The military master glanced around, and two large virtual screens were in the air. Their images were seen by everyone, and the focus at the moment was himself.

"Hum! Don't you step back?" Ye lost and stared at the military division.

The military master took a deep breath, and the cold in his eyes flashed away. He quickly took out a three legged cup and said in a deep voice, "general, according to the tradition of black Shaxing people, before dueling with people, you should drink a glass of God of war wine!"

Ye lost his eyes, looked at the wine glass, didn't think much, grabbed it, "don't I know? Remind me with you!"

"Yes!" The military master bowed back.

Ye lost and didn't even look at the wine in the cup. He looked up and drank it up. He grabbed the cup and broke it in the void. He looked at Lin Xiao like a demonstration, "Lin Xiao! Sign!"

Lin Xiao winked at Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling immediately floats the silver disc to Ye lost.

Ye is very familiar with the biological conventions, so just a little inspection shows that he has not been passive.

"Lin Xiao, before the decisive battle, I'll give you a chance to admit defeat. As long as you kneel down in front of the world and bow down to me, I can guarantee that you won't hurt one person and one soldier on the earth!"


Silver Disc Guanghua circulation began to deliver information to Ye lost according to the process.

Lin Xiao also had a disc in his hand. He held a biological agreement ceremony with Ye lost. At the same time, he sneered, "are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid?" Ye lost, was slightly stunned, and then laughed, "hahaha... I just don't want to lose my life! If you lose, I will wave down and kill all the enemies!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of millions of people at the scene changed greatly at the same time.

The black evil army roared at the same time, and the earth shaking waves almost overturned the sky.

Many people immediately looked at Lin Xiao and hoped that he could make a commitment to at least ensure the safety of life on earth.

"Look at this. It's hard for Lin Xiao to win!"

"I heard that ye lost is already the supreme martial artist of the third section. He is as strong as a god Buddha. How can Lin Xiao fight?"

"Lin Xiao is still young and has been calculated by Ye's loss!"

"If Lin Xiao loses the duel, all the people present today will die!"

The comments came out one after another, and many people were not optimistic about Lin Xiao.

After all, Lin Xiao has just broken through the supremacy, and it is difficult for him to fight against Ye lost, regardless of his inside information or accumulation.

A boundless fear began to spread among the crowd.

Coupled with the majestic power of the black evil army, the whole scene was almost out of control.

If there were no legions of various countries to suppress the evil spirit, I'm afraid more than half of them would directly flee.

Lin Xiao frowned. He found that the scene was out of control and the people were shaken.

On the Phoenix warship, Nangong Jin stared at the scene nervously through the porthole.

If Lin Xiao took a look in her direction, they would be able to look at each other.

Maybe at that time, Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin will understand their intentions in an instant.

However, at the moment, Lin Xiao was totally absorbed in Ye lost.

When ye lost and drank the wine in the cup, Lin Xiao felt something wrong.

A destructive force is seeming from ye lost.

"What wine is Ye lost drinking?"

Lin Xiao was frightened.

But the leaf lost completely unaware of the abnormality.

Black God pill is extremely domineering, but it won't work without strength.

Only in the process of the most intense battle will the black god pill suddenly break out, giving users a blowout of strength.

The two sides signed a biological agreement, the two discs were combined into one, and then slowly floated into the air, like a silver moon shining around.

Just a few seconds later, the silver disc disappeared.

This cutting-edge technology can effectively monitor the fluctuation of the spirit of the signatory. As long as it is contrary to the agreed content, it will send a destructive beam from the virtual air.

Even if the leaves are lost, they are very afraid of this biological convention.

Once signed, we must not regret the contract.

"Lin Xiao! I have to admire your courage! Now that you have signed the biological agreement! As long as you lose, you will become my most loyal servant!"

Lin Xiao smiled, his war spirit rose rapidly, and said in a high voice, "if you lose, you and your army will be trapped in the Phoenix warship forever and become a shrinking turtle!"


Suddenly, ye lost, his whole body shook, and his hand grabbed at the void.

A spear quickly flew out of the Phoenix warship, turned into a streamer and fell into Ye lost's hand.

Click, click!

At the same time, ye lost his armor and quickly deformed, wrapping him completely.

In an instant, ye lost and became the God of war in gold armor, majestic.

Everyone under the ship sucked cold air.

It is already the supreme cultivation, and with the addition of war armor, ye lost almost invincible.

At this moment, everyone's confidence in Lin Xiao almost lost.

Lin Xiao didn't have armour, and he didn't have much weapons. He only had a seven star sword from Gaohai sword.

This sword is handed down from ancient times. The material of the sword body is indestructible and the integration of Yuan force is very good.


Lin Xiao pointed his long sword forward and said loudly, "lost leaf! You invade the earth, kill my compatriots, and want to occupy the whole world. Today is your death!"

"Talk big!" Ye lost and sneered, "do you think you can win by saying a few big words?"


An invisible barrier enveloped the entire battle space.

A war is imminent.

"Ye lost! Die!"


Lin Xiao pointed at the tip of his sword. The sword Qi is vertical and horizontal.

The first move is the great killing move of Wuji skill.

Space seems to be shaking.

Even ye lost unexpectedly. Lin Xiao went all out as soon as he came up.

Moreover, from the yuan force fluctuation shown at present, Lin Xiao is already the supreme second section.

"Good talent!" Ye lost his pupil and shrunk hard, "sure enough, there are some ways!"


When the leaves were lost, a spear pierced the forest. Xiao Jianmang's body twinkled rapidly in the light. In an instant, he came near.


The spear turned into a semi solitary round front and cut to Lin Xiao's throat.


Lin Xiao returned to the sword grid and felt the tiger's mouth shake slightly. He stepped back quickly.

Choking, choking!

Take advantage of the situation to cut several times in a row to prevent Ye loss from continuing to attack. At the same time, he flew a foot and threw himself at the other party's chest with great strength.


Ye lost eats Lin Xiao's leg knife with his armor, and his body just trembles slightly.

"This boy..." Ye lost and narrowed his eyes.

After several moves like lightning and flint, ye lost and found that Lin Xiao's cultivation of the second section of the Supreme Master was no worse than that of the third section of the Supreme Master, and even won a little. Moreover, the purity of Yuan force and its skillful use seemed to be an old monster immersed in the Supreme Master for hundreds of years.

"How on earth did he do it?"

At this moment, ye lost all his contempt and stared at Lin Xiao like a great enemy.

Lin Xiao was so excited that he roared excitedly and rushed to Ye lost again, "Ye lost! Die!"

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