The vitality of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, and the whole sky was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder.

The battle spear of Ye lost is thundering, and bursts of blue and white lightning continue to rage among them.

The crowd was stunned. I couldn't believe that only a master of the supreme level could mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth of such magnitude.

What great power would a master, even an expert at the level of star master or domain master, have?


The leaves fall and spring up. The Qi in the black fog is vertical and horizontal.

The crowd could not see Lin Xiao's position. He was completely shrouded in black fog.

"What should I do?" Gao Haijian and others couldn't rush into the barrier. They were in a hurry.

Even sword Wuji, who has always had confidence in Lin Xiao, subconsciously launched the field of sword meaning and is ready to fight recklessly at any time.

The injury is not recovered. There is only one outcome of forced action, that is, the body collapses and the cultivation is lost.


Ye lost and roared loudly. He directly raised his spear and stabbed it hard into the black fog.


The black fog was rolled up and rolled violently.


Next second.

The spear stabbed directly into the center of the black fog.

However, the black fog, which was supposed to be pierced by a spear, seemed to be blocked by something.

Ye lost his crazy eyes, moved slightly, and his action stopped for a moment.


The next second, the change is steep.

In the black fog, the figure burst up like an angry dragon.


The battle spear was directly broken in two by the impact of great force, and then an unimaginable force spread out from the black fog.

Duanmu in the distance had bright eyes and murmured, "Hunyuan limitless skill, the real God level skill, has finally revealed his true body!"


A startling dragon chant was extremely harsh and sounded in everyone's ears.


After the black fog convolution, it quickly collapses into a black spot, and then rotates wildly.

The black spot was controlled by Lin Xiao in the palm of his hand, dripping like a black glass ball.

However, this seemingly harmless glass ball has unparalleled power.

"This..." all martial artists were stunned when they saw this scene.

The Supreme Master can communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth. When fighting, we can see the real strength of a supreme master by borrowing the amount and degree of the vitality of heaven and earth.

But the supreme master just borrowed it and couldn't control it at all.

If you want to temporarily control the vitality of heaven and earth, you must at least dominate, even martial arts above the star master level.

Lin Xiao not only reached the supreme state of releasing his internal power when he was a great master, but now he has the anti heaven means to control the vitality of heaven and earth in the supreme state. It's incredible.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The compressed vitality of heaven and earth jumped in Lin Xiao's hands like a obedient child.

A clear light flashed in Ye's lost eyes. The power of black god Dan was dissipating, and his mind was gradually recovering. At this moment, when he saw such a strange scene, he couldn't help frightening the dead.

Lin Xiao looks like a Buddha. He is shrouded in a faint light. The black cloud in his hand emits a thundering flash, which is very thrilling.

"Is this the feeling of controlling the vitality of heaven and earth?" Lin Xiao murmured.

Having the power to freely control the vitality of heaven and earth means that it is natural to become a master. As long as you have sufficient vitality, you can break through without obstacles.

If Lin Xiao had chosen to take jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan to break through, it would be very difficult to control the vitality of heaven and earth today.


Small flashes of lightning raged in Lin Xiao's hands, but he couldn't get rid of his control.

"Lin Xiao! Die!" Unwilling to lose the leaf, he jumped up again, and half of the spear in his hand roared and stabbed.

Lin Xiao's eyes were indifferent and his palm lifted gently.

The black air mass bounced gently twice, then spread violently, quickly turned into black fog and went towards the leaf loss cover.

"What?" Ye lost, he just felt as if he were in the mire, and as if he was pressed by a huge mountain, his action was becoming more and more difficult.


The first is armor. The surface is broken layer by layer, and it turns into fragments in just two seconds.



The second is the inner armor, which evaporates and dissipates in an instant under the invasion of the extremely compressed vitality of heaven and earth.

"Ah!!!" Ye lost and couldn't bear the pressure. He couldn't help yelling at the sky.


The leaves are lost, and the naked fruit body appears in a short moment.

Pedal pedal!

The leaf lost heavily, stepped back a few steps, shook violently, and then opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.


Everyone was quiet and time seemed to stop.

It's very slow to say. In fact, it changed very quickly at that time. It took less than ten seconds from ye lost and raised his spear to Lin Xiao's easy control of heaven and earth.

In these ten seconds, ye lost fell from the altar and was completely defeated by Lin Xiao.


The vitality cloud dissipated slowly behind Ye lost.

Ye lost his expression and looked up slowly. He looked at Lin Xiao blankly, as if he didn't know him. "You can control the vitality of heaven and earth in the supreme state. Why?"

With the help of the vitality of heaven and earth, Lin Xiao is rapidly treating the injury. The wound pierced by the war spear just now is almost invisible, and a faint smile appears on his radiant face.

"No why." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "you can go at ease!"

"Oh!" Ye lost and smiled bitterly. He looked back rigidly. He looked at the crime of the military master who looked on coldly. He didn't know what it was like in his heart.

Then, Ye's lost body began to turn into fly ash fragments, which slowly dissipated between heaven and earth.

No one expected that the outcome of the showdown would be like this.

After a brief silence, there was a tsunami of cheers.

"Lin Xiao won!"

"The earth wins!"


"We won!"


The sound of the horn rang to the sky and the earth.

What people did not expect was that the black evil army did not become angry or even carry out bloody massacres.

I saw the division's crime step by step on the platform, bowed slightly to Lin Xiao and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lin wins, the black evil army will abide by its promise, and the whole army will return to the Phoenix warship and never be born!"

Lin Xiao was a little surprised and looked warily at the division's sin, "are you willing?"

The master's crime was not nervous at all. He smiled and pointed to the huge mountains and rivers on the ground, "Mr. Lin has unparalleled power, and the earth army has great momentum. Even if the black evil army raises the strength of the whole army, it will only win miserably!"

"A disastrous victory is not the result I want to see. No matter what kind of creatures live in this world, there are nothing more than interests and survival. Today's earth... Has the capital to compete with the black evil army. But..."

The military master smiled strangely, "Mr. Lin's road has just begun..."

"Huh?" Lin Xiao's pupil narrowed slightly. He always felt that the military master's crime was mysterious and strange. "What does Mr. sin mean?"

"Ha ha..." the military division retreated silently. "Today is the defeat of the black evil army. I will call off the troops immediately, and all the legions will retire from the Phoenix warship!"


Then, from the Phoenix warship came the sound of the horn stirring the world.

All members of the black evil army began to enter the ship in order.

The spacecraft formation returned to the Phoenix warship in batches.

The earth Legion cheered again.

I thought there would be an amazing war. At that time, blood will flow into a river and life will be ruined.

I didn't expect the black evil army to admit defeat and retreat so easily.

But Lin Xiao's heart was not very secure.

Just then, the West suddenly made a brilliant work, and a startling light column instantly pierced into the clouds.


Millions of eyes fell on the light column in a collective uproar.

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