Seeing Xiaoling's cautious expression, Lin Xiao's heart clicked for a while.


"Biochemical beast!" Xiao Ling's face was slightly white, "an alien beast that is very sensitive to spatial fluctuations!"

Lin Xiao had never heard of any biochemical beast. At the moment, he was stunned by Xiao Ling's words.

"Monsters? Radiation mutated monsters?"

"Not really, but there are such factors." Xiao Ling said in a deep voice, "when each planet develops to a certain stage, it will perish in nuclear weapons, which is a necessary stage of life."

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

"If there are biochemical animals on the earth, it proves that another civilization existed countless years ago." Xiao Ling's face is pale. "This beast can release a strange signal fluctuation, which will cause strong damage to artificial intelligence!"

"How can there be a biochemical beast on the earth? Even if there is, can it live so long?"

"If in an ideal state, the biochemical beast can survive indefinitely. As long as there is air and free cosmic elements, it will never die!"

"I think what Gao Haijian met may be a dormant biochemical beast, which woke up under the influence of spatial fluctuations."

"Are they very dangerous?"

Xiao Ling shook his head, "this is not very clear, because biochemical animals are also graded. I don't know what height this one on earth has reached!"

"There are powerful biochemical beasts, as big as a planet. If you go down with one claw, the whole planet will be exploded. There are also ordinary biochemical beasts, which are only a little stronger than the supreme. I can't tell!"

Lin Xiao was worried, "that's terrible, Haijian. They don't know what the situation is. Since this biochemical beast is not even afraid of the puppet supreme, its strength must be great!"

The seven puppets suffered losses, which is enough to prove that Gao Haijian and others are completely unable to resist this biochemical beast.

"Captain, don't worry. Since Gao Haijian sends back the news that he's okay, it means he's still in control. As long as he can gather eight primary puppets and combine them into a master puppet, he should be able to easily fight biochemical beasts!"

"I hope so." Lin Xiao knew he couldn't help now. His worry was in vain.

However, in terms of Gao Haijian's agility, since he can send back the news, it shows that there is no problem for the time being.

"Xiaoling, you send a drone out to closely monitor the dynamics of heaven and Earth City. If there is a trace of biochemical animals, tell me!"

"I see!" Xiaoling left with a heavy heart.

She has suffered from the loss of biochemical animals, so she is very afraid in her heart.

If there are biochemical animals on the earth, it may represent an extraordinary significance.

Lin Xiao looked again at the direction of the Phoenix warship, stopped for about ten minutes, and quickly left the platform.

Leaf loss broke through.

But no one knew that Lin Xiao had made a new breakthrough in just two days.

As soon as he was promoted to supreme, he broke through to the second section of supreme, which is Lin Xiao's most powerful strength against Ye lost.

For Lin Xiaolai, there is no difficulty in the promotion of rank. Only the promotion of cross rank has certain difficulties.

As long as there is enough yuan Dan, Lin Xiao can even break through to the supreme tenth section.

However, with those yuan pills now, even if you eat them all, you can only reach the supreme three paragraphs.

And Yuan Dan can't eat too much in a day. Too many impurities will affect the progress of cultivation.

There are two days left for the decisive battle. Lin Xiao still needs to calm down and stabilize his realm.

Preparations are under way everywhere in the world.

The day of the showdown came as scheduled.

Perhaps it was Ye's acquiescence that gathered hundreds of thousands of people in the shrouded area of the two warships.

Among these people, there are not only melon eaters watching the excitement, but also many warriors and soldiers.

Ye's Lost Army guarded around and occupied all the mountains.

Countless spaceships patrol the air like falcons looking for their prey.

Between the Phoenix warship and the Qiangyun, a transparent side bridge was built temporarily using a laser barrier.

The duel was over the side bridge.

This war has attracted worldwide attention, can be called the most powerful war in the world today, and has attracted the attention of countless people.

Various live platforms and TV programs have focused on this war.

The vast majority of countries and regions with networks in the world have stopped all their work today, stayed in front of the screen and stared at the scene nervously.

"Will Lin Xiao win?"

On the Internet platform, the most discussed topic is "will Lin Xiao win?".

As the strongest representative of mankind, Lin Xiao has been deeply remembered. His every move affects the hearts of many people.

Lin Xiao has been most recognized for fighting for the earth.

"Should it?"


Unfortunately, people are too afraid of the black evil star.

No one thinks Lin Xiao can win.

Perhaps this decisive battle is just a farce and the last struggle of the earth.

"Lin Xiao!"

Ye's lost voice passed through the space and hit Lin Xiao's ear directly.

They stood on their warships and looked at each other from a distance.

"Ye lost! Before the decisive battle, you should make a good agreement. Dare you in front of the whole world?"

"Ha ha..." Ye lost and laughed wildly, "ignorant child! What dare I dare not?"

Lin Xiao sneered, "don't forget! Although our earth people are weak, the victory lies in unity. If you lose and don't make concessions, I will fight to the death with you with global strength!"

"Hum!" Ye lost and said with a contemptuous smile, "do I still need to cheat against a mole ant? I can solemnly declare here! If I lose, I will withdraw my troops immediately and block the Phoenix warship and never be born!"

"That's not enough." Lin Xiao said loudly, "you should not only block the Phoenix warship, but also close the portal!"

Ye lost, his eyes narrowed slightly and said in a cold voice, "so you're thinking about the portal. OK, I can promise you!"

"Words have no basis!" Lin Xiao said loudly, "make a biological agreement!"

"What?" Ye lost and was stunned slightly.

Then Xiao Ling floated out of the air and held a silver plate in her hand.

Lin Xiao pointed to the silver plate and said, "you should know this instrument. Make a biological agreement. If there is a breach of contract, it can break the spiritual world! It's worse than death. Dare you?"

"Hum!" Ye lost and frowned deeply. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to be so well prepared.

"What? Do you want to break the contract in public? It seems that you are really ambitious!" Lin Xiao teased the general and said, "it's ridiculous that Tangtang Ye lost a big general and was afraid of me playing a small role!"

"Fart!" Ye lost his anger and said, "I'll be afraid of you? OK! Just make a biological agreement!"

"General! No!" The military division's crime is urgent, "absolutely not!"

He is well aware of how strict the punishment of this machine on creatures is. Once it works, Ye is lost. If he shows the meaning of betrayal, he will collapse and become a useless man!

"Shut up!" Ye lost and scolded angrily, "are you questioning my authority in full view of the public?"

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