That light column was extremely dazzling, like the light of the sun. People couldn't help raising their hands to block their eyes. They could only see it vaguely through the gap between their palms.

"What's that?"

"What's going on?"


Another pillar of light rose into the sky.


Nine consecutive light columns form a circular column disk, which whitens the whole sky.

Everyone talked about it and didn't know what had happened.

Only a few people understand what the wonders are.

The portal is open.

Lin Xiao was ready and immediately ordered, "act now!"

There was a sharp noise in the direction of the virgin peak.

Boom, boom!

Countless fighters flew past the pilgrimage female peak.

The black evil army had some minor disturbances, but under the command of the division crime, it did not launch a counterattack.

At the same time, the Phoenix warship really closed all the doors and became silent.

The Heisha Legion left behind in the virgin peak was ruthlessly abandoned by the crime of military division.

The portal suffered an unparalleled attack and sent out ripples.

Five minutes later.

"General Lin!" Dong Jianwu talked to Lin Xiao on the command platform. "Ordinary missiles don't hurt the portal at all. What should we do now?"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "Xiaoling calculated that the defense value of the portal shield can be destroyed as long as a certain equivalent of C4. Can't intercontinental missiles?"

"No!" Tung Chee Wu said anxiously, "we have joined hands with legions of other countries, but after several rounds of bombing, the virgin peak was flattened, but the portal was safe!"

Lin Xiao looked up quickly, and the nine pillars of light were dazzling. This is a special force. It is difficult to affect it with the firearms on the earth.

Lin Xiao had seen clearly just now that shells and other explosives were vaporized before entering the light column, and could not cause any damage at all.

I'm afraid only the warship's shipborne energy gun can play a role in this degree of light column.

However, now both the Phoenix warship and the Qiangyun are imprisoned in place, and they can't use any energy weapons.

"Take me there!"

A helicopter quickly picked up Lin Xiao and took him to the side of virgin peak.

The surrounding buildings have been quite large-scale, and forces from various countries have long been ready to welcome the opening of the portal.

The opening of the space door seems to be on the line and has to be launched. No one can stop it.

Looking at the huge portal pouring out energy, Lin Xiao frowned deeply.

"These bastards," said Tung Chee Wu angrily, pointing to those people around who were watching the excitement. "I really thought there would be huge business opportunities when the portal was opened? It's silly!"

"Hum!" A general nearby said coldly, "who knows what kind of civilization will be on the other side of the portal? If there are more ferocious races than the black evil star people, see if they can laugh!"

"General Lin! What now?"

"It seems that the opening of the portal can't be stopped at all!"

Important generals from all over the world are gathering here. They look at Lin Xiao and wait quietly for him to give orders.

Lin Xiao was silent and stared at the portal. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Just throw a few nuclear guns. I don't believe this door can withstand nuclear guns!"

"You don't want to live? If you can resist intercontinental missiles, how many nuclear guns will it take to blow up?"

"What about that? Do you watch the portal open to welcome alien creatures?"

"I think directional blasting with nuclear guns may be feasible!"

"The technology required is difficult to achieve, and it needs to be prepared for at least three days. Where do we have time?"

"Look at this door. It will open in less than a day!"

Lin Xiao looked up at the sky, and the nine pillars of light rushed straight into the cloud night, absorbing the required energy from space.

Moreover, the energy of the nine light columns is very concise, and there is almost no leakage of energy next to the light column.

"General Lin, you're talking. It's too late!"

"I think general Lin may not have a way, eh!"

"Can my earth only be disturbed by outsiders and never be at peace?"

The virgin peak was blasted flat, and the portal stood in the air, emitting solemn and mysterious power.

The blue and white energy mass keeps turning and moving in the door, with a stronger and stronger trend.

"General Lin?"

Seeing Lin Xiao in a daze, the generals of all countries were a little worried. They came close one after another and talked about it.

"You say a word, general Lin!"

"Yes! Now you are the only one on earth who can fight against alien civilization. If you have no idea, we have no idea."

"General Lin! As long as you give an order, we will gather all our forces. Where do you mean to fight!"

Lin Xiao's eyebrows were tightly squeezed together and said, "I have a way. I don't know if it's feasible..."


Everyone's eyes are bright.

"General Lin, come on, we're all in a hurry!"

Lin Xiao looked around and immediately ordered, "go and invite the world's top electronics and space experts to the strong cloud. I have something to discuss with them!"

The helicopter formation flew everywhere for the first time.

Three hours later, more than a dozen of the world's top electronics and space experts gathered on the strong cloud.

Conference Room.

Representatives of various countries were also present. About 100 people, with Lin Xiao as the center, held an emergency meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in a critical situation. We must not let the portal open, otherwise we will face a real catastrophe!"

Everyone also knows that the current situation is very critical. They are looking at Lin Xiao and want to know what good methods he will have.

"The energy needed by the portal comes from the cosmic stars. It's impossible to wait until it runs out of energy, because the energy absorbed from outside the universe is endless."

"So I thought of a way to cut off the energy through some device, so that I could cut off the supply system of the portal and close it!"

A scientist's eyes brightened, "yes! What Mr. Lin said is very true, just like electrical equipment. When the electricity is cut off, it will naturally have no effect."

"But it's easier said than done. How can we cut off the energy?"

"That's why I invited you here. You can study how to cut off the energy supply of the portal!"

"This matter is worth discussing!"

"I don't think it's that simple."

"You can send a spacecraft to explore near the extraterrestrial orbit first. Only on-the-spot investigation can find a solution."

During the heated discussion, no one knew that turbulence was happening in extraterrestrial space.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Three million kilometers away from the earth, spatial fluctuations are extremely intense.


Suddenly, a warship rushed out of the space vortex.


However, in the second after the warship rushed out, the whole ship was lit up.

The fire flashed out, turned into air, wrapped the broken warship and rushed towards the earth.

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