The whole audience was in an uproar, and the hearts of the earth soldiers were tightened in an instant.

This blow made Lin Xiao look badly hurt.

Ye lost was in a violent state. After hurting Lin Xiao, he became more proud and shouted to kill him again.


Lin Xiao could not dodge and was hit again. He danced in the air for more than ten times before he hit the barrier heavily.


This time he was really hurt. Lin Xiao obviously felt that his five internal organs and six abdomen seemed to be burning, burning.

The inner armor can't resist the fierce yuan force impact.

"Lin Xiao!" Under the influence of heishendan, ye lost his mind. He was red in front of his eyes.

If ye lost his mind, he would not dare to kill Lin Xiao.

Because Lin Xiao was wanted by the great emperor of heaven and earth. In terms of importance, he was no worse than the saint.

However, at this moment, after inadvertently taking black god pill, ye lost his heart full of killing opportunities, and his killing intention became stronger and stronger.

In the black god pill, military division sin not only adds the main components, but also adds some things that confuse the mind.

"Hum!" Looking at Ye lost from a distance, the military master sneered, "whether you can kill Lin Xiao or not, there is only a dead end!"

If you kill Lin Xiao, ye lost will certainly be punished by the high-level. Being exiled to other stars is light. It is likely to be beheaded directly in public, and even involve the Ye family.

If you can't kill Lin Xiao, you will be defeated by Lin Xiao. Then you have to be locked in the Phoenix warship forever and become useless.

No matter which result, the ending of leaf loss will not be good.

Ye lost his mind and began to attack Lin Xiao.

Boom, boom!

The Qi strength in the shield was vertical and horizontal, and the boundless strength convoluted Lin Xiao like a storm, which made him embarrassed.


Lin Xiao was hit again. This time it was more serious. Even the inner armor was broken.

However, Lin Xiao's physical strength was really strong, and there was no sign of breaking when he hit so hard.

Other people, even those who are also masters of the supreme second section, have suffered heavy blows from leaf loss, and their bodies have long been broken into pieces.

"Lin Xiao! You are really an immortal Xiaoqiang!" Ye lost and smiled grimly, "I think you can hold on!"

The crowd almost held their breath, and even some people couldn't bear to continue watching.

Lin Xiao struggled to stand up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, stared at Ye lost, and said with a loud sneer, "is that all you can do? Come on!"

"Die!" Ye lost, angered, turned his spear into streamer and threw it directly.


The spear and pen shot straight at Lin Xiao.

In a hurry, Lin Xiao picked up the seven star sword and chopped it on the tail of the spear.


The battle spear only shifted a few inches and still hit Lin Xiao hard.


Lin Xiao's abdomen was pierced at that time. The spear took a blood arrow and shot it out a long way.


The spear bounced back on the shield, turned in the air for more than ten circles, and returned to Ye lost's hand again.

Pedal pedal!

Lin Xiao was carried out for tens of meters by the inertia of the battle spear, barely stopped his body, quickly pulled out the silver needle and performed the three needle calming kunshu on himself, which immediately stopped the blood.

The wound also recovered quickly under the action of Magical Medicine, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

Become the supreme Lin Xiao, and his medical skills go further.

"Lin Xiao!" Seeing that Lin Xiao was injured, Nangong Jin knocked hard at the porthole, and his eyes were red.


Gao Haijian and others are in a hurry. They want to rush up to help.

The crowd on the ground screamed and were sweating for Lin Xiao.

Ye lost his pupil, shrunk slightly and roared, "boy, I'm not dead like this? I underestimated you..."


The next second, ye lost, his body was full of black Qi, and a large number of heaven and earth vitality gathered towards him.

A strong airflow turned into a hurricane and began to coil outside the leaf lost body.

At the same time, the momentum of leaf loss reached Dingfeng.

The unparalleled momentum and pressure directly acted on Lin Xiao, which made him bend one leg and suddenly kneel on the ground.



Lin Xiao felt that his bones were squeezed and deformed, and he felt unspeakable pain.

The blood slowly flowed out along the seven orifices, making Lin Xiao almost turn into a blood man.

"Die!" The leaf lost and roared, the black gas collapsed to a little, and then burst out suddenly.


Ye lost, raised the spear high and smashed it down.


Lin Xiao's space seems to be imprisoned, making it difficult for him to move.

Ye lost his unique skill, which belongs to the Ye family's skill, imprisonment.

Wow, wow

Lin Xiao only felt that countless channels of Qi in his ears were turned into ropes, which tied his body tightly. If he wanted to break free, he needed to at least surpass each other's level of strength.


Lin Xiao's bones were compressed again, showing signs of being crushed.

Through the big screen, the crowd was stunned.

The leaves floating in the air are lost, just like a demon God.

Lin Xiao, who was half kneeling on the ground, had no resistance and could only support hard.

Sword Wuji, who has been watching the war, is worried.

"Can't Xiao Er hold on? His mixed yuan limitless skill is a real God level skill. Unfortunately, the quality of the earth's vitality is low and can't support him to give full play to his real strength."

Vitality is converging at an indescribable speed.

It looks like he is attracted by leaf loss and is strengthening his strength.

But Duanmu Yi, who had been observing the battle, brightened his eyes and murmured, "is this boy really going to wake up?"

In the huge vitality cloud, a small part is breaking away from the main body and rushing towards Lin Xiao's body.

"Hahaha..." the leaf lost more and more expansion.

Under the influence of heishendan, ye lost not only his mind, but even his consciousness.

He regarded himself as the God of heaven and earth, omnipotent, and everyone had to submit to his feet.

"Lin Xiao! You must die today!"

The furious leaf lost raises the spear again.

The crowd watching the war was stunned.

"It's over!"

"Is Lin Xiao going to lose?"


"The boss can't lose!"

"Lin Xiao!"

The surging voices of the crowd gathered into a torrent and poured onto the battle platform.

The lost battle spear is absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and becoming darker and darker.

Lin Xiao was almost shrouded in darkness.

No one noticed that some of the vitality absorbed by Ye lost are rushing towards Lin Xiao, and there are more and more trends.


The leaves were lost and roared.

The absorption of vitality has reached a peak, and more vitality will completely explode him.

At this time, the battle spear also completed the energy accumulation and sent out a very stinging black light.

That visual feeling is amazing.

Obviously, it is a black and empty scene, but it makes people's eyes tingle and dare not look directly at it.


The battle spear was held high by the lost leaf.

The spear gang of tens of meters was extremely thick, and even a thunder burst in it.

If this spear stabs hard, Lin Xiao will die.

"Lin Xiao!" Nangong Jin was stunned.


Gao Haijian and others have rushed out.

Chinese warriors are also ready to move. They quickly start to form a formation, ready for a war that may break out at any time.

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