Everyone is waiting for the successful development of the electromagnetic barrier, and then block the portal energy and completely close the portal.

Although the official blocked the news to the people, the nine light pillars of the portal lead to the sky, which can be seen clearly by everyone around the world.

Let alone some good people keep shooting these wonders of heaven and earth and then posting them online.

The news made people panic, as if the end of the world was coming.

Song Yuanyang of Kyoto Martial Arts League returned to the association with many martial artists and immediately recruited several families.

In addition to 10000 families, other families sent representatives to the scene.

Zhong wanjian learned that Wanquan withdrew from the alliance. Naturally, he didn't care about what happened at the alliance meeting at that time, and came to the meeting with some materials.

"Although Lin Xiao won a great victory and the earth won a great victory, what is now before us may be a more serious crisis!"

Everyone whispered among themselves. They were also very worried about the portal.

Song Yuanyang glanced at Er Dongqing, "Mr. Er, there's something I want to ask!"

Er Dong's green eyebrows picked, "if President song has anything, just ask!"

Er Dongqing seemed to know what song Yuanyang wanted to ask and showed an attitude of knowing everything and saying everything.

Maybe Xiaosu said something to ER Dongqing to make him ready.

According to Lin Xiao's instructions, song Yuanyang asked bluntly, "Mr. Er, now our alliance is facing a serious crisis. Any flaw may lead to failure, so you must find out about your identity!"

"I know what you're asking." Er Dongqing said in a deep voice, "yes! I am indeed a gene warrior! I almost died in the war ten years ago. If I hadn't participated in the gene experiment, I wouldn't live today!"

"Oh?" Song Yuanyang couldn't ask, "you..."

"I know what else you want to ask. Do you want to ask me if I have anything to do with Wanquan, right?"

The crowd looked at Er Dongqing and a look of vigilance flashed in their eyes.

Zhong wanjian, in particular, was even ready to let "Mie" do it.

"Don't be nervous!" Er Dongqing looked around and smiled, "in this world, Wanquan is not the only one doing genetic experiments, and he and I do not belong to the same camp!"

"Mr. Moore." Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "I think you should explain the matter. General Lin has given orders. If you don't get a satisfactory reply, today..."


Outside the door came the sound of clothes breaking empty.

Dozens of latent great masters and experts all appeared and were ready to start at any time.

"Ha ha," Er Dongqing smiled helplessly, "if Lord runner Wang's consciousness is still there, he will tell you himself. This is his secret with someone. As for who the other party is, I really don't know!"

"Hum!" Lin Yuanyang snorted coldly, "in addition to Wanquan, who else has such great power and energy to have a gene laboratory?"

"Heaven and earth courtyard!" Er Dongqing said in a deep voice, "that's all I know!"

"Heaven and earth court?" Lin Yuanyang was slightly stunned. "You mean the faction of the great master?"

"Probably." Er Dongqing said faintly, "I don't know whether it's the orthodox heaven and earth academy faction or the great venerable faction. It's no use asking again!"

"Mr. Moore." Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "since you don't want to say more, I can't help it. Now the situation is urgent, I can only make some extraordinary measures."

Wow, wow

More than a dozen great masters broke into the room and besieged Erdong qingtuan.

"Mr. Moore!" Lin Yuan raised himself and said, "we should prepare for the worst. If the portal cannot be destroyed, it will usher in an incredible enemy. Therefore, we must unite internally and nip any abnormalities in the bud!"

"Tie Mr. Moore up!" Lin Yuanyang uses the gentlest words and does the strongest things.

Er Dongqing is now at the helm of one of the four major families in Kyoto. He has countless experts under his command, and the family forces have developed very rapidly.

At this time, Lin Yuanyang caught Er Dongqing, didn't he make the situation more unpredictable?

But soon Er Dongqing knew what would happen next.

"Special operations team, do it now!"

With Lin Yuanyang's order, Kyoto immediately fell into chaos.

Hundreds of great masters, thousands of members of the martial arts association and members of the official Army have directly controlled all industries and personnel of your family, and their actions are outrageous.

Lin Yuanyang has been prepared for this. He came back this time to deal with ER Dongqing.

The ER family has developed so fast that it has become the first of the four families in Kyoto. In case of trouble in the rear, the consequences are unimaginable.


Although Er Dongqing is strong, he can't turn over the waves in the face of more than ten experts at the same level.

"Hum! Is this Lin Xiao's order?" Er Dongqing angrily said, "I want to see Xiaosu!"

"Sorry!" Lin Yuanyang said coldly, "you can't see anyone until things are clear!"

"Take it away!"

"Lin Yuanyang! You old man! What I said is very clear. Can't you tell whether it's an enemy or a friend? If I were with Wanquan and had slipped away with him, would I still stay here and wait for you?"

Nangong Zongzhe smiled, "President Lin, can't you make a mistake? Although Er Dongqing is secretive, it's time to hire people. I'm afraid controlling the whole Er family will cause chaos!"

"This is general Lin's order!" Lin Yuanyang glanced at Nangong Zongzhe, "if you have any questions, just ask him!"

"Cough..." today's Nangong Zongzhe dared to touch Lin Xiao's mildew again and said with a dry smile, "I just ask!"

"Mr. Zhong." Lin Yuanyang looked at Zhong wanjian again. "Mr. Lin, there's another thing I want to talk to you alone. Please move to the back hall!"

"Good!" Zhong wanjian got up slowly and walked to the back hall with Lin Yuanyang.

Nangong Zongzhe frowned and his eyes became slightly cold.

When he came to the back hall, Lin Yuanyang took out a USB flash disk, "Mr. Zhong! General Lin asked me to give this to you. This is some information about gene experiment."

"Oh?" Zhong wanjian was stunned. "Why did you give it to me?"

"Ha ha," said Lin Yuanyang with a smile, "general Lin knows that you have a group of experts who are proficient in intelligence collection. These materials are for you to find out who is behind Er Dongqing as soon as possible."

"Has Lin Xiao mastered anything?" Zhong wanjian found that Lin Xiao is becoming more and more capable, and he can no longer see through him.

"What Er Dongqing said is basically the same as what Mr. Lin guessed! In addition to Wanquan, there is another force to study gene experiment. In fact, duanmuyi, the saint of the heaven and Earth Institute, is another force!"

"Medicine fairy Duanmu Yi?" Zhong wanjian was stunned. "The elder who was once one of the four martial gods in China?"

"Good!" Lin Yuanyang nodded slowly. "General Lin told me that duanmuyi definitely has an unimaginable plan! Moreover, it has something to do with the portal! In case the portal cannot be destroyed, duanmuyi may become the source of trouble!"

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