Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously, "who?"

"She said her name was duanmuyi!"

"Duanmuyi!" Lin Xiao frowned and said immediately, "bring her up!"

Under the strong cloud, there are already garrisons belonging to Lin Xiao. They control a radius of more than ten kilometers and are stationed with a large number of soldiers and war equipment.

For this matter, ye lost just turned a blind eye.

Anyway, the decisive battle was imminent, and he didn't care what Lin Xiao prepared.

In his opinion, no matter what is prepared, everything is nothing but a local chicken and a dog, which is not worth mentioning.

Duanmuyi was picked up by the garrison.

After a few months, duanmuyi seems old.

She was wearing a black cloak that wrapped her whole body like a ghost.

"Master Duanmu, you have disappeared for so long without news. Today you finally appear." Lin Xiao smiled.

Duanmuyi saved Nangong brocade. Lin Xiao was grateful and naturally treated with courtesy.

"Lin Xiao." Duanmu Yi's voice was deep. "Don't say any polite words. I'm here to help ah Jin send you a message."

"Ah Jin?" Lin Xiao suddenly asked, "where is she?"

"Since I'm here to deliver the message, of course she's still in the Phoenix warship." Duanmu Yi smiled, "don't worry, she's safe now!"

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart raised again at the next moment, "what news did ah Jin send me?"

Duanmu Yi smiled. "Ah Jin said she was safe and would be sent to the black evil star in a few days. Don't worry. She hopes you can go to the black evil star to find her in the future!"

"What?" Lin Xiao frowned, "is she going to be sent away?"

"You should have noticed the portal of virgin peak?" Duanmu said in a deep voice, "two days later, when you compete with Ye lost, the portal will open, and ye lost will send ah Jin away!"


Lin Xiao smashed his fist on the metal table and made a thrilling noise. He angrily said, "ah Jin must have been forced!"

"Hey!" Duanmu Yi sighed, "ah Jin can't help it. She just asked me to tell you to take good care of yourself!"

"What else did she say?" Lin Xiao asked eagerly.

Duanmu flashed with her eyes, "she also said that leaf loss is difficult to deal with. She has broken through to the supreme third paragraph. Do you have confidence!"

Lin Xiao was silent for a few seconds. "I've heard about it, but I'm confident. You can reassure ah Jin that I will defeat him!"

"Well, that's good!" Nangong Jin nodded silently and suddenly said, "I was surprised that you broke through to the supreme in such a short time."

"Just a fluke!" When Lin Xiao got the news of Nangong brocade, he was a little excited and said with a beaming face, "how did you get in touch with ah Jin? Can you send me another message?"

"Trust an insider." Duanmu Yi did not intend to say more, and immediately nodded, "OK! What message do you want me to take?"

Lin Xiao was a little flustered for a moment. After thinking for a long time, he said rather embarrassed, "tell ah Jin to protect herself. I will kill the black evil star and save her!"

"OK! I'm leaving!" Duanmuyi didn't stay much. After a short stay, he came down to the ground with the help of the soldiers.

Duanmuyi got on the return plane and looked at the strong cloud through the chord window. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Nangong brocade's call echoed in Duanmu yinnao sea.

"Ah Jin!"

Duanmuyi finally responded.

Nangong Jin was so worried that duanmuyi didn't bring his words to him, "what's up? Have you told Lin Xiao?"

"I passed your message to him," Duan Muyi said in a deep voice. "He said he would be careful and asked me to send you a message!"

"What?" Nangong Jin's heart beat faster. "What did he say?"

Through others to legend, some careful thoughts and small emotions can not be expressed at all, so they can only endure.

Nangong Jinduo wants to hear Lin Xiao say she misses her, but she knows this. Lin Xiao can't let duanmuyi pass it on.

"He said to let you go to the black evil star at ease. After all, you are the saint of the heaven and earth court. When you return to your own vast world, your identity will rise, and you may be the overlord of the whole universe in the future."

"He, what did he say?" Nangong brocade has some doubts.

Duan Muyi's voice continued to spread, "he also said to let you forget him. He won't go to the black evil star. He also has to protect the earth and the place where he gave birth to him!"

"What, what!" Nangong Jinru was struck by lightning and couldn't believe what he heard. "Did he really say that?"

"Yes!" Nangong Jin sighed, "ah Jin, maybe Lin Xiao is just afraid of you. He should not be such a person..."

Nangong Jin was silent. She didn't believe Lin Xiao, but kept holding in the Phoenix warship. The whole person's thinking was in a stagnant state.

The biggest reason why she is so strong to move forward now is Lin Xiao.

Without Lin Xiao, Nangong brocade would be boring.

"Jin!?" Duanmu Yi asked tentatively, "don't think too much. Lin Xiao doesn't mean to separate from you. He just doesn't want you to worry too much!"

"Don't say!" Nangong Jin had angina pectoris. "Tell him to live well, the army of the black evil army will arrive soon, and the earth... Will eventually become a battlefield of hell!"

When duanmuyi's voice disappeared, Nangong Jin didn't know. She leaned against the window and looked at the strong cloud near and far away, and her mood fell to the bottom of the valley.

"Lin Xiao, is that what you said?"

Lin Xiao was excited at the moment. He stood on the platform, facing the sunset and looking at the Phoenix warship, "ah Jin, it's great that you're all right! Don't worry, I'll beat Ye lost and pick you up at the black evil star one day!"



Suddenly, a very bright curtain of light rose in the West.

Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly and lost his voice, "what's that?"

Before long, Xiao Ling quickly floated over and hurriedly said, "Captain, there is a spatial fluctuation signal."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

"I detected the fluctuation of space transmission signal on the virgin peak. It seems that a space wormhole is about to open!"

"The portal of virgin peak is about to open?" Lin Xiao's heart beat faster.

The opening of the portal means that a new era is coming, and the earth will usher in unprecedented havoc or opportunity.

But whatever it is, I'm afraid it's not good news for the earth.

"According to the fluctuation frequency, the portal will open in two days at most!" Xiao Ling seems very anxious and doesn't know what to worry about. "Captain, the power system of Qiangyun has been connected to the stellar energy and is in the charging stage. At the current speed, it will take about a year to fill the energy!"

"As long as the energy is full, we can open space transmission and leave the earth!"

Lin Xiao lost his voice. "Does the strong cloud still have this function?"

"Of course, the predecessor of Qiangyun is a real overlord class warship!" Xiao Ling said, "it's just that many engines and power systems have been abandoned!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "that thing is still far away. The top priority is to guard against the portal. Can you close it?"

"It's hard!" Xiao Ling said anxiously, "Captain, if you agree, I can shorten the charging time to eight months!"

"Xiao Ling, you don't seem quite right," said Lin Xiao unexpectedly. "Is there anything terrible outside the portal?"

"Captain!" Xiao Ling said meaningfully, "just now your men reported that Gao Haijian and others met strange calls, right?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao also had a headache. "What is it? Do you know?"

Xiao Ling's expression was very cautious, "if I guess well..."

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