The wreckage of the spaceship flying from outside the earth did not attract anyone's attention.

At the moment, everyone's attention is on the portal. No one is going to detect things in outer space.

After a long discussion on the strong cloud, they finally had a proposal that looked reliable.

A scientist suggested that the use of electromagnetic barriers to temporarily create a closed space can temporarily cause the effect of space blockade, so as to cut off the energy supply.

But this time is very short, about five to ten seconds, and there is only one chance.

Once the barrier is opened, you must find a way to destroy the portal within this time, so as to prevent it from opening.

The research scheme was paved on the virtual screen, and everyone stared at every detail and step.

Lin Xiao can't understand these mathematical symbols and formulas. He only cares about the results.

"How long will it take to prepare?"

Professor daven said in a deep voice, "the equipment needs to be modified, and it takes at least ten hours for the space shuttle to shoot 16 rocket hair up."

Lin Xiao frowned, "send it up within five hours at all costs!"

Everyone looked serious.

Five hours, that's the greatest test of technology and group cooperation.

"Look!" Lin Xiao pointed to the increasingly bright light column in the direction of the portal, "from the analysis of the fluctuation index, the portal will not open for more than five hours. If we can't cut off the supply and destroy the portal within five hours, it's too late!"

"It's not too late!" Dong Jianwu roared, "get ready immediately!"

Professor daven turned and left, and other scientists followed, "I need a laboratory..."

Lin Xiaochao said to Xiaoling, "there are all kinds of laboratories on the strong cloud. You can help them arrange it!"

"Yes, Captain!" Xiaoling turned around and quickly went away. "Come with me. There is a super laboratory. I don't know whether you like it or not!"

Xiao Ling's brisk voice surprised everyone.

When is artificial intelligence so humanized?

When a group of scientists came to the so-called super laboratory, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

Although the instruments have been covered with dust, the rows of equipment they have never seen before still make their hearts beat.

"Is this technology far beyond earth civilization?"

"Well, it won't work."

"It's incredible..."

"With these equipment, it's not a problem to finish it in five hours!"

"Let's start!"


The legions of various countries did not disperse. They were distributed dozens of kilometers around the space gate, waiting quietly for orders.

This is a moment related to the life and death of the earth. If the portal is opened, I don't know what serious crisis it will bring.

After completing the magnetic barrier, you have to destroy the portal in just a few seconds.

Lin Xiao didn't know whether he could succeed, because he didn't know the material of the portal and its own energy composition.

If nuclear guns are used, even if the surrounding areas are abandoned, they will be shrouded in nuclear radiation for decades.

But for the safety of the whole earth, Lin Xiao still had to prepare for the worst.

"Prepare a certain amount of nuclear gun head for a rainy day!" Lin Xiao ordered.

The Legion moves.

A large number of chariots came at full speed.

The fighter hovered at high altitude, ready to launch missiles.

Six small nuclear gun heads were also placed near the portal and would be mercilessly detonated if necessary.

Phoenix battleship.

Military division sin and others stood on the command platform, looked through the transparent porthole and looked at the ant like crowd on the ground.

"Sin! What the hell are you doing?" Special envoy Lei Yun looked very angry. "Do you want us to be trapped on the ship? Are you ashamed? How can we stand on the black evil star when it comes out?"

"What do you want?" The military master glanced at him, "do you work hard with the earth people?"

"With our combat power, it's nothing to sweep the earth. When will the Dragon bow to the mole ants?" Special envoy Lei Yun shouted, "do you want to betray the black evil star?"

"Hum!" The master said coldly, "if we sweep the earth at all costs, it's natural, but we also have to pay a heavy price! Moreover, Lin Xiao's combat power is incredible. If he wants to kill us, we won't return to the Phoenix warship?"

Special envoy Lei Yun frowned.

"If at that time, we are lost dogs in the eyes of people on earth, then their momentum will be even higher!"

"Do you think, with the same result, we choose to retreat now or be beaten to retreat like a mouse?"

Special envoy Lei Yun looked at the ground, "shit! These mole ants can force us into such a situation. When the black evil star army comes, we will kill them all!"

"Wait quietly." The master sneered, "maybe the earth will be unlucky without our army."

"Oh? You mean after the portal opens?"

"Of course!" The military Master said faintly, "do you know where I set the coordinates of the portal?"

Lei Yun, the special envoy, shook his head. "I'm not the roundworm in your stomach. How do I know? Don't sell off. I'd better say it quickly."

The military master smiled meaningfully, "don't you know when the portal opens?"

Special envoy Lei Yun was slightly stunned and shouted angrily, "I hate your mysterious appearance!"

"If you don't like it, you can't watch it!" The military master smiled.

"You didn't hold your fart in your stomach! Let me guess where the coordinates will be." The special envoy Lei Yun pinched his chin on the ground.


"According to your urine nature, it will certainly not be located in a cruel place. In that case, the earth will be torn up by those aliens in an instant, which is not good for us. And the node of this portal cannot be set too far, so I guess..."

Special envoy Lei Yun's eyes brightened, "I know!"

The master turned his eyes in a rare way, "the reaction is really slow..."

"Shit!" The special envoy Lei Yun was angry and smiled, "sure enough, it's there? You really..."

The two chatted easily without the seriousness of the Legion commander who had just died.

It seems that the loss of Ye has nothing to do with them.

Qiangyun super lab.

Dozens of scientists divide their work and work together. The calculation formula on the screen is being simplified step by step, which means that the electromagnetic barrier is being improved.

No one knows whether this method is feasible or not, but now it is also doing its best to listen to fate. Everyone held their breath and hoped for great success.

"Come on, turn on the timer!"

"Who, is the backup power ready?"

"I said, why are you so slow? How can I give you time to linger?"

"Such a thin cable can't bear it at all. Change it quickly!"

A group of scientific grandfathers who are dozens of years older now seem to have beaten chicken blood and their faces are red.

the outer space.

Although the wreckage of the spacecraft has been broken, some energy signals will flash from time to time, and the pen will fly straight to the earth at a faster and faster speed.

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