"So serious?" Zhong wanjian was directly stunned.

Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "maybe it's more serious than you think!"

"What do you say?"

Lin Yuanyang got a lot of information from Lin Xiao. He knew some secret things. He picked up the USB flash disk again. "You can see it by looking at the data in the USB flash disk!"

"Good!" Zhong wanjian held the USB flash disk in his hand, walked to the computer for the first time and quickly inserted it.

The data in the USB flash disk is related to the nano robot, including the detailed data of No. 1 nano robot.

"Where did Lin Xiao get these things?" Zhong wanjian was very surprised. If these materials really exist, they must be top secret.

It is unimaginable that Lin Xiao can get such top secret information.

"I don't know the specific situation, but the data are absolutely true, and these sample data come from duanmuyi!"

"What does Duanmu want to do?" Zhong wanjian frowned. "If it is really as shown in the USB flash disk data, the existence of a generation of nano robots will be a disaster."

"Yes, these nano robots can not only exist alone, but also continuously evolve and develop people and even some living species as hosts!"

Zhong wanjian nodded, "and it is infinite and perfect evolution. When it reaches the apex of life, it will be the most terrible existence."

"So general Lin asked Mr. Zhong to mobilize the elite force of the Security Bureau to thoroughly find out the details of duanmuyi and be prepared!"

"Good!" Zhong wanjian put away the USB flash disk in a precious and important place and said in a deep voice, "I'll start to check it right away!"

"Yes!" Lin Yuanyang nodded slightly, "that's Mr. Lao Zhong."


There was a lot of footsteps outside the door.

Lin Yuanyang looked out and said quickly, "I have something urgent. Let's go first."

"I'll go back and prepare right away!"

They walked out of the inner hall and found that Nangong Zongzhe had left. They didn't care and went out of the door together.

Outside the door, a group of warriors lined up in neat two teams, each with weapons in their hands and wearing the armor of the black evil army, looking like going on a long journey to fight.

"President Lin, are you..." Zhong wanjian asked suspiciously.


At the same time, more than a dozen helicopters were roaring in the distance.

Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "I have organized an elite team to go to heaven and Earth City. It is said that strange things have happened there. General Lin is not at ease. Let me have a look!"

"You mean the roar of animals in heaven and Earth City?"

It has long been said that there was a terrible animal roar in heaven and Earth City.

Of course, Zhong wanjian's intelligence organization got the news at the first time. He also analyzed the matter and finally attributed it to nonsense.

Even if there are wild animals, there are only a few tigers and lions. Maybe someone deliberately makes some strange things to confuse the public.

But looking at Lin Yuanyang, it seems that it's not the same thing.

Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "general Lin personally told me to pay special attention to this matter. He said never be careless!"

Zhong wanjian smiled and said half jokingly and half seriously, "when did Lin Xiao become so careful? He is now the first expert on the earth and is scared by only a few wild animals."

Lin Yuanyang wanted to stop talking. "OK, don't say more. I'll go first!"

"OK! I'll let you know as soon as I have news about duanmuyi."

"Good!" Lin Yuanyang quickly left, got on the helicopter with his hands, and then rushed to the West.

At this time, the nine light columns in the sky are more dazzling, and it seems that the time for the portal to open is getting closer and closer.

"Let's go too!" Zhong wanjian hurried and turned away.

A few hours later, good news finally came from the laboratory of Qiangyun.

The magnetic barrier has been successfully developed.

With the help of those sophisticated experimental instruments, the speed and process of development were very smooth, and the development was completed in just a few hours.

The next step is to push the equipment into space with the help of rocket thrusters, and then implement a short space blockade.

Lin Xiao was overjoyed. As long as the time was ahead, the opportunities increased greatly.

The launch platform of Qiangyun and the rocket thruster have been ready. Although the electromagnetic barrier is only a small box, its auxiliary equipment has six boxes.

"General Lin, you can launch at any time!" The professor said happily, "I didn't expect it to be so smooth. It seems that even God is helping us!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao patted Professor Da Wen on the shoulder, "Professor, it's hard!"

"What's the hard work? This is what we should do. Just don't know if the explosives are ready?" Professor daven asked anxiously, "there is only about five seconds. It must be accurate blasting and effective!"

"We have done our best."

The elite blasting team set up by Dong Jianwu personally with the efforts of various countries is being arranged near the portal and will be on standby in a few minutes.

"Great!" Professor daven breathed a sigh of relief. "In an hour, the electronic barrier will enter the orbital position!"

Lin Xiao looked at the time, "take your place!"

The rocket launch went well.

When the rocket went into the air, the spectacular scene excited everyone's heart.

The light of the nine light columns next to the portal is becoming more and more dazzling.


Suddenly, there was a tremor in the sky.

As soon as the rocket broke through the atmosphere, it was destroyed by a sudden fireball.


The huge firelight turned into a bigger fireball and rushed towards the ground.

"What happened?"

Everyone was surprised.

The shock wave even affected the strong cloud. The strong wind roared and made everyone stagger.

When Lin Xiao Dingqing looked, he found that what was wrapped in the fireball was a huge warship about the size of Qiangyun.

However, the warship is already broken, leaving only about one-third of the head in good condition, and only empty shelves in other places.

Lin Xiao was shocked and immediately shouted, "everyone be careful and get ready for battle!"

The ground troops, including the soldiers on the strong cloud, took action immediately.

One chariot aimed its muzzle at the sky.

A fighter plane madly pushed high into the sky, and all the weapon systems were activated and on standby.

The big fireball is incomparably bright and stimulates everyone's eyes.

Soon, the big fireball rushed out of the atmosphere and hit the ground at a speed of tens of kilometers per second.

With such a large mass, impacting the ground will cause devastating damage. It's not too much to break the earth.


"If such a big mass hits the earth, we're afraid we'll be finished!"

The sudden change made everyone change his face.

The matter of the portal has not been solved, and foreign objects appear in the sky, and they rush to face with the threat of destruction.

"Well, is it really God who wants to kill my earth?" Professor daven looked pale.

Scientists from all over the world standing on the launch platform were desperate to see this.

"The earth is really over!"

"The earth didn't die in the hands of the black evil star, but it was destroyed by the natural disaster?"

"Damn it!"



The ground soldiers looked desperate. Many people were extremely angry. They all raised their guns. Whether they were useful or useless, they fought their lives to fire at the big fireball.

Dada dada

"Shall I go to you?"

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