior and ideas can't escape the master of the crime of military division.

Nangong Jinlai logistics cabin just wants to leave from the logistics channel.

However, the logistics channel needs identification. This kind of thing is only equipped for the lowest level personnel. Naturally, Nangong brocade cannot have it.

Therefore, the military division guessed that Nangong Jin should turn to Tucson, the director of ID production.

The crime of military division slowly retreated.

Although he was very confused and didn't understand why Nangong brocade suddenly left like a frightened bird, he just thought about it at will and left it behind.

When he came to the personnel department, the military division ordered Tucson not to agree if the saint came to make an identity mark.

Moreover, Tucson can not expose the intention that this is a military crime.

Although Tucson was embarrassed, the prestige of military division crime was much greater than that of any saint, so he could only agree.

Nangong brocade spent a long time in the logistics cabin, and the thrilling killing intention finally disappeared.

Nangong Jin, relieved, couldn't help questioning duanmuyi in his mind.

"Duanmuyi, have you been monitoring me?"

"Jin," Duanmu Yi said with a wry smile, "it's not that I intend to monitor, but that your brain doesn't completely belong to you, okay? It's a higher-order evolution, which has been connected with my brain."

"What?" Nangong Jin was surprised, "what do you mean?"

"Didn't I tell you that the blood exchange operation was too risky at that time, and Lin Xiao had a special physique and needed special means. It was difficult to fight with your nervous system alone, so I used biotechnology to connect our brain nerves together. Only in this way can we succeed."

Nangong Jin was angry. "Why do you have to reveal a big story every critical moment? How much do you have to hide from me?"

Duanmuyi's voice rang for a long time. "In short, it's so far. I'm all for you."

"For my good? For my good, you save me!" Nangong brocade roared.

"It's unrealistic to go to the Phoenix warship to save people," Duan Muyi thought. "However, if you need to spread anything, I can help you."

"What do you mean?" Nangong Jin suddenly thought of something. Since Duan Muyi could monitor her thinking, she wanted to see Lin Xiao. The other party must know, "do you know I want to send a message to Lin Xiao?"

"Cough..." Duan Muyi covered up his embarrassment. "Of course, I'll know any thinking in your mind. A domineering drug called black god pill in the hand of military division sin can suddenly improve the strength of the Supreme Master. You want to bring this news to Lin Xiao, right?"

Nangong brocade was completely speechless. She felt as if she had been stripped away and had no privacy.

"Ah Jin, don't be angry. I didn't mean to peep into your privacy. I was completely passive!"

Nangong Jin was angry and smiled, "since you know, why didn't you remind me earlier? Don't you know I'm dying? Lin Xiao doesn't know how much danger he will face. He has to fight with Ye lost. There is only one way to die!"

Duanmu Yi mused, "I can tell Lin Xiao about it, but I don't know if he will stop. Recently, it's very chaotic outside, and the whole world is talking about it. Lin Xiao is already on the line and has to send it!"

"Moreover," Duanmu Yi said in a deep voice, "many people are watching the war, and they won't let Lin Xiao shrink back easily."

"I don't care about others, I want Lin Xiao to be safe! Take the words to him. Even if the military master secretly prepares a pill for ye lost, ye lost will be crazy. It's impossible to keep his hand. Lin Xiao will die!"

Duanmu said in a deep voice, "OK!"

Duanmuyi's voice disappeared again. Nangong Jin wanted to ask something, but he couldn't get a response.

She didn't know if Duanmu Yi's story was true, but at least the news came out. As for Lin Xiao's plan and reaction, she could only pray in her heart that nothing should happen.

Lin Xiao closed the door for a whole day.

And a day later, as soon as Lin Xiao came out, he received a very bad news.

"The information from Haijian?" Lin Xiao was holding a piece of worn kraft paper, which was dripping with blood.

Because the whole area of the western region was blocked by the signal of the black evil army, it was difficult to transmit the signal out of the strong cloud signal.

Therefore, Gao Haijian can only use this oldest way to convey news.

It can be seen that a lot of blood was shed to deliver this message.

According to the soldiers who reported back, only three of their dozens of top gold experts returned successfully.

"Lord Long Jiang said that their lives are not in danger for the time being, but I'm afraid they will be hindered for some time."

"What the hell are these guys doing? Don't tell me before you leave." Lin Xiao frowned deeply.

Heaven and earth city is not a good place. Lin Xiao has experienced life and death several times in it and knows the danger.

"Boss, what should I do now?" The soldier asked carefully, "several King Kong adults have been injured, and the situation of dragon general is not optimistic. I'm afraid..."

Lin Xiao frowned. "This time they brought seven supreme puppets. What else can they suffer? What happened?"

"We don't know very well. At that time, more than 100 of us were on guard outside. Suddenly we heard a roar, like a tiger and a lion, but most of the voices were loud, and then we heard a scream." The color of fear flashed in the soldier's eyes, "then..."

The soldier wiped his cold sweat, "then several King Kong adults rushed out with blood and gave us this note!"

"The cries of tigers and lions?" Lin Xiao looked surprised. He had never heard of tigers and lions in heaven and Earth City.

Even if there are tigers and lions, it is impossible to pose any threat to Gao Haijian and others.

"Tell me more about what happened at that time!"

The soldiers were obviously frightened, and they really didn't see clearly at that time. They only heard a frightening roar.

"It's like a monster..." the soldier recalled. "In short, it's terrible!"

"All right! You go down and have a rest." Lin Xiao walked over and photographed his true Qi to the soldier, alleviating his injury. "Tell me what you think of at any time!"


The three were helped down.

The nearby Fang Qing came up nervously, "Lin Xiao! Is something wrong? It sounds a little uncertain!"

"The roar of the beast? What beast can hinder Gao Haijian and even the supreme puppet?"

While Lin Xiao was meditating, another internal text message was sent.

"Boss! Someone wants to land on the strong cloud! He says he must see you!"

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